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19岁少女被村干部强暴致怀孕 当事人称是谈恋爱--亲稳舆论引导监测室

记者安抚下,苏英回忆被强暴过程 At the press calm down,SuYing memories are being raped process 苏福被民警带上车送往刑警大队 SuFu be police band get on the car to cops brigade
  19岁少女称被村副组长强暴少女目前已怀孕6个多月,村副组长回应称曾与少女恋爱一年多,不存在强奸今年5月,一个意想不到的消息,打破了澄迈县福山镇迈岭村丰门村普通农户苏健(化名)一家的平静。原来,他上初一的女儿苏英(化名)竟被查出已怀有身孕3个多月。而苏英称,从去年年末开始,她先后4次遭遇丰门村村小组副组长苏福(化名)强奸。但苏福却称,曾与苏英谈恋爱一年多,不存在强奸一说。8月30日中午,福山派出所将该案移交澄迈县刑警大队办理。 19 years old girl say be village deputy chief of violence girl has been pregnant for more than six months,Village deputy chief of response to say once and girls love more than a year,Does not exist rape in May this year,An unexpected news,To break the ChengMaiXian fukuyama town Wallace ridge village abundant door village ordinary farmers SuJian(alias)A peace.The original,On his first daughter SuYing(alias)But was found to have been pregnant more than three months.And SuYing says,From the end of last year began,She has four times every encounter abundant door group deputy leader SuFu(alias)rape.But SuFu but said,Once and SuYing fall in love more than a year,Does not exist rape said.At noon on August 30,,Fukuyama police station will hand over the case ChengMaiXian cops team to deal with.


19岁少女才上初一意外发现怀孕3个多月 19 years old girl to the first accident found that pregnant more than three months


This year 19 years old SuYing last year YuFuShan town in a middle school the junior middle school freshman class,Usually in residence,Rarely home.But this year march day,SuYing suddenly refused to go to school,Unknown so family will be many times the back to school,But SuYing but again run home from school,Family but,Had to let it at home.


In may this year,The family was in the field cut rice,SuYing suddenly say near innominate bone pain,Family noticed SuYing abdomen has slightly uplift.They think SuYing got a strange disease,Hurriedly brought her to the city of LinGaoXian hospital inspection,But that SuYing accident has been pregnant more than three months.


"Usually also not heard she fall in love,The children which come of?"After the family take turns to interrogate,SuYing gives the answer say,He is by village group deputy leader SuFu raped.


SuYing parents immediately find that SuFu please."SuFu then admit that I was wrong,And I hope we don't disclose out."SuYing mom said,SuFu still take 5000 dollars to SuYing abortion.But in the hospital when abortion,However because of SuFu not signature on an operation permit and midway leave the hospital,The SuYing abortion failure.now,SuYing has six and a half months pregnant,But SuFu did not have any processing attitude,SuYing family had to alarm.


学校:19岁少女反应迟钝学习能力差与人沟通难 The school:19 years old girl slow response learning ability is poor communication difficult


Why SuYing 19 years old but the only new moon?Reporter contact fukuyama town middle school a confirmation.The school principal said that Chen,SuYing in late August last year to the school for the school,But only read more than one semester will be the family home.Once was appointed SuYing teacher in charge's bao teacher said,SuYing in military training period,Is better than the other students some slow response,And not normal communication with students.


Bao teacher said,Normal after class,The branch is appointed the teacher to reflect more than her,SuYing often be questions are utterly ignorant."She also said,Don't understand lecture."Started in May this year,SuYing appeared classroom sleepiness serious condition,And often cause truancy,From time to time, you still submit"collywobbles"certificate.Helpless under,Bao teacher and suggested that his family took her home to check the effect a radical cure the illness.But every time is to leave a period of time and then go back to school,Back to school will continue to cut school without cause,Classroom sleepiness,Desireyet to academic.


Bao teacher said,She taught SuYing period,Every time and SuYing communication,SuYing only nodded and shook his head two action,Weekdays are rarely speak.In July this year of the final exam,SuYing only took part in the 4 coco eye exam,But every division most had to 20 somewhat.


少女称被村副组长多次强奸事后遭恐吓“跟家人说就打死” Girl said deputy chief of the village many times after rape by threats"With your family said is killed"


29 morning,Reporters saw the police station in fushan to do the SuYing record,Reporter communicated with her more than half an hour,She is beside the point,Only immersed in their own thinking,Constantly to reporters about her a few times rape encounter some of the details.


