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广东异地高考逐步放开遭家长质疑 被指“拼爹”--亲稳网络舆情监控室

广东异地高考逐步放开遭家长质疑 被指“拼爹” CFP供图 CFP for map


原标题:广东实行异地高考“压力山大” Original title:Guangdong college entrance examination to different places"Pressure shandong"


    Acceptance rates at the top colleges were lower guangdong a book,As a migrant worker first big province education resource is becoming shorter


Guangdong provincial education department says implementation plan issued before the end of the year,But could not fully open

  统筹:新快报记者 陈红艳

As a whole:New express ChenGongYan reporters

  采写:新快报记者 陈红艳 尹来

Collection &composition:New express reporters to ChenGongYan Yin


"Different college entrance examination wind"The scraping the more fierce,Guangdong continued"Pressure shandong"!yesterday,Guangdong province education department has revealed,Guangdong higher education resources is serious shortage,At present the university entrance exam a the acceptance rate is only 6%,Below the national average of 8.5%,Far lower than Beijing/Acceptance rates at the top colleges were Shanghai 25% of a book.The different college entrance examination once let go,Guangdong only education resource pressures let people"Difficult to breathe".meanwhile,Some parents but think,Regulation of ministry of education "college entrance examination three harsh conditions,May only a handful of migrant worker children can enjoy this policy bullish.


 广东只能逐步放开异地高考 Guangdong only gradually let go of different college entrance examination


Guangdong province education department related person in charge pointed out,Guangdong education resources is serious shortage.Higher education is concerned,The first province well-known colleges and universities not much,A college of sun yat-sen university only/Of south China university of technology,/Jinan university/South China normal university/South China agricultural university/Guangdong university of foreign studies/Southern medical university/Guangzhou university of Chinese medicine/Shantou university and other 9.


At the same time,Guangdong every year this rates are not high.Now only 41000 candidates in a book,Relative to the total number of 692000 students,Acceptance rates at the top colleges were a less than 6%,Also below the national average a 8.5% acceptance rate,More lower than Beijing/Shanghai as high as 25% of the rates.And these get admitted the examinee,The vast majority of the province by the provincial colleges and universities digestion admission,Provincial universities such as tsinghua/north/Fudan in guangdong province to recruit students to plan very little,Quite fierce competition in the college entrance examination.


According to the new express reporter statistics,This year the province 4"211 project"The school(cuhk/south/JiDa/no.1)In guangdong LAN to about 15000 people.Shanghai jiaotong university and/fudan/National People's Congress, etc 10 universities outside the province to recruit students to plan,Add up to less than 1000 people,A large province to recruit students to plan a quarter of the 4100 people!


This person in charge also stressed,In addition to education resources,Guangdong college entrance examination is still faced with different open another serious problem is,traffic/Social management/The public service various social resources can load release brought about by the pressure,Population boom brought about by the pressure is the must attach importance to."So guangdong may not fully open different college entrance examination,Can only gradually let go.Which is conducive to social stability and development."


 年增15万个招生计划“不可能” Increase in 150000 to recruit students to plan"Can't"


It is understood,Guangdong is the migrant worker first big province,By the end of last year,Guangdong has 3.39 million migrant worker children(Including province migrant worker children)In the compulsory education stage reading,One-third of the national;In the national college entrance examination students begin to decline at the same time,Guangdong college entrance examination germ continued growth,From 2000 in 100000 more than person shot up to 2012 in 692000,The next few years will continue to increase.These data show that,In solving problems on different college entrance examination,Guangdong is the most severe situation/The most prominent problems one of the provinces.


Guangdong education insiders give reporters calculate a bill:At present,In guangdong province to receive compulsory education from other provinces census register students about 1.71 million people(Different college entrance examination may affect the crowd),Average annual level 190000 people.If different college entrance examination enrollment completely let go,High school education will be the first to suffer,Every year 190000 degree,land/Teachers are hard to one-time solve.Admitted to the university entrance exam,If you want to keep guangdong at present 80% left and right sides of the university entrance exam rates don't drop words,Every year 152000 to increase enrollment plan,This part of the province to recruit students to plan whether to solve,Or an outside the province colleges and universities dispensing,Are almost"Mission impossible".


进展 progress

  广东正进行随迁子女摸底调查 Guangdong is on SuiQian children a baseline survey


Dispatch of new wall bulletin yesterday,Provincial education examination yuan relevant person in charge said,Guangdong provincial party committee/The provincial government attaches great importance to different college entrance examination questions,Guangdong will try our best to think of a way to gradually solve migrant worker SuiQian children different college entrance examination question.Due to the large number of migrant workers,At present,Guangdong is on migrant workers SuiQian children a baseline survey.


