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搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:各位搜狐网友大家好,这里是由搜狐教育主办的"搜狐教育会客厅",今天很高兴来到正保远程教育集团,坐在我对面的是正保远程教育集团副总裁刘温泉先生。

You sohu net friend everybody is good,Here is the sohu education sponsored by the"Sohu education saloon",Today very happy to is the remote education group,Sitting opposite me is the remote education group vice President Mr. Liu hot springs.


刘温泉【正保远程教育副总裁】: Liu hot spring[Is the remote education vice President]:搜狐的网友们大家好。

Sohu's net friends everybody is good.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:我们知道正保远程教育是以中华会计网校起家的,目前有16家品牌网校,是远程教育行业当之无愧的领跑者,面对今天的成绩和发展有怎样的心得和体会?

We know that is the distance education based on the accounting online schools scratch,There are 16 online brand,Distance education is the leader of the industry,In the face of today's achievement and development and the experience of the experience how?


刘温泉【正保远程教育副总裁】: Liu hot spring[Is the remote education vice President]:说到远程教育确确实实有一些感触,我进入正保集团也十多年了,基本上我们集团从创立之初我就一直在为我们集团服务,在这个过程当中经历了集团发展的过程,也经历了互联网有代表意义阶段的变化。作为我们集团来说,我们在2000年的时候抓住了一个机遇,这个机遇就是越来越多的人想得到更优质的教育,源于我们教学资源分配的不平均,让这种需求得不到满足。而我们集团恰恰满足了两个需求点,一个是教育一个是网络。通过把它们有机结合,创立了我们的中华会计网校,正是由于中华会计网校成功的运营,让我们集团在后来的十几个品牌网站当中都获得了很好的收益和经验。总结来说,我们之所以能够成功有三个方面:

Say to the remote education indeed some feeling,I entered the is the group has more than 10 years,Basically our group was founded from the beginning of I have been in our group service,In this process experienced group development process,The Internet has also experienced on behalf of the significance of the change of stage.As for our group,We in 2000 seized an opportunity,This opportunity is more and more people want to get more high-quality education,From our teaching resource allocation is not average,Let this needs are not being met.And we group just to satisfy the two requirements point,One is the education is a network.Through the organic combination of them,Established our Chinese accounting online,It is because of the Chinese accounting online successful operation,Let us group in the next ten several brands of web site have a good income and experience.In summary,We are able to success has three aspects:


The first,We always meet the needs of users,Whether the accounting online schools or other brands website,We are always doing one thing is for our students with he needs to products.Student is the first,The user is the first,It is always our ten years the only criterion.


The second,Everything with students as the center of the service concept.Everyone said the user is god,We want to play good service users,Every company is doing,Of course, we also is such.But in my opinion,Perhaps more than many companies do more adhere to/More absolute.Such as we are the first in the industry to provide a 7 x 24 hours service network education institutions;We are the first in the industry to provide a 24 hour question-answering service institutions;We are the first in the industry a launch zero fault-tolerant mechanism,Any user reflect any problem mistake,We give the user feedback and give the user reward.Through such a service concept,To ensure the education group in the industry get inside very rapid development.


The third,Innovation ability.Our ability to begin from 2000 has been in innovation,There was once a media joking told us:Is the has been imitation has never been beyond the,It also shows that our innovation ability.From 2000 the Internet connection speed and is not very developed,Everyone is in through the dial-up Internet access,We will provide the audio and video courses,This kind of audio and video courses through the advanced technology to realize the spread of narrowband cases,And other institutions in the what to do?Put a book scanning into electronic edition,Do some pictures or PPT,On the Internet called distance education.When other institutions begin to do when audio and video,We have introduced the intelligent interactive courseware.But along with the development of the mobile Internet gradually,Especially in these two years,We have quickly launched a mobile phone mobile client,Let the students at any time/Any place can all learn to our course,Really do it anytime and anywhere.


Are the so many years of development,Has been the leader of network remote education,And these aspects are inseparable.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:我们知道正保08年成为第一家在纽交所上市的远程教育公司,正保远程教育集团最大的核心竞争力是什么,什么样的企业文化护航使得正保取得今天这样的地位?

We know that is the became the first one in nyse-listed remote education company,Is the remote education group's largest core competitiveness is what,What kind of enterprise culture is the escort that made this position?


