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教育部发布2011年统计公报 入园机会大幅提高--亲稳舆论引导监测室(2)

# p# subtitle # e#


 成人培训与扫盲教育 Adult training and literacy education


The national accept all kinds of non-academic higher education students 4.0514 million people,The certificate has 6.7718 million people;Accept all kinds of non-academic secondary education students up to 54.3308 million people,The certificate has 58.425 million people。


The national vocational training institutions to 129500,A year-on-year increase of 83;Staff 521800 people;298300 people full-time teachers。


Adult elementary school 10400,Reduce more than the previous year 00600;Graduates of 971600 people,More than 08800 people last year to reduce;A student 930300 people,A year-on-year increase of 64500 people。Staff 16000 people,A year-on-year increase of 00600 people;10500 people full-time teachers,A year-on-year increase of 01300 people。


A total of 818200 people across the country to eliminate illiteracy,More than 84400 people last year to reduce;Another 748900 people are learning to eliminate illiteracy,More than 331900 people last year to reduce。Literacy education staff 49500 people,More than 00800 people last year to reduce;23200 people full-time teachers,A year-on-year increase of 03800 people。


民办教育 Education run by the local people


There are all kinds of school of run by the local people at all levels across the country(Education institutions)130800,A year-on-year increase of 12600;Recruit students 14.0088 million people,A year-on-year increase of 1.0043 million people;All kinds of education student 37.139 million people,A year-on-year increase of 3.2094 million people。the:


Private 115404 kindergartens,A year-on-year increase of 13115;In the children's 8.134 million people,A year-on-year increase of 1.0176 million people;In the children's 16.9421 million people,A year-on-year increase of 2.9474 million people。

  民办普通小学5186所,比上年减少165所;招生100.83万人,比上年增加6.10万人;在校生567.83 万人,比上年增加30.20万人。

Ordinary 5186 primary schools run by the local people,Reduce more than the previous year 165;Recruit students 1.0083 million people,A year-on-year increase of 61000 people;A student 5.6783 million people,A year-on-year increase of 302000 people。


Ordinary junior high school of run by the local people 4282,A year-on-year increase of 23;Recruit students 1.5365 million people,A year-on-year increase of 04400 people;A student 4.4256 million people,A year-on-year increase of 04500 people。


Private ordinary high school 2394,Reduce more than the previous year 105;Recruit students 835400 people,A year-on-year increase of 25900 people;A student 2.3498 million people,A year-on-year increase of 49100 people。


Private secondary vocational school 2856,Reduce more than the previous year 267;Recruit students 957400 people。More than 174500 people last year to reduce;A student 2.6925 million people,More than 377400 people last year to reduce。Otherwise non-academic secondary vocational education students 376900 people。


Private universities 698(With independent academy 309),A year-on-year increase of 22;Recruit students 1.5373 million people,A year-on-year increase of 69900 people;A student 5.0507 million people,A year-on-year increase of 283800 people。the,Undergraduate student 3.1182 million people,College student 1.9325 million people;Otherwise ZhuXueBan from students、preppie、Education and training students 260000 people。Higher education institutions run by the local people non-academic 830,All kinds of registered student 881400 people。


In addition,There are other private training institutions 21403,9.5546 million people accept the training。
