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来源:教育部门户网站 source:The ministry of education web portal


To improve the countryside student nutritional status,Improve the countryside student health level,To speed up the rural education development,Promote education fair,After the state council has approved the,Issued by the general office of the state council the《Concerning the implementation of rural compulsory education students nutrition improvement opinion》,A decision from the 2011 fall semester started,In concentrated special difficult areas implementation of rural compulsory education students nutrition improvement plan,The central government set up a special fund security nutrition improvement plan implementation。In order to regulate the management and use of special funds,The ministry of finance and ministry of education established《Rural compulsory education school students nutrition improvement plan interim measures for the administration of the special funds》,The reporter interviewed national student nutrition do concerned person in charge。


问:为什么要制定专项资金管理办法? ask:Why should formulate special funds management method?


a:Implementing nutrition improvement plan,Without financial support。The capital,Must manage、Make good use of。To manage、Make good use of money,Cannot leave the system specification。so-called“No rules,No fangyuan”。Nutrition improvement plan into big、Wide coverage、Involves links、complex、Safety risk high,Don't strengthen the standardized management,Very easy to a problem。For the purpose of regulating the capital management and use,To ensure that capital is safe and effective,Let the central government special fund every penny can“Eat to their kids”,Effectively improve pilot areas of rural compulsory education students' dietary nutrition,Formulate measures for the management of special funds,And perfect the management system,Is very necessary。


问:办法的主要内容是什么? ask:Way to what is main content?


a:Measures strictly follow《The general office of the state council concerning the implementation of rural compulsory education students nutrition improvement opinion》spirit,Attention and《Rural compulsory education students nutrition improve the detailed rules for the implementation of the plan》And other related system maintain cohesion,Focus on nutrition improvement plan the central government special fund arrangement、allocated、Management and supervision and standardize, etc,Chapter 6 a total of 28。The main contents include:One is to define the scope of special funds。Measures of the said special funds,Refers to the central government for the implementation of nutrition improvement plan state pilot work and arrange for students nutrition meal allowance funds。2 it is clear the special funds usage。Special funds to full used to provide students with nutritional meals,Aid the students' meal。Three is to standardize the allocated special funds program。Special funds into the Treasury management,Implement FenZhang accounting,Centralized payment。The central government every year two points ahead of funds will be allocated to the provinces。The provinces in central received prior notice line and budget documents 25 days under budget decomposition to financial departments at or above the county level。Four is to emphasize the special funds management and supervision。Special funds management and use should follow“Special fund is special、transparent、Timely settlement、Annual balance”principle,To ensure the safety of using the capital、Standard and effective。In the nutrition improvement plan implementation,Departments at all levels for finance、Education department,And the school and other related units,According to their respective duties,Classification management,Strengthen the supervision and。


问:与营养改善计划相关的资金有哪些? ask:And nutrition improvement plan related what funds?


a:Implementing nutrition improvement plan is a system engineering,Not only need nutrition diet subsidy funds,And around the nutrition improvement plan required to complete repast conditions、Management and service have need financial support。As the main provide nutrition meal allowance of special funds,Nutrition improvement plan is an important part of capital demand,But not all。And implement nutrition improvement plan related working support fund and its sources are mainly:One is the national nutrition improvement plan pilot region for nutrition diet subsidy funds,The central financial commitment,The current standard is:3 yuan per person a day,According to the student in the school 200 days meter。The second is to encourage local combined with the actual local carry out nutrition improvement plan pilot,The central government according to pilot a circumstance to give JiangLiXing subsidy funds。Three is to continue to implement the rural compulsory education family economic difficulties boarder fee subsidy policy,The central government shall be separately arrange capital。The fourth is the central finance in rural compulsory education weak school reform plan arrange for special funds to support national pilot areas of rural schools improve repast conditions or equipped with necessary catering facilities。Five is the local finance will be the coordination of rural compulsory education school reconstruction and parts of the Midwest the countryside junior middle school school improvement project, and other related funds,Student canteen will(kitchen)As an important content of the construction,And bear for meal for increased operating costs、The school dining room hire personnel expenses and other fees。The sixth is the dining room(kitchen)water、electric、coal、Gas and so on daily operation funds into the school public funds expenditure。In addition,The nutrition and improve the working needs joint efforts of the whole society to participate in,Encourage unit and individual donation to donate money to carry out nutrition improvement,And the prescribed enjoy preferential tax。


问:纳入营养改善计划后,原来享受寄宿生生活费补助的学生,还能继续享受吗? ask:Into the nutrition after improvement plan,The original enjoy boarder living expenses subsidized student,Still can continue to enjoy?


