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重庆高校挂起创意标语 “粪土当年高富帅”(图)--亲稳舆论引导监测室


In recent days,Along with the chongqing university school in succession,All kinds of the university"Creative new slogan"Net friend also became the focus of attention,On September 7,,Micro bo out on a piece of chongqing university"Bully gas"New slogan,Let netizen called big"Have to".Reporter survey found,There are a lot of new slogan be college students writing as the creative stage,"Heavy taste"/"Caress body"/"The most gorgeous national wind"Various network style come on stage in succession,Draw net friend of the onlookers tide.


 霸气体:让高富帅成浮云 Bully gas:Let GaoFu ShuaiCheng floating clouds

  内容:鸟去藩篱,虎归山林,屌丝岂是池中物;激流独上,龙门鱼跃,粪土当年高富帅。 content:Bird go free,Tiger return to forest,Prick silk is it ChiZhongWu;Riptide alone on,Gantry diving,The dung GaoFu handsome.

  位置:重大虎溪校区松园7幢 position:Major huxi campus pine garden house 7


On September 7, in,Net friend"Chongqing university campus could not"In micro bo uploading the new slogan article,Let the net friends call"Dominance was exposed".On September 8,,Reporter in the major huxi campus pine garden 7 house residence halls found this article"Ambition slogan",Some students walk,From time to time to signs pointing fingers,Even take out mobile photos,Freshmen xiao Yang said:"I am out of rural areas,See such slogan really inspirational,What GaoFu handsome immediately has become a floating clouds."


On September 8,,The reporter contact new slogan of the creator/Major mechanical engineering college junior student bear for the boudoir.He said,The past welcome signs are all too"normal"the,So they hope to welcome more creative and new idea,To give students the lower classwoman left special impression.


The boudoir bear for said,In his view,Lower classwoman drove to the choice of chongqing university,Like in the stream and unafraid,Years of efforts for gantry diving of emancipation,"Even if they are not GaoFu handsome conditions,Also will create their own future".


 重口味:挂了两天就被取下 Heavy taste:Hung up the two days was taken down

  内容:小清新?重口味?你都能在这里找到知己。学术帝?标准哥?你都不寂寞。 content:Small and pure and fresh?Heavy taste?You can find in here bosom friend.Academic emperor?Standard elder brother?You are not lonely.

  位置:重庆师范大学大学城校区第三食堂 position:Chongqing normal university university campus the third canteen


On September 7,,A chongqing normal university new slogan photos in micro blog caused a big stir,Have net friend say,Continuous strip is the economic and management college hanging in the school near the third canteen.Net friend"Meaning of meaning ah"Exclamation said,"If heavy taste ah,Be able to hang so of slogan".


On September 8,,This reporter went to chongqing normal university university campus,But did not see the nets"Heavy taste"slogan.A the school sophomore revealed,Banners hanging only two days or so,At present already has been taken down.The school of the school of economy and management office a teacher told reporters,Creative banners from the college students.


"In fact I think so of slogan nothing,Is some network hot word well,But can give a person a kind of affinity."Seen this slogan collegue of newborn"smile"said,as"After 90"own,See this slogan feel very creative,Very close to the characteristics of young people.


 呵护体:创意来自学院现实 Caress body:Creativity comes from college reality

  内容:机械男女十比一,十个男生呵护你。 content:Mechanical men and women ten to one,Ten boys caress you.

  位置:重庆大学虎溪校区松园4幢 position:Chongqing university pine garden 4 huxi campus building


This is the chongqing university huxi campus pine garden in front of the dormitory building four building a new slogan.yesterday,Reporter contact slogan creator Yang sunghun in,This name on just two young man told reporters,Slogan inspiration comes from the network,But reflect the mechanical engineering institute the reality of the situation:With more males than females less.


Yang said in sunghun:"Production according to,The teacher said words can be very tide,But the best can reflect the characteristics of the college,Our first thought of‘With more males than females less’The characteristics."


In this article"Extremely use up care"New slogan,Mechanical engineering college freshmen"Song all the cotton"Smiled and said:"When mechanical college girls really blessed,Who dare to bully us later,The slogan directly put out."

  最炫民族风:新生看不懂 The most gorgeous national wind:New look not to understand

  内容:你是我天边最美的云彩,让我用心把你留下来。 content:You are my horizon most beautiful cloud,Let me put your heart to stay.

  位置:重庆大学虎溪校区松园4幢 position:Chongqing university pine garden 4 huxi campus building


In the chongqing university huxi campus at the door of the apartment building a house,This period of use the most gorgeous national wind lyrics as a new slogan slogan also causes many new attention.


This slogan: what do you mean?This freshman ChenXue said can't quite understand:"Probably senior learn elder sister mean,I hope we can like the great learning to live it".The other a freshman ronaldinho is speculation:"Is probably fellow students to see the girl."


then,Reporters through various channels tried to contact the creators of slogan,But failed to.


A graduation from the school two years of net friend"Big blue"Look at this picture slogan says:"Now the university campus is too wet.Our school in time,Are everywhere‘Welcome the new students’And so on traditional slogan,corny."


 说法 statement

  学校: The school:

  给校园文化多一点宽容 Give a little more forgiving of campus culture


"This is the first time we use network catchword as a new slogan,Or more careful."Chongqing university college level 2010 grade director Yang director said,In the Internet to see other college alternative to meet neologism is well received by users are welcome,So proposal to add some network elements,To close the distance of the new students and college.


"Use the network language to do new slogan,Appear personality is distinct,We should give the campus culture more tolerant."Chongqing university, vice minister of the propaganda department said ms ling xiaoming contemplated.


专家: experts:

  网络语与传统语不冲突 Network language and traditional language not conflict


Chongqing normal university professor of literature ZhangGuShu said,New students welcome language is somewhat grave,But when people see spoil the platitudinous meet after neologism,Must generate numbness,Now the new entrance is after 90,They through the network contact a lot of new things.University in these detail should also keep up with the trend of The Times,Appropriate update new terms,This is not conflict with the traditional slogan,But language cannot be too outrageous,University after all is a sacred palace.

  记者 王超

Reporter wang chao
