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我国42所大学上榜500强 42 university in China top 500 list


目前尚无一所中国大学跻身世界百强,7所进入前200名 At present there is no a Chinese university ranks among the world's top,7 in the top 200


This morning,Shanghai jiaotong university world first-class university research center online released in 2012“The world university academic rankings”。In the first 500 in research universities,China has 42 college interrelations list,The mainland 28、Taiwan and、Hong Kong area 5。This is also the whole of China“The world's top 500”University number more than Britain for the first time,Row of the world's second。But at present there is no a Chinese university ranks among the world's top,tsinghua、north、big、Hong Kong 7 universities in the top 200。


Ranking results show that,The United States there are 53 university ranked the top,Among them the first in the world to Harvard University,Stanford university and the Massachusetts institute of technology parse the second、three,Yale university is off out of the top 10;British the nine university among top,The Cambridge、Oxford University were ranked in 5th and the 10th name。The European mainland,The highest ranked is Zurich, Switzerland, the federal institute of technology(23rd place)And Paris, France big 11 to learn(Name 37);Asia in the university,Best is Japan Tokyo university(Name 20)And Kyoto university(26 name)。


This year in mainland China“500 strong”University more than last year, 5,The top of tsinghua、north、Shanghai jiaotong university、Zhejiang university、fudan、ZhongKeDa、Ntu, etc。At the same time issued“The world university ranking subjects”in,Peking University physical、chemical、Computer three subjects in the top,The physical is our country the only listed in the top university discipline;tsinghua、Zhejiang university at the same time have chemistry and computer subject ranked among the top。In addition,ntu、Fudan jida and named the top chemical subject;Shanghai jiaotong university and the northeast college of computer science at the top。But in mathematics、Economics and business two subjects,In mainland China this year without a college is listed as one of the top。

  “世界大学学术排名”以国际可比、来源透明的科研成果和学术表现作为主要指标,采用可以重复验证的第三方数据进行排名,包括获诺贝尔奖、菲尔兹奖校友及教师数、各学科领域被引用次数最高的科学家数、在《自然》和《科学》杂志上发表的论文数等。(记者 徐瑞哲)

“The world university academic rankings”International comparable、Source transparent achievements in scientific research and academic performance as the main index,Use can be repeated verification third party data rankings,Including has won the Nobel Prize、Phil this award alumni and teachers number、Interdisciplinary fields cited times the highest number of scientists、in《natural》and《science》The journal papers, etc。(Reporter XuRuiZhe)


两岸三地大学的世界排名区间(不分先后) University of interrelations in the world ranking interval(Regardless of has)


One of the world's top ten university


1 Harvard University


2 Stanford university


3 the Massachusetts institute of technology


The university of California, Berkeley - 4


5 Cambridge university


6 at the California institute of technology


7 Princeton university


8 Columbia University


And the university of Chicago


10 Oxford University


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