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“异地高考”没那么简单 还是在“拼爹”--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


Will the three conditions,A sense,or"Spell dad age"A miniature of the parents - without a house,No regular work,No insurance,No stay in a city of need,SuiQian children cannot enjoy the right to the city college entrance examination.

  ◎文/CBF记者 费一妍

Money text/CBF reporter fee a yan

  8月的最后一天,传闻已久的“异地高考方案”迈出了第一步。 8 month of the last day,Hearsay already a long time of"Different college entrance examination scheme"Take the first step.


The general office of the state council forwarding a by the ministry of education put forward four department documents to all the provinces/Autonomous region/Municipality directly under the --[The preparation for migrant workers SuiQian children receive compulsory education after the local attend school entrance examination opinions],Requirements in adjust measures to local conditions policy guidance,In principle all should be before the end of the year in 2012 issued relevant SuiQian children eleven-plus solutions.


This document is approved,JiaoHaoZhe clap your hands is,Protests against the sound of the narrative.

  看似讲条件 实则“拼爹” Seemingly speak conditions in fact"Spell dad"


A week later,Storm has not calm,The ministry of education minister of yuan guiren indicated a speech such as add fuel to the flames general,Will again"Different college entrance examination"To in the teeth of the storm.


for"Different college entrance examination"threshold,He put forward three conditions:Parents basic conditions/Student conditions and urban conditions.Parents need to be the permanent population areas,Have a steady job/Stable residence and stable income,And made all kinds of insurance.Students should study areas in the city.In addition,Urban development areas of industry groups of demand is one of the conditions.According to all the students I conditions and urban development needs and bearing capacity,It proposes the concrete solution.


Yuan guiren indicated voice just fell,called"Shanghai[1]Love SuiQian children"QQ group of instant blasted away the pot,Have pointed out that the three conditions for the average of migrant workers who work in was too harsh,"Minhang - 7 - two seniors"User outcry,"We strive for is education fair,Not another spell dad."


And have been opposed to"Different college entrance examination"The people think,According to the policy without specific definition"stable",These three conditions difficult to specific definition,But there is no doubt that,Can satisfy the"stable/Has the room/insurance"The three,Large migrant workers,The most in need of care group,Flatness is ruled out the.


Have been on both sides of the tit for tat,This time in the same point of view:These three"conditions"Is essentially"threshold",hidden"Spell dad"logic!


As at the beginning the ministry of education and social science committee/Fudan university library director GeJianXiong predicted,"If all the schools according to the grades or custom index admission,LaoShaoBianQiong area students also can take care of?Such as comprehensive let go of different college entrance examination,There many family conditional advance send their children to developed different high school?"A field in order to"fair"Reform and not as one who unexpectedly to achieve the purpose of the first.


Will the three conditions,A sense,or"Spell dad age"A miniature of the parents - without a house,No regular work,No insurance,No stay in a city of need,SuiQian children cannot enjoy the right to the city college entrance examination.


"Threshold there must be."Fudan university international relations and public affairs college XiongYi cold for many years engaged in education research of migrant workers,He told[Focus on China's economic and trade]reporter,"From students to see the long-term development,I think the threshold setting should be see students I conditions,The second is the parents conditions."


He further explains,"Don't set up parents conditions,At the present stage is not possible,Otherwise benefited range is too wide,Difficult to control the population of migrant workers who work flow,Is unable to safeguard the rights and interests of the local residents.But since the basis of students' interests as the core,So more should pay great attention to the student conditions,For example, he could read the primary school in Shanghai/Junior high school/High school,Also may be high school just come to,May also be high school a year here,This requires the government to decision judge what kind of students and native is the same."


Now on the introduction of the"The three conditions",Although there is no lack of had good original intention and kindness,But still with their parents' generation achievements as the main basis,Is unfair.China's migrant population is more of a HouDiaoShi survival,There are still a large number of SuiQian children will because of his parents' drift indefinite and lose"Different college entrance examination"opportunity,For the children of peasant workers in,More like just pie in the sky.


XiongYi cold has revealed,Now the local government is under a lot of pressure,Shanghai municipal education commission, a week will appear two dial the people,Is appealing to migrant workers who work,requirements"Different college entrance examination",The other is more appealing to the Shanghai local residents,against"Different college entrance examination".

  针锋相对 沸反盈天 Tit for tat raise hell


Migrant workers who work with local residents,Both sides of the tit for tat no longer a fresh thing.


From July 2010 to August 2012,SuiQian children parents continuous 26 months to go to the ministry of education called for an end to the limitation of census register to education.In January 2011, writing[Cancel the university entrance exam the feasibility study report of census register restrictions],Published in"I want the university entrance exam net"Web site,To the society public.So far a few easy its stalk of grain,And to relevant education department for a month.


[The report]mentioned,"New immigrants as input fields of the taxpayer,For the local economic and social development made great contribution to assume the obligation of citizens at the same time,But can't enjoy the same rights as citizens and input fields."They call for,Now is the time to cancel the university entrance exam census register restrictions,To solve new migrant children by education problems.


