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部分高校招生“重男轻女” 放眼全球男女有别--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  中广网北京8月30日消息 据中国之声《全球华语广播网》报道,文科院校阴盛阳衰,理工科院校阳盛阴衰,男女比例不平衡是如今大多数高校共有的烦恼。最近有媒体报道,多所高校存在分性别划投档分数线的情况,而且女生分数线明显高于男生!有妇女权益公益人士因此要求教育部公开所批准的限制性别录取的高校名单。教育部日前回复,基于国家利益的考虑,少数学校的部分专业课可以适当调整男女招生比例

In the wide net Beijing on August 30, according to the China news the sound《The global Chinese radio network》reports,Liberal arts colleges and universities Yin flourishes while Yang declines,In science and engineering colleges and universities YangCheng Yin failure,Sex ratio unbalance is now the most common troubles universities。Recent media reports,Many universities exist points gender row of cast archives fractional line,And the girl fractional line is obviously higher than that of the boy!Women's rights public people so approved by the ministry of education for public limit sex of college admission list。The ministry of education has reply,Based on the national interests,A few schools part of the professional course can adjust the percentage of admission of men and women。


In many art class specialized,Men and women limit the percentage of admission is still very common。A broadcast professional WangTongXue said,In his college entrance examination that year,The girl face the competition obviously more。


WangTongXue:I was test of time also is the proportion of men to women 1:1,I remember very clearly when to take an examination,Note room basically a 30 people in the examination room is only about 2 - three boys,The percentage of female students was bigger,So for relative to the girl's competition will be much more intense point,Although this result may still 1:1,But process girls competition will be much more intense point,Maybe they could in the last admission process,They score was also asked to compare a little higher。


Say to the men and women born of unfair competition,Iran launched this month limit female education new policy is much-maligned。With 36 Iran university announced that next year there will be 77 course practice for men only open“Single gender teaching”,Ban women。


The new policy,Iran's major university will ban women learn many subjects,Including English literature、English translation、Hotel management、archaeology、Nuclear physics、Computer science、Electrical engineering、Industrial engineering and enterprise management, etc。Policy makers said,Some professional lack of market demand,Female university students graduate will face unemployment state,The New Deal to provoke to many disputes,But Iran's higher education minister card Melanie · to furnish especially insists“A single sex education curriculum”The purpose is to create“balance”,Says 90% of the professional still of boys and girls are open,For many years Iran girl learning has been better than boys,In this year of freshmen accepted the gender ratio is 2:3,Iran's domestic senior clergy was deeply worried about,Worry about female education to raise the level of could lead to the birth rate and the marriage rate decline and other social negative effects。


Our survey found,Actually artificial regulation of sex ratio in many countries in the universities are more or less existence。Such as France,Studying literature PhD degree of xu Yang is introduced,Although the majority of the French for both boys and girls“Double standard”Said don't understand,But in their admissions process,Also does not fully excuse this suspicion。


Xu Yang:French media also noticed the Chinese university in the recruitment of students on the boy adopt more favorable standard,For example, there are media reported last month a language class university in guangxi examinee admitted when the boy have to score 65 points lower than girls,The French media and net friend to this performance was very surprised,Do not believe that this is equal performance。But in France in the university also has a lot of professional exist gender imbalance situation,For example, I in the professional literature,Some schools of the proportion of men to women in the undergraduate even can reach 1:9,Get rid of such extreme professional in general science &engineering school with the boy is in the majority,Science and business school is the number of girls in have an advantage,This in France is very common phenomenon,You didn't think that what's the problem。But because the French university in recruit students not only see students' test scores,There are a series of materials to other considerations,Includes resume、Motivated and so on,So the teacher's subjective factors is very big,Do not eliminate some school some professional will exist human balance the proportion of men and women situation,A friend told me that,A school of accounting professional master's in the meeting when recruit students tend to boys,The requirements of the girl, some relative harsh。


No matter boy or girl,Should all shall enjoy equal education opportunity by,But in many countries,College recruit students“Boys and girls”Phenomenon is widespread。But in America's eyes,This kind of situation is unthinkable。Stay in the MaXiaoJie students:


MaXiaoJie:I now the school gender ratio is 1:7,But the principal if the proportion of men to women because school sent a lot of,And then want to especially to recruit a lot of boys,In the United States this does not allow the existence。In 1972 the United States in order to keep the competition between men and women balance,Special issued a regulation,Never to the men and women to restrict the recruitment of students scale is the first,Even strictly to for example a school men's basketball team have a school bus,The same women's basketball or football team must have the same school bus,A law that presented out,Inside the school in every case to do any things need to be considered to fairness,If you don't consider equality between men and women is possible the school running qualification will be revoked。