a:As mentioned,In developing nutrition improvement plan national pilot area,Continue to carry out rural compulsory education family economic difficulties boarder fee subsidy policy,And according to the economic and social development level and the actual financial resources,The scope and standards of subsidies for dynamic adjustment。From the 2011 fall semester up,Subsidy standard has reached every pupil 4 yuan、Junior high school student 5 yuan。


Need to say that two:One is实施营养改善计划,是做“加法”,而不是做“减法”,不得用营养改善补助专项资金抵减家庭经济困难寄宿生生活费补助资金, Implementing nutrition improvement plan,do“addition”,Instead of doing“subtraction”,Shall not use the nutrition improve special fund subsidies to reduce family economic difficulties boarder living subsidy funds,因此,部分原来享受生活补助的学生,纳入营养改善计划后,仅中央财政给予的补助将达到小学生每天7元、初中生每天8元的标准。二是目前享受营养改善膳食补助的学生,是纳入国家试点的集中连片困难地区所有农村义务教育学生,而享受生活补助的学生是中西部地区农村义务教育家庭经济困难寄宿生,也就是说,享受生活补助和营养改善膳食补助的学生群体有交叉,但不重合。

therefore,Part of the original enjoy living subsidies students,Into the nutrition after improvement plan,Only the central finance gives subsidies will reach the students every day 7 yuan、Junior high school student 8 yuan every day of the standard。The second is currently enjoy nutrition improve dietary allowance of students,Is to bring into national pilot concentrated difficult areas all rural compulsory education students,And enjoy living subsidies of the students are in the Midwest rural compulsory education family economic difficulties boarder,That is,Enjoy living subsidies and nutrition improve dietary allowance student group have cross,But not coincidence。


 问:学校食堂日常运行经费和聘用人员费用能在中央财政专项资金中开支吗? ask:The school dining room daily operation funds and hire personnel costs can be in the central government in special funds expenditure?


a:营养改善计划中央财政专项资金要全额用于为学生提供等值优质的食品,不能用于为实施营养改善计划而产生的日常运行经费和聘用人员费用。 Nutrition improvement plan, the central fiscal special funds to full used to provide students with equivalent quality food,Cannot be used in for the implementation of nutrition improvement plan and produce daily operation funds and hire personnel expenses。学校食堂(伙房)的水、电、煤、气等日常运行经费可以在学校公用经费中开支;供餐增加的运营成本、学校食堂聘用人员开支等费用,应纳入地方财政预算。

The school dining room(kitchen)water、electric、coal、Gas and so on daily operation funds can be in the school public funds in spending;For meal increased operating costs、The school dining room hire personnel expenses and other fees,Should be integrated with the local public finance budget。


问:专项资金的使用有什么具体要求? ask:The use of special funds have any specific requirements?


a:专项资金应当足额用于为营养改善计划国家试点地区农村义务教育阶段学生提供等值优质的食品,不得以现金形式直接发放给学生个人和家长,不得用于补贴教职工伙食和学校公用经费支出,不得用于劳务费、宣传费、运输费等工作经费, Special funds shall be full specified amount used for nutrition improvement plan state pilot area of rural compulsory education stage provide students with equivalent quality food,Directly in cash issue to students and parents,Shall not be used for subsidies staff meals and school public funds expenditure,Shall not be used for service fee、Publicity expenses、Transport cost etc funds,坚决杜绝各种形式的克扣、截留、挤占和挪用。专项资金使用中,属于政府采购范围的,应当严格按照政府采购有关规定执行。

Resolutely put an end to all forms of embezzle part of what should be、entrapment、Occupy or misappropriate。Special funds in use,Belong to the scope of government procurement,Should be in strict accordance with the relevant provisions of the government procurement。


问:专项资金核定的依据是什么? ask:Special funds approved according to what is it?


a:The central government approved the basis of all special funds have two:One is to enjoy nutrition meal allowance of the number of students,The second is nutrition meal allowance standard。The number of students by various education management department is responsible for verification,Final statistics verification by the ministry of education;Nutrition meal allowance standard shall be determined by the state council,The current standard is every born every 3 yuan,According to the student in the school 200 day。


 问:财政部门对专项资金的监督管理有哪些具体职责? ask:Financial departments of supervision and management of special funds what specific duties?


a:As the central level of financial management department,The ministry of finance is responsible for formulating special funds such as the measures for the administration of the system,Allocate special funds allocated budget and schedule、Timely public,Supervision and inspection of the special use of funds,The management of special funds to the major issues of the organization research、Verification and processing。