刘温泉【正保远程教育副总裁】: Liu hot spring[Is the remote education vice President]:这个问题确确实实不是很好回答,但是它确确实实是大家都在思考的问题,为什么你能成功,为什么别人没有成功,为什么你可以做到别人没有做到。就我个人的理解来说,我们最核心的竞争力是:我们是一家做教育的互联网公司,同时我们又是一家做互联网的教育公司,好像很拗口,但是这就代表着我们的DNA。我们很懂互联网,我们还很懂教育,所以我们在互联网教育这个领域里面取得了很大的进步和成功。这是与目前不少互联网公司在做教育产品,一些传统教育公司在做网络教育不一样的地方,这也是我认为的核心竞争力。

This problem so help me god is not very good answer,But it is indeed everyone in thought,Why can you succeed,Why the other people have no success,Why do you can do other people do.Is my personal understanding it,Our most core competitiveness is:We are a do education of Internet company,At the same time we are a do Internet education company,Seemed very clumsy,But it represents our DNA.We are to understand the Internet,We are also very understand education,So we in the Internet education in this area has made great progress and success.This is at present and many Internet companies doing education products,Some traditional education company in do network education of different place,This is I think the core competitiveness.


This is the more than 10 years of development has the company's unique culture plays a role,In general, chairman of the company, led by zhu,A group of people has been trying to.The company has three is the core of the culture idea:The first,We have a service heart,Each applicant has a positive for our students to go to the heart of the service,Each company staff will consciously active for users to solve problems.


The second,We have a heart of the Internet,We never refuse to new things,Don't refuse to new technology,Don't refuse to new ideas.We always keep our innovative spirit and we have been pushed himself to the spirit of progress.This ensures that we have worked hard to go on.


The third,We have a strong heart.China's Internet,Especially China's vocational education,Many companies in the development process is missing,Or go bankrupt or changed,But we have been holding on to do what we do,We have been working for our customers to provide the best products,Always adhere to the network distance education this road.This a strong heart guarantee we walked in a sustainable development and the correct road.This three enterprise culture guarantee for the company's sustainable development.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:我们知道2010年中华会计网校与Becker成立战略合作关系,当初为什么选择与Becker合作?

We know that in 2010 the Chinese accounting online schools established strategic cooperation relationship with Becker,Why I choose and Becker cooperation?


刘温泉【正保远程教育副总裁】: Liu hot spring[Is the remote education vice President]:其实这一点有一些历史的渊源,也有一些客观的情况以及特点。说到历史的渊源,早在2009年,Becker公司与我们就在美国注册会计师考试项目上开展了合作,这个项目在中国已经取得了成功,而我们的学生在这个项目中感受到了Becker和我们共同的教学能力和教学力量,我们因此有了很好的合作基础。另外在ACCA方面Becker有几个特点值得我们认可:第一、Becker是一家在财会专业方面有50多年教育历史的公司,他们对财务人员的专业学习,特别是国际化专业知识的指导是非常有经验的。第二、Becker提供的ACCA产品,建立在拥有二十多年ACCA教学经验的基础上,是全球三家黄金级教材出版商之一,是得到ACCA官方正式认可的教学材料,Becker ACCA在很多地区已经证明了它的优秀。第三、Becker的经营理念包括它的教学理念与正保非常贴切,特别是他们现在整个教学产品以学员为中心的设计,与正保很相似,非常适合我们的合作。最后一点,Becker是目前我们看到的唯一在中国进行本土化教学的黄金机构,它不仅仅有全球化的教学产品,而且会根据中国学生的学习习惯和需求对教学内容进行重新整合,并且根据中国学生的学习习惯与正保一起开发适合中国的课程。这些方面让我们看到了Becker相比其它机构更适合中国市场和中国学生的优势,所以我们最终选择了Becker。

In fact it has some historical origin,There are also some objective condition and characteristics.Say to the historical origin,As early as in 2009,Becker company and we will in the U.S. CPA exam project carried out cooperation,This project in China has achieved success,And our students in this project felt Becker and our common teaching ability and teaching force,And so we have a good cooperation foundation.In the ACCA aspects Becker has several characteristics worthy of our approval:The first/Becker is a professional accounting has more than 50 years education history of the company,On their financial personnel's professional learning,Especially the international professional knowledge guidance are very experienced.The second/Becker ACCA provides products,Based on with over 20 years of experience in teaching on the basis of the ACCA,Is the three gold grade teaching material is one of the publisher,ACCA is to get official recognition of teaching materials,Becker ACCA in many areas have proved its excellent.The third/Becker's philosophy, including its teaching concept and is the very appropriate,Especially they are now the whole teaching products with students as the center of the design,And is the very similar,Very suitable for our cooperation.finally,Becker is currently the only we see in China gold localization teaching institutions,It not only only the globalization teaching products,And according to the Chinese students' study habits and demand for teaching contents to integration,And according to the students' learning habits and are guaranteed with suitable for the development of the Chinese course.These aspects let us see the Becker compared with other institutions more suitable for the Chinese market and the advantage of Chinese students,So we finally chose Becker.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:我们知道昨天举行了BeckerACCA新系统的产品发布会,当时引进这个项目的初衷是什么,主要面对哪些学习者?

