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北京已暂停所有奥数培训 家长担心不会完全消失--亲稳网络舆情监测室

北京已暂停所有奥数培训 家长担心不会完全消失   昨日,海淀黄庄一家培训机构打出了坚决拥护市教委关于治理与入学挂钩的奥数问题的标语。新京报记者 侯少卿 摄 yesterday,Haidian HuangZhuang played a training institutions resolute for municipal education commission about governance and tie the admission of mathematical olympiad slogan。The Beijing news reporter HouShaoQing perturbation


Beijing to suspend all aoshu training,Some training mechanism completely cancel mathematical training;Parents worry about mathematical olympiad will not disappear completely

  新京报讯 市教委日前召开紧急部署会,明确提出:从即日起叫停与升学挂钩的奥数竞赛培训。从前日起到10月31日,全市所有涉及奥数的培训将暂停。

The Beijing news - city education commission recently held an emergency deployment will,Clearly put forward:From now onwards to stop and tie the entrance aoshu competition training。From the day before yesterday have October 31,The city all involved in the training of mathematical olympiad will be suspended。


yesterday,The reporter interviewed several another training institutions。Most training agency says,Has cancelled the mathematical sciences purpose all training project,Only retains the Chinese and English training。And in some training agency within,Yesterday is summer last lesson,Teacher has clear teaching to students and parents notice,From yesterday began to end Olympic math class training courses。

  部分培训机构只剩语、英培训 Part of the training institutions only language、English training


yesterday,Reporter random visit a eastern、Wl and haidian of more than 10 another training institutions。


In the east、Wl part of the training institutions,“The new HuaShu”And the original Olympic math training course is still in the publicity page to display,But training institutions staff said,They only elementary school mathematics training,Not so-called aoshu training。


On a giant training institutions,Collective of mathematics training has been cancelled,only“one-on-one”Training in mathematics are part of the training。A staff for the math training the phrase is extremely cautious,She says,One-on-one provides the only primary school mathematics classroom training,Rather than aoshu training。


Located in guang qu men inside and HePingMen nearby“Learn and think”Staff also said,This training institutions have no open Olympic math class,And emphasize just teach elementary school mathematics,And Olympic math is not a concept。


As haidian another training institutions“town”,Is located in the HuangZhuang several training institutions the most rapid and thorough yesterday reaction,giant、The high institutions such as thought would have elementary school mathematics training thoroughly from training course“removal”,At present only Chinese and English training。High thinking training institutions of the gate even running a huge electronic screen slogan:“Firmly support and implement city education commission about governance and tie the admission of mathematical olympiad four measures”。

  奥数班的“最后一节课” Olympic math class“Last class”


There are some training agency says,They have received notice,Cancel the original Olympic math training courses。


In the bead head east street chongwen new Oriental pearl head of campus,When a reporter asked whether also can offer Olympic math classes,Staff said,Olympic math class has suspended,Has notice not to let done。


yesterday,In the haidian HuangZhuang in a training institutions,Students and parents are summer last training courses。


In a Olympic math class,The last section training courses as usual were tested。After the test,Teaching the teacher told the students,Olympic math class after the course not。In the face of the students' questions,The teacher said:“No why,After is not on the mathematical olympiad。”

  家长声音 Parents voice

  弃奥数选拔 小升初会“拼爹” Abandon aoshu selection will be another“Spell dad”


Yesterday afternoon,In the xidan book building 3 floor of the elementary school coach book area,Aoshu related books、XiTiCe etc filled up with a whole row of six bookshelves,From time to time have parents to come to the selection。


For the son of grade four buy some aoshu reference material of Mr Zhou said,Son from elementary school second grade began,He will help son on a giant school called the aoshu fall semester、Spring class,Last lesson a week,Continuous on the four semesters。Earlier this year in May,It has been handed to the money for the starting in September for the fall,About 10004500 yuan tuition,“Advance newspaper and some preferential。”


As for why must the Olympic math class,Mr Zhou exclamation,Around the parents give children called the Olympic math class,Some parents in children read kindergarten when he signed up。His son don't quote,Worry about the children lose in the starting line。