SuYing said,She was first SuFu rape,By the end of last year is in the afternoon,She was SuFu via home going to the ridge forest reckoned,Was standing in the doorway SuFu tracking."I have just arrived in reckoned,He will use the left hand over my mouth,To pull me to the male temple nearby implementation of the rape.I was edge crying and Shouting for help,He is fierce I said‘What are you crying cry’."SuYing said,afterwards,SuFu still use the rope will she hands tied at the front,And threatened"Dare tell your family,I will kill you".


Fear at the SuYing home really didn't dare to speak of this family.however,While she went to the mountains or cattle void,SuFu midway intercept,Will the pull to the treeline nearby of paddy field/The jungle to rape.SuYing said,Before and after she was SuFu rape over four times.


村副组长女儿质疑苏英被强奸真实性 其弟弟称“女孩是自愿的” Village deputy chief of daughter question SuYing being raped authenticity its brother said"The girl is voluntary"


At noon on August 29,,Reporters drove to the house of SuFu trying to the dialogue,I did not see him,Only to see his senior year on the second daughter.From SuFu family heard,SuFu and wife good feelings,Is the father of three children,the,Second daughter and SuYing age.


"If it is really what had happened,Happens: why didn't she call the police,Now pregnant so long he said,Things obviously not believable."Mention SuFu and SuYing things,His second daughter was very excited,She says,Firmly believe that father won't do rape girl things.And SuFu brother is a back up"I know the girl is voluntary".


then,Reporters visited abundant door that village,SuYing SuFu rape by a pregnant village has everyone knows,And to keep secret.In the afternoon at about 15,Reporter telephone connection SuFu,But only listen to the reporter asked 1"You are SuFu?",For convenient hung up,And then turn off.


According to the Wallace ridge village committee village cadres WangDaZe is introduced,SuFu as abundant door every group deputy leader has five years,Weekdays main assist the village village head in village work.WangDaZe said,As the village cadres,He through visit and Sue SuYing both sides such as family members investigation way,Preliminary that,In may this year,SuYing check out was pregnant,At that time SuFu gave SuYing family 5000 yuan have an abortion fee,Avoid things spread.July,Has been SuYing ready to get married news.He thinks,The case for two family dispute,To coordinate should give priority to.


村副组长称与苏英恋爱一年多闪烁其词逃避记者提问 Village deputy chief says and SuYing love more than a year shuffle escape reporters questions


In the morning on August 30,,SuFu finally appeared fukuyama police station under investigation.See reporter first reaction,SuFu unexpectedly slide down the chair hid in at the bottom of the desk.After a guide,SuFu are starting to respond to this matter.He says,In fact,He and SuYing was lovers.Last year,Then he and SuYing established the love relationship,But this year march time,Two people broke up.At the end of June,He carried the pregnant SuYing to abortion,But SuYing family stop.


Why SuYing alarm say be SuFu rape?this,SuFu says,On August 28,,His father and mother SuYing dispute,And shot hit SuYing mother,therefore,SuYing home talent alarm,But offer is a false alarm."Why do you choose to daughter general big girl fall in love?"In the face of the reporter doubt,SuFu only smile not to respond."You don't have a family?As the deputy leader of the village,Why do so?"See reporters have been asking,SuFu began to drag the reporter,And rushed out of the office,No longer respond to reporters questions.


Fukuyama police inspector LaoJunGuang said,The case suspected rape,Beyond the scope of handling the police station,Will be handed over to cops team to deal with.At noon on 30,The police station and police will Sue the case materials to the ChengMaiXian cops team together.


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评论: comments:

  男童遭"性侵"法律不能无为 Boy was"Sexual harassment"Law can't without


"rape"Sentencing convicted for women only,But no will men include in.if[Criminal law]provisions,"rape"Refers to the women will against,The use of violence/Stress or other means,With women forced sexual intercourse behavior.意思很明确,强奸的主体对象必须是女性,至于男性若被强奸该如何定罪,法律到目前为止还是一片空白。但在 Mean is very clear,The main body of the rape object must be female,As for men if being raped this how to condemnation,The law so far still a blank.But in在美国,对未成年男童实施性侵犯行为,将遭到强奸和鸡奸儿童罪起诉。 In the United States,For young boy's implementation of sexual assaults,Will rape and sodomy children sin prosecution.[详细]


  毛开云:教师性侵女学生,悲剧啥时是尽头? Hair open cloud:Teachers' sexual harassment female students,What a tragedy is end?


The teacher sexual harassment students what time is the end?This is the whole society must think and think of a way to explain.The current,Shanghai/Beijing, etc to develop adolescent sex education,Improve the adolescent sex awareness and ability,Strengthening teenagers' sex concept/Sexual morality/Sex education,Should be worth for sure.But...[detailed]