We know that yesterday held a BeckerACCA new system products conference,When introducing what was the purpose of this project,The main face which learners?


刘温泉【正保远程教育副总裁】: Liu hot spring[Is the remote education vice President]:引进ACCA项目,与Becker合作,都是基于我们学生的需求。中华会计网校从事国内会计教育十多年,拥有数量众多的学生,在网校的帮助下很多学生完成了国内的专业资格考试。随着中国经济的不断发展,与国外、国际上的机构接触越来越多,他们的知识背景在这样的经济环境下显现不足,他们需要网校提供国际化专业知识,所以我们去寻找适合的教学内容和方向,我们首先发现了AICPA,现在开始进入了在中国有很大影响力的ACCA。

Introduction of ACCA project,Cooperation with Becker,We are based on the needs of their students.The online accounting engaged in domestic accounting education for more than ten years,With numerous students,In the online help many students completed the domestic professional qualification examination.With the continuous development of China's economy,And foreign/The international agency contact more and more,Their knowledge background in this economic environment insufficient appeared,They need to provide online international professional knowledge,So we go to find suitable teaching content and direction,We first discovered the AICPA,Now entered in China has a great effect on the ACCA.


ACCA into China has more than 20 years,A large number of stable students group and member group,And there is a large number of stable employers.ACCA knowledge system can satisfy our students to learn the knowledge of international demand,So we introduced the ACCA.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您觉得中国目前ACCA的需求数量或者人才缺口大概有多少,我们ACCA学完以后对学习者最大的提升和收获是什么?

Do you think China ACCA quantity demand or talent gap probably how many,We learn to learners ACCA after the largest ascension and harvest is what?


刘温泉【正保远程教育副总裁】: Liu hot spring[Is the remote education vice President]:目前暂时没有ACCA人才缺口的准确数字,但是我们知道在很多企业,都是非常欠缺拥有既了解中国会计准则又了解国际会计准则的人才,这种人才缺失是比较严重的。ACCA与中国其它专业资格不大一样,ACCA没有进入门槛,所有人都可以进入到ACCA的学习体系里面学习。ACCA类似于我们的本科教育,它有14门课,帮助学习者从简单的知识开始一步步深入,包含了会计、财务、审计、税务、法律等各方面的知识。ACCA拥有完整体系的教学内容和考试,能给学习者逐渐建立一个完整的知识体系。另外,ACCA基于国际会计准则,学习ACCA内容可以拥有国际化的会计视野,因为是全英文的考试,可以给学习者带来英语语言能力的提高。

So far we don't have the exact number of ACCA talent gap,But we know that in many enterprises,Is very lack have already know China accounting standards and the international accounting standards about talents,This kind of talents loss is more serious.ACCA and other Chinese professional qualification is not the same,ACCA no entry threshold,Everyone can enter the ACCA learning system in learning.ACCA similar to our undergraduate education,It has 14 course,Help learners from simple knowledge began to further step by step,Include the accounting/financial/audit/tax/The law and so on various aspects of knowledge.ACCA has a complete system of teaching content and examination,Can give learners gradually establish a complete knowledge system.In addition,ACCA based on the international accounting standards,Learning ACCA content can have international accounting field of vision,Because it is all English exam,Can give learners bring English language capability is improved.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:其实我们注意到哈佛大学、麻省理工学院合作推出免费的网络教育项目EDX,旨在提供全新的受教育途径,您有没有了解这种途径,这种免费的教育模式在高校可行吗?

Actually, we pay attention to Harvard University/The Massachusetts institute of technology cooperation with a free network education project EDX,Aims to provide new way by education,Have you understand this way,This kind of free education mode in university feasible?