At present,Mr Zhou have learned“Beijing to suspend all wade aoshu training”news,He hasn't and giant school instruction asked refund things,He was more worried about the,Once aoshu have been stopped,Those who pointed to the child by the mathematical olympiad and into the ChongDianJiao parents,Will be very disappointed。


Mr Zhou worry,If the school lost selection reference,Another will be more“Spell dad”。Go relation can enter,Ordinary people's children,Learning ability to highlight,Also can scribing came near to read second-rate junior middle school。


Mr Zhou more hope“Such as abandon aoshu,Shall resume unified examination”,He thought that this is still a relatively fair selection method,Have the opportunity to let the child, through their own efforts into ChongDianJiao。

  奥数要禁绝 须明确问责措施 Olympic math to prohibit must clearly accountability measures


In addition to the same like Mr. Zhou,Another worry about entrance way will be how to change the parents,More students and parents for Olympic math can be thoroughly eliminate remain sceptical。


yesterday,HuangZhuang haidian a training institutions at the break,Two children also discussing this matter。“For a less tight is restored,Before is this。”A girl said,Originally on September 2, held high think cup also delayed,But say not good future。


Students so attitude from the influence of parents。A mother said,The baby is three grade,Also once to cancel the Olympic math class,But later resurgence。“When we can't understand anything left her class,Five grade just began to learn,Drop a lot of。”


but,Also have quite a number of parents feel the cancellation of past several different。“This time than the past few times are hard,The child the teacher in charge today I send text messages,To statistical children outside the training for mathematics。”A guardian said。


“If the school recruit students don't care about Olympic math scores words,How can have more and more parents give children sign up。”Another parent said,Ban can execute,Is that there will be what kind of punishment and accountability measures,Otherwise will again become empty talk。


It is understood,In order to ensure Olympic math scores in the process of study in complete failure,The Beijing municipal education commission will focus on promoting“another”Entrance way to reform,At present,Already started research more perfect admission policy。

  教育部:坚决制止奥数与学校录取挂钩 The ministry of education:Resolutely put a stop to mathematical olympiad and school admission hook

  新京报讯 最近颇受关注的“奥数”也列入了今年秋季开学的重点工作,教育部昨天公布2012年秋季开学的30项重点工作,其中提出,坚决制止“奥数”等各种学科竞赛、特长评级与学校录取相挂钩的行为。

The Beijing news - quite concern recently“aoshu”Also included in the key work in high school this fall,The ministry of education in 2012 the autumn released yesterday 30 key tasks,The proposed,Resolutely put a stop to“aoshu”Of course contests、Expertise rating and school admission related behavior。


This 30 key tasks involving a total of basic education、Vocational education、Higher education、National education、Special education and private education six aspects。The foundation education 14 items,Is the heaviest component part。


According to the ministry of education's commitment,The 2012 fall semester to regulate kindergarten fee management。To speed up the region for all on the specific implementation rules,Ensure that the kindergarten at the beginning of the new measures。Kindergarten teaching fee may be outside to open experimental class、Characteristic class、interest、After-school classes and parent-child classes and other characteristic education name,To the infant parents further charges,In any name to child parents collect and into the garden hook as sponsor fee、Donated tuition funding、Opening of the fee、Education cost compensation fees and other fees。


In the compulsory education in school,Ministry of education puts forward,Insist on an exemption came near to the entrance system,Shall not take any form of exam、assessment、Test selection students,Ban with entrance hook held training。Resolutely put a stop to“aoshu”Of course contests、Expertise rating and school admission related behavior,Shall not be set or in disguised form setting major work class。It is strictly prohibited to through the recruit especially immortal charging ways,It is strictly prohibited to public schools to private name recruit students and charge behavior。It is strictly prohibited to local government、The relevant units and schools to any name collection and admission of the hook to donate money。


According to ministry of education requirements,Schools at all levels shall set up GongShiLan、GongShiPai、Public wall, etc,To the public school charging projects、Charging standard、Fees according to the(Approval authority and number)、Fees range、Charging unit、Complaint telephone calls and such。To family economic difficulties students execute collect fees reduction policy should also be public。
