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小升初烽火渐起 先过“暗语”关--亲稳网络舆情监测室(2)

# p# subtitle # e#


 三、其它 three、other

  LZ 楼主

LZ the

  XSC 小升初

XSC another

  DC 东城

DC east side

  HD 海淀

HD haidian

  XC 西城

XC wl

  MD 密电(即点招的电话)

MD secret message(That point recruit telephone)

  DZ 点招

DZ point for

  QY 签约

QY signing

  TY 推优

TY directing

  ZF 政府

ZF government

  JW 教委

JW education commission

  NH 牛孩

NH cattle child

  NX 牛校

NX cow school

  LLL RDF校长刘姥姥

The principal LiuLaoLao LLL RDF

  蒙牛 学而思杯综合排名前200~300

Hoodwinks the cow to learn and think cup comprehensive top 200 ~ 300

  普牛 500~1500名

General cattle 500 ~ 1500

  澳牛 奥数牛孩

Australia cattle aoshu cattle child

  英牛 英语牛孩

British cattle cattle children English

  澳英混血牛 澳牛+英牛

Australian British half-blood cattle Macao cow + British cattle

  五好学生 三好学生+奥数好+英语好

Students have achieved, studious, and helpful student + aoshu good + a good knowledge of English

  四、部分常用术语 four、Part of the commonly used nomenclatures

  过江/上岸/成功渡江/拿到船票/天亮 已经被点招

River-crossing/go ashore/successful crossing/get tickets/morning has been point recruit

  签约 被点招后与学校达成的录取意向

After signing be point gather with schools to achieve admission intention

  占坑 参加指向心仪学校的培训部或机构的培训班

To the right of pit to school training department or institution training

  腾坑 被一所或多所心仪的学校点招后,放弃其他占坑,等于为别的孩子腾出了坑位

Those who pit is one or more by the right school point after gather,Give up other accounts for pit,For other children is equal to make a hole position

  密电 学校表明录取意向的电话通知

Secret message school admitted that the intent of phone call

  放鸽子 被某所学校点招,但最终没有去

Put the dove is a school point recruit,But in the end did not go

  坑友 占了同一个坑的学生和家长

A pit of the same pit of the students and parents

  聊天 /干群见面会/部队首长约见 面试

Chat/cadres meeting/army chief interview appointment

  下订单 /入伍通知 点招

Orders/enrollment notice point recruit

  活动 /演习 / 诊断 考试选拔学生

The activity/exercise/diagnosis examinations students

  预备役 坑班成员

Reserve pit class members

  军队首长/部队首长 重点中学的招生负责人,一般是校长

The army chief/army chief key middle school admissions officers,The general is the headmaster

  撞车 两所或多所心仪学校同时考试

Crash two or more by the school at the same time the right test

  增值服务 机构组织的、针对某个重点中学或普通中学而进行的考试、面试或推荐活动

Value-added service organization、For a key middle school or ordinary middle school and exams、Interview or recommended activities

  收院治疗 被录取

The hospital treatment be accepted