The ministry of education should accord with the university entrance exam ask different three conditions,Guangdong edition scheme will how to operate?This person in charge said,Guangdong general admiral according to the ministry of education has issued[opinion],Of guangdong actual,Guangdong are drafted in accordance with the specific implementation plan.By the end of the scheme is expected to come.According to another new express reporter understanding,On September 6,,The ministry of education held a forum,Invited Beijing/Shanghai/guangdong/fujian/shandong/hubei/heilongjiang/anhui/Yunnan nine provinces(city)The person in charge is studied"Different college entrance examination"policy.In this symposium,fujian/shandong/Hubei etc have announced the preliminary scheme which are representative,Exchange their ideas and methods;Beijing/Shanghai/Guangdong population into concentrated on behalf of the provinces and cities,Introduced the preliminary deliberations and the work going to;heilongjiang/anhui/On behalf of the yunnan and other provinces and cities,The key to report to policy integration of ideas and measures.


说法 statement

  家长质疑门槛太高仍在“拼爹” Parents questioned the threshold is too high is still in"Spell dad"


Dispatch of new wall bulletin is different the university entrance exam policy show a glimmer of hope,The most excited should be those registered permanent residence in the field of students.But reporter interviews found yesterday,Because of the policy threshold is higher,Set the parents is permanent population/Students must meet the status as a fixed number of year/Whether or not the city need to industry three conditions,Many students are the policy performance more indifference.


Parents have said,A parent's three request is so high,"At present different the university entrance exam indicator setting,And guangzhou integral door policy quite‘identical’,Set terms is also very consistent.Estimate it could reach the index of the people,In guangzhou has also points the door,Don't need an extra enjoy different preferential the university entrance exam this."


Also have parents call a spade a spade:Different college entrance examination of these conditions,Surface is"conditions",Is essentially"threshold",hidden"Spell dad"logic."You see,Parents need to meet the conditions‘stable’/‘Have a stable home’/‘Any insurance’,This really solve a part of demand,Just allow some family condition good foreign children first‘Different college entrance examination’up.But can satisfy the‘Stable have room insurance’The three,Large migrant worker group is obviously been ruled out the."


外来工子女说 Migrant worker children said

  淡定派:已在广州买房完全不担心 Calm sent:Already in guangzhou to buy a house not worry


"China(alias)Is hunan changsha people,Because parents job change,He began to read from the month in province real tianhe attached middle school.Examination of this year,He ZeJiaoSheng identity was admitted to yuexiu a famous high school.


"The father in a large company,The two years because I am reading problems,Dad began to negotiate with the unit,Hope to solve the problem of registered permanent residence,But there is some procedures not deal with."China said, o,Hunan education and good quality,So home was once hesitant,Do you want to have your account call in guangzhou."But personally I still like the feeling of guangzhou,This school more open some,A lot of things/Many activities I can participate in."


But for the college entrance examination, China foreign policy threshold and is not very worried,"Mom and dad have fixed income,And our house in guangzhou also bought a house,I think no problem."China said, o,The junior middle school students have a lot of foreign students,But choose to study in guangzhou."Feel all family is about the same,Are parents work in guangzhou for a few years,Should can accord with this(policy)Requirements,."


放弃派:很难拿到资格打算回湖南考 Give up sent:It is difficult to get qualification is going back to hunan exam


"Our family can't afford to buy a house in guangzhou,Although policy said permanent domicile contains renting a house,But I think it to guangdong,Impossible to rent a house all the migrant worker can participate in different college entrance examination,For us,This policy is hard to enjoy."lily(alias)Hai is a private high school three year students,Her parents in guangzhou opened a enterprise.From the first began to,She followed her parents came to guangzhou,In guangzhou reading.


"Our family family in students of all be regarded as well,But also not enough strength in guangzhou to buy a house."Lily said,Father's enterprise good have odd change workers,Difference, and 20 or so,"Listen to the father said,This year's situation especially bad,Business especially difficult to do."Lily's parents in guangzhou has played 78 years,But there has been no purchase real estate in guangzhou,"Dad's factory is a year 1.2 million income,Need to send money back."


Although different college entrance examination had seen a gleam of light,But lily said,His back was going to college entrance examination."First don't say different the university entrance exam a year which began,Even if the implementation of the,I also can't get qualification."


"Our family can't afford to buy a house in guangzhou,Although policy said permanent domicile contains renting a house,But I think it to guangdong,Impossible to rent a house all the migrant worker can participate in different college entrance examination,


For us,This policy is hard to enjoy."


 广州高三学生莉莉 Guangzhou high school students lily


"Mom and dad have fixed income,And our house in guangzhou also bought a house,I think no problem."


 广州高中生阿华 Guangzhou, China senior high school students
