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韩国接连发生儿童遭性侵案件 议员建议直接阉割--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  环球时报驻韩国特约记者 陆南希 环球时报 特约记者 詹德斌】韩国近来接连发生诸如7岁女童遭性侵等性犯罪事件,韩国政府已经决定扩大实施化学阉割的范围,并强化对性犯罪的预防性打击。韩国国会20名议员5日提交一项法案,要求对性侵惯犯处以“物理去势”,即直接阉割。但韩国社会认为这样恐仍难绝后患,呼吁执行死刑的声音渐起。由于出现不少反对者,双方为此展开激烈争论。

Global times in South Korea stringer land Nancy global times stringer ZhanDeBin]South Korea recently the ensuing such as 7 years old girl was sex abuse and sexual crimes,The south Korean government has decided to expand the scope of the implementation of the chemical castration,And strengthen sex crime preventive blow.South Korea's parliament 20 members of the 5, submit a bill,Required to sexual assault a recidivist"Physical castration",Namely direct castration.But south Korean society think that fear is still difficult with time,Calls for the execution voice stirrings.Owing to many opponents,Both parties to a fierce debate.


South Korean KBS television 5th says,The new party presidential candidate has piao hui reported,The death penalty system not be abolished,It to criminals have deterrent effect.Piao hui has said,This does not mean that the death penalty system is very good,But the society is necessary to use the death penalty warning about children's sexual violence crime.


South Korea democratic identity party presidential candidate to all opposition,And claims to abolish the death penalty.The democratic congressional leaders PiaoZhiYuan said,Whether to use the death penalty cannot act with undue haste,Must be careful to discuss the problem of execution,"South Korea has been 15 years not to have the death penalty,Therefore be amnesty international as the country to abolish the death penalty".


South Korean people to whether restore the death penalty expansion heated debate.South Korean women and children and other special civic groups think,Sexual violence crime as murder,Should be sentenced to life imprisonment or death,Through the law of justice punished.Daum also appeared 40000 signatures,Require death penalty criminals,Human rights to protect victims,Can not only consider the human rights of the criminal.Also have human rights groups say,South Korea can't reverse the historical trend and dynamic,For the education should give priority to,Give the criminal a chance to reflect on.


In the face of South Korea society's widespread debate,The presidential office is very cautious attitude.South Korea[North Korea daily]says,From the presidential palace of information display,There are many Suggestions hope to restart the death penalty,But a presidential currently only carries on the preliminary discussion,To study whether death penalty can EZhiXing crime happened.New sith news agency said,this"Hot potato"Let south Korean ministry of law to a predicament.Legal department officials say,There is no to discuss the problem and the point of progress.


Reports say,Even if a south Korean society to restart the consensus of the death penalty,The south Korean government also have to consider the view of international society,Bringing back the death penalty or unknown.It is reported,South Korea on December 30, 1997 to 23 criminals after execution,Already continuous 15 years not to have the death penalty.At present,South Korea has 60 not implemented the death penalty of death.