Local finance department at the provincial level including、Prefecture-level and financial department at or above the county level,Respectively responsible for are suitable for the practical measures for the management of special funds etc system,Timely decomposition issued special funds and to the public,According to the financial Treasury management system for special funds to pay,In conjunction with the relevant departments and units according to the relevant regulations in carrying out the government procurement,Supervision and inspection of the special use of funds,To local fund management of major issues organization research、Verification and processing。


问:教育部门对专项资金的监督管理有哪些具体职责? ask:Education department for supervision and management of special funds what specific duties?


a:The same,As the central level education management departments,The ministry of education are responsible for directing the compiled all special fund budget,Establish and improve nutrition improvement plan system student information system,Review all over the number of the students in the summary、Fund balance situation and other basic data,Supervision inspection special funds management use,Participate in making special funds management method and relevant system。


Local education department at the provincial level including、Prefecture-level and education departments at or above the county level,Responsible for directing respectively had jurisdiction over local and school establishment special funds budget and reasonable expenses plan,To build up local nutrition meal allowance system student information system,Monitoring the number of students、Subsidy standard、As the number of benefit dynamic situation,For meals unit or Joe family meal(personal)Bidding management,Regularly publish students nutrition improvement plan total capital、School names and benefit students information such as people,Guidance urged the school set up a perfect financial management system and measures for the management of special funds。


问:针对专项资金的监督管理,学校有哪些具体职责? ask:According to the supervision and management of special funds,The school what specific duties?


a:The school as a user,Responsible for daily use of special funds supervision。Main responsibilities for:One is to formulate the measures for the administration of the use of special funds,Establish and improve the internal control system;The second is to improve the school financial、Accounting system,Equipped with special(and)Accounting personnel as,To strengthen the financial management personnel training;Third, we will improve the dining room(kitchen)Raw material purchase、Warehousing storage、According to the processing and management system,Strengthen the dining room(kitchen)accounting;The fourth is regularly publicize the nutrition improvement plan of using the capital subsidiary accounts。


问:对专项资金使用的信息公开有哪些具体要求? ask:Special funds for the use of information openness what specific requirements?


a:Implementing information public,Is to accept external supervision and social supervision,Ensure that special funds use transparent、Fair and justice and important ways。therefore,Measures to all levels of management department and school information openness are made specific requirements,Namely administrative departments at all levels have their functions corresponding information public matters。In particular,To all levels of management department information public requirement as follows:


(a)The ministry of finance is responsible for the budget and allocate special funds allocated on schedule、Timely public;Local finance department is responsible for timely decomposition issued special funds and to the public。


(two)The ministry of education is responsible for establishing perfect nutrition improvement plan system student information system;Local education department is responsible for regularly publish students nutrition improvement plan total capital、School names and benefit students information such as people。


(three)The school、For meal enterprise and Joe meal family should be published periodically funds accounts、Catering standard、Belt quantity recipes,And students information such as meal list。


Through the above information openness,Make sure that the students parents and care for nutrition improvement plan social people、Management departments and timely grasp special funds use and nutrition to improve working conditions,In order to exert all aspects of supervise and supervision function。


 问:对虚报人数而套取和冒领专项资金的管理部门和学校有什么处罚? ask:The number of false and extract and falsely claim special funds management departments and schools have what punishment?


a:The central government approved special funds around the important basis of the number of students is,and现在通过多报学生人数而套取国家资金的情况时有发生。针对这样的违规违纪行为,办法规定,在专项资金管理和使用中,有违反财经法律法规的,按照《财政违法行为处罚处分条例》有关规定处理,依法追究相关单位和个人的责任;对情节严重涉嫌犯罪的,移交司法机关处理。 Now through overstating the number of students and show the national capital, often occur。According to such illegal indiscipline,measures,In the special fund management and use,A violation of financial laws and regulations,According to the《Financial illegal behavior punishment punishment regulations》Concerned regulation processing,In accordance with the relevant units and individuals shall be investigated for responsibility;For if the circumstances are serious the suspected criminal,Handed over to judicial organs for treatment。


In particular,《Financial illegal behavior punishment punishment regulations》The provisions of article 6 of the,A state organ or any of its staff to inflate、Personally, and other means cheating the financial capital,In addition to shall be ordered to make corrections、Recover relevant financial capital、Return within a prescribed time limit, the illegal income outside,To unit a disciplinary warning or notice of criticism。The leading persons directly in charge,To give punishment;If the circumstances are relatively heavy,Give degradation or removed sanctions;If the circumstances are serious,Give fire sanctions。