刘温泉【正保远程教育副总裁】: Liu hot spring[Is the remote education vice President]:说到EDX曾经关注过,但不是很了解,这个项目好像是建立一个平台,通过这个平台让教育者来创建教学内容,让学生享受到更多的教学产品。这个事物其实跟我们现在正保在做的一件事非常像,即正保教育开放平台,正保教育开放平台是标准的、规范的展示和创建教学课程的平台,在这个平台上任何人都可以成为老师,任何人也都可以成为学生。只要你有可以讲的东西,你就可以到这儿来讲。这些资源可以是免费资源,也可以是收费的。这样的平台把高校的教学资源引入共享是完全可行的,只要有良好的机制,控制质量的方法,我相信这样的平台对于国家教育资源的分布和国内高校资源的共享是非常有益的。

Say to the EDX had concerns over,But it's not very understanding,This project seems to be build up a platform,Through this platform for educators to create the teaching contents,Let students enjoy more teaching products.The things actually tell us is now keep doing one thing very like,That is the education open platform,Is the education open platform is a standard/Standard exhibition and create teaching platform,In this platform anybody can be a teacher,Nobody can become students.As long as you have to be able to speak of things,You can here speaking.These resources can be free resources,Also can be charge.Such a platform to college teaching resources into sharing is completely feasible,As long as there is a good mechanism,The method of quality control,I believe such a platform for national education resources distribution and domestic university resources sharing is very useful.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:很多高校都在做继续教育学院和网络教育学院,和高校相比我们的优势在哪儿,会不会给我们构成一些威胁?

Many universities are doing to continue education institute and network education college,Universities and compared our advantage in where,Will give us some constitute a threat?


刘温泉【正保远程教育副总裁】: Liu hot spring[Is the remote education vice President]:应该说高校的远程教育与正保远程教育有较大差异但又相辅相成。高校的继续教育学院或者远程教育学院大多基于现有的学历教育,课程主要从学历教育体系出发。正保的远程教育资源更多是职业教育。

It should be said that the remote education and is the remote education has a bigger difference but and supplement each other.Education college to college or remote education college mostly based on existing degree education,The course mainly from the record of formal schooling education system start.Is the distance education resources is more vocational education.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:可能是一个承上启下的作用,其实我们知道互联网的发展改变了我们学习方式,现在移动学习也成为流行,您怎么看互联网发展、网络教育的作用包括网络教育的未来市场情景如何?

May be a playing the role which links the preceding,In fact, we know that the development of the Internet changed the way we learn,Now mobile learning is also become popular,How do you see the Internet development/Network education role including network education of the future market situation how?


刘温泉【正保远程教育副总裁】: Liu hot spring[Is the remote education vice President]:我们发现,在很多公众场合越来越多的人在拿着手机使用,有些人可能在看报纸,有些人可能在看新闻,有的可能在玩游戏……移动互联对网络教育带来的变化就是让我们的学生无处不在、随时随地进行学习,正保在这个方面做了很多工作,让学生的学习触角得到了延伸。以前互联网教学需要学生坐在电脑前,需要有一个固定能上网的环境,移动互联网完全打破这个界限,在地铁上、在路上都可以随时来学习。移动互联网带来的变化就是解决了地点限制,扩大了学生群体,我相信互联网学习的用户会更膨胀、更巨大,不管是我们还是各个从事网络教育的企业,抓住这个机遇可以让移动互联帮助更多的人学到更多的知识。

We found,In many public places more and more people with a mobile phone use,Some people may be in reading the newspaper,Some people may be watching the news,Some may be in playing games……Mobile Internet network education to bring change is to make our students everywhere/Study anytime and anywhere,Is the in this respect did a lot of work,Let the students learning antenna has been extended.Before the Internet teaching need the students sitting in front of the computer,Need to have a fixed can connect to the Internet environment,Mobile Internet completely break the limit,In the/On the road can at any time to study.Mobile Internet bring change is to solve the location limit,Extended the student group,I believe that Internet users will learn more expansion/greater,Whether we are all engaged in network education enterprise,Seize the opportunity can make mobile Internet help more to learn more knowledge.

  搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:最后请刘总对我们已经学完、走上就业岗位的正保学子包括准备学习正保的学子送上一句话。

Finally, please liu2 zong3 to we have learned/On jobs are the students including preparation for learning is the students into a word.


刘温泉【正保远程教育副总裁】: Liu hot spring[Is the remote education vice President]:首先祝福所有的学子们,希望你们在学习的路上拥有一种持续坚持学习的态度,然后保证自己的知识不断更新,我相信通过学习既能带给你知识的丰富,也能带给你个人的发展,最后祝大家好运。

First wish all the students,I hope you in the way of learning with a continuous keep learning attitude,Then ensure that their knowledge constantly updated,I believe that through the study can not only bring you the abundance of knowledge,Can also bring your personal development,Finally I wish you all good luck.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:谢谢您。

Thank you for your.
