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殷红博:素质教育 身体素质应该是第一目标--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  培养阳光健康孩子是父母、教师及整个社会共同的心愿。那么,如何抓住孩子发展关键期?如何在关键期开展科学系统的教育?3-6岁儿童应该开发哪些能力?面对巨大的升学压力孩子及家长如何摆正心态?新学期里孩子需要掌握什么?8月9日,著名儿童心理与教育专家、儿童关键期教育创始人殷红博做客《搜狐教育会客厅》就"如何培养阳光健康的孩子"话题进行探讨。以下为访谈实录: Cultivate sunshine healthy children are their parents、The teacher and the whole society's common wish。so,How to seize the child develop critical period?How to carry out science in critical period of the system education?3 to 6 years old children should develop what ability?In the face of the huge pressures upon their schoolwork children and parents how to adjust state of mind?The new semester children need master???????On August 9,,The famous children's psychology and education experts、Children's critical period education founder blackish red bo guest《Sohu education saloon》it"How to cultivate the sunshine healthy children"Topic discussed。The following is a interview memoir:


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您研究儿童关键期体能教育创造了一系列体能课程,并提出中国的素质教育第一核心任务应该是身体素质的教育。也跟我们今天访谈的主题,如何培养阳光健康的孩子,有一个很大的契合,在这方面请您具体谈一谈。

You study of children's critical period physical education to create a series of physical course,And put forward the quality education the first core task should be the body quality education。Also today the theme of the interview with us,How to cultivate the sunshine healthy children,There is a great fit,In this respect please talk to your specific。


殷红博(著名儿童心理与教育专家、儿童关键期教育创始人): Blackish red bo(The famous children's psychology and education experts、Children's critical period education founder):阳光代表着心理的健康,心理健康和身体健康是结合在一起的,阳光健康的孩子就是身心健康的孩子。这是目前国际上最主要的一个孩子培养的主题和方向。要培养一个阳光健康的孩子,最主要的就是身体健康,我刚才谈到的,孩子的身体健康决定了心理健康,这点跟成人是不一样的,我们说成人是百病由心生,心理素质不好,心理不健康的成人往往带来很多的病,孩子是正相反的,身体决定心理,一个孩子身体不好,就会逃避,就会自卑,就会懒惰,就会产生一种孤僻,甚至一种自虐。他的心理就会造成一种非常不好的阴影或者是负面,总之消极的因素比较多,从而影响孩子的一生。

The sun represents the psychological health,Mental health and physical health is together,Sunshine healthy children is physical and mental health of children。This is at present the international major a child culture theme and direction。To develop a sunshine healthy children,The main body is healthy,I just talked about,The child's health decided to mental health,This is not the same with adults,We say that adults are basic the mind,Psychological quality is bad,Psychological not healthy adults often brings a lot of disease,The child is on the contrary,Body decided to psychological,A child in poor health,Will escape,Will be humbled,Will be lazy,It would produce a withdrawn,Even a from the nue。His psychological can cause a very bad shadow or negative,In short negative factors more,So as to affect a child's life。


So we cultivate sunshine healthy children,First of all to develop children's body,Let children love sports,Participate in all kinds of suitable for his movement,Movement of his passion will be stir up,His confidence,His cooperation,His trust will be driven up,So cultivate sunshine healthy children,The first is to develop the child interest in sport,Exercise habits,Love sports,Healthy psychology will therefore produces good training base。
