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A set of changji freshmen holds the heavy luggage waiting in xinjiang industrial economic school(Xinjiang economic and trade technical school)The door。
Because the union school contract is unilateral suspended,137 the new report up outside the school gate。“Etc for five hours,The children were still back to the original school。”27,Urumqi sandy education training center every day(Hereinafter referred to as the training every day)Teacher lu change ring told reporters,They and xinjiang industrial economic school(Xinjiang economic and trade technical school)Joint running,And rented the school located in hangzhou tung street no. 518 of all school buildings。On August 26, when xu 17 10 points,They recruit of 137 students came to the school,But stuck at the door,Even in the school to meet their teachers also won't come out。finally,They first will arrange students to elsewhere。
27 when 12,Reporters came to hangzhou tung street no. 518,School gate lock,The left off to a wicket。A security says to the reporter:“If you are to go to school,go,Here there is no school,The private school has been long away。”
When that journalists and is not a student,And already contacted after school,Security to release。
In the main building the first floor in the admissions office,More than 20 everyday training staff are discussing one afternoon before the students admitted to the matter。Admission office staff Chiang now front told reporters,They and xinjiang industrial economic school(Xinjiang economic and trade technical school)Joint running,Also and changji set of joint ventures,A set of new changji first on one side training a year,Back to set changji learning。“Yesterday, the 137 students are a set of changji,Now these children have been sent back to the colleage in1992.and changji。”
Every day training administrative assistant g gem said:“We last year and xinjiang industrial economic school(Xinjiang economic and trade technical school)Sign a contract of joint ventures,Now they want to unilaterally terminate the contract。”G said the world out of a contract,The reporter sees,Writing on the contract,Party a:Xinjiang industrial economic school(Xinjiang economic and trade technical school)And party b:Urumqi sandy education training center joint running every day。Party a shall provide to party b school buildings、Teachers teaching resources, etc,And every year to party a party b pay 2.8 million yuan fee。The union school time is August 31, 2011 on August 31, 2017。“We are now is mainly in xinjiang industrial economic school(Xinjiang economic and trade technical school)Running in the name of the,We are in charge of recruit students and students' daily management work,And they are responsible for provide us with education resources。”G gem said。
“yesterday,Our employees early to clean the good school、dormitory,Waiting for a set changji this batch of students come over,However, security but has locked the door。”Responsible for administration work of lu change ring said,His in the afternoon has been and security diplomacy,“When security guards said urumqi has definitely prescribes secondary school will be postponed to September 6 opening,But after the school has not inform us”。
Chiang now front told reporters,When in June,The school had informed they recruit students limits,“This year we will set a 500 new index。Didn't expect students to do not let into。On September 6,,There are more than 100 students to come,We all don't know how to settle”。
For this,The reporter interviewed the xinjiang industrial economic school(Xinjiang economic and trade technical school)A school's leadership vomit flood。He said,Don't open the school gate every day because training privately enrolling students,“Since May 22, autonomous regions education department banned degree education of public school and non-academic education school of run by the local people after the union school,We have been training every day and consultation to terminate the contract。June 28, we give every day training issued documents to terminate the contract。Although we both parties have signed the contract,But we can't policy violations。and,Urumqi education bureau have file,Let the urumqi secondary schools have postponed to September 6 opening,Let the students live in,School logistics service are not,137 students what to eat,What to drink?We will be afraid when opened the door,Let the students came in at that time half while can't go out not trouble”。
Spit's flood also said,At present,The school has been through the lawyer to know,Every day in training as early as the end of October last year has been in the sand area bureau of the cancellation of the license,“All this we all don't know,They are now still in the fundamental is illegal,We the school will according to legal procedures and everyday training center drawn”。
The headmaster of everyday training XuJiTong told reporters,They do the cancellation of the license,But this is to do a degree of qualification of the license,“Our training center has been done five or six years,The effect has been very good,We will think of a way to do not let the child disappointment。”XuJiTong said,He from 26 afternoon has been run in to solve it。
27 when 19,Reporter toss linked to set the headmaster Yang changji,Yang said the principal,Changji in colleage in1992.and did not know each other is a xinjiang industrial economic school(Xinjiang economic and trade technical school)Nominal private training center。In addition,The headmaster Yang told reporters,137 students have been in colleage in1992.and changji normal learning。
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