At the same time,Another group of against open different college entrance examination's people never stop their actions.July 26,,Five Shanghai net friend companion to Shanghai education committee,Submitted the[Shanghai open against different college entrance examination]proposal.Proposal excellent pictures and texts,Detailed list Shanghai resources are migrant workers who work occupied a large number of data,"As a abide by family planning laws and regulations of parents,For want and exotic super living person share the limited resources,And feel strong regret and dissatisfaction!"


Although Shanghai has revealed JiFenZhi will be used,Comprehensive consideration of the migrant workers who work in Shanghai professional situation with its SuiQian children attend fixed number of year,issued"Different college entrance examination"Implementation plan,But that still did not stop the Shanghai citizens against the policy determination.On September 15,,Net friends again gathered at the door of the Shanghai municipal education commission,holding"Secure the local germ fair entrance"/"Reasonable distribution education resources,Strictly different ZhongGaoKao access standard"slogan.


Deputy director of the Shanghai municipal education commission after Yin a revealed,Currently in Shanghai to receive compulsory education of migrant workers who work SuiQian children more than 500000 people.Shanghai will consider to plan as a whole SuiQian children parents in Shanghai legal stable work/Legal stable habitation/According to the provisions of the state pay society insurance fixed number of year,And SuiQian children in local studying fixed number of year, etc,Through the comprehensive integration,Determine whether it is in Shanghai to attend ZhongGaoKao conditions.


"Shanghai college entrance examination different scheme design of the core problem,Is the city the rapid population growth and the bearing capacity of city contradiction."According to the notice of the state council requirements,According to the Shanghai urban function orientation/Distribution of industry structure/The city resources carrying capacity and sure"Different college entrance examination"scheme.At present,Shanghai is to establish and perfect the management system of migrant workers."Based on this to the formulation and the coherent SuiQian children ZhongGaoKao scheme."


The same under a large number of migrant workers who work in Beijing,The education commission spokesman line league ping said,Beijing"Different college entrance examination"Plan is still in the study,Specific launch date temporarily not sure yet.

  势在必行 开口不大 It is imperative to open is not big


shandong/Fujian respectively in February and may release the relevant provisions,Since 2014,And in shandong/Fujian high school section has three years complete learning experience of the census register examinee,All can in situ register to attend the university entrance exam,With the local students enjoy the same admission policy.In the local attended SuiQian in children,The stone fell from his heart,Historical tragedy is no longer stage.


NiuCheng(alias)And his wife have been doing business in Shanghai more than ten years,Their children small button was born in Shanghai,Also in Shanghai primary school/Junior high school,But must come back to my hometown to attend the university entrance exam.

  老家的上课教材和考试内容与上海有很多不同,为了提前适应,小钮不得不孤身一人回到陌生的家乡读高中。“十年寒窗啊,最终换来这个结果。” 钮盛无奈地摇摇头,有时接到孩子哭诉的电话“心如刀割,家乡话听不懂,家乡的风俗不适应,学习上的压力非常大,对这个孩子来说太难了!”

Their hometown class teaching materials and examination content and Shanghai has a lot of different,In order to advance to adapt to,Small button to return to the hometown alone strange high school."Ten years learning ah,For the final results." NiuCheng reluctantly shook his head,Sometimes received child SOB telephone"joey,When listening to don't understand,Hometown custom does not adapt,The pressure in study is very large,To the child too difficult!"

  “来上海那么多年了,一直盼着有个上海户口,即使不能落户,也想着能给孩子在上海考试的资格,毕竟她从小就是在上海长大的呀。” 钮盛的言谈里透露着太多的无奈。

"Come to Shanghai for so many years,Have been looking forward to a Shanghai registered permanent residence,Even if can't settle,Also thinking of can give children in Shanghai exam qualification,After all she usta grew up in Shanghai of ah." In NiuCheng speech that too many helpless.


now,"Different college entrance examination"Finally the mouth,But this cut how can open,All eyes are firmly staring at.


In XiongYi seems cold,"Different college entrance examination"Indeed, it is imperative,but,As a reform,Especially relates to every household important reform,After the first easy to/Step by step,The pursuit of sound is inevitable."now,The local government should be in protecting local residents college entrance examination based on the right,Then to the appropriate open."


All local governments should not only consider the local residents to"College entrance examination immigrant"concern,Consider the college entrance examination each year the number of problems such as periodic."Shanghai college entrance examination in 2012 the number of only 55000 people,More than 6 years ago shrunk half,But this does not mean that the college entrance examination after the number of decreasing year by year,But to a periodic variation,The local government must make full plan."

  自主招生 建立多元体系 Independent recruit students to establish multivariate system


The people murmured"Different college entrance examination"Policy of,The 21st century education institute, vice President of the XiongBingJi in accepting[China's economic and trade together]A reporter to interview,Something outlandish:"In the current college entrance examination system under the framework of the university entrance exam to solve different problems,Problems will more and more,therefore,I suggest that the college entrance examination will be different solutions of the problem of college entrance examination system reform with combination."


In his view,In points province according to plan concentrated admission system framework of different Open University entrance exam,The local government on the introduction of the"Different college entrance examination"Related scheme,Especially just two,Will according to the economy/Social development and education resources situation,Setting the threshold of the relatively high.


therefore,To fundamentally solve different problems the college entrance examination,We must break the current college entrance examination enrollment system,The college entrance examination reform and combination,Decentralization to school.XiongBingJi put forward,On the one hand,Higher vocational practice"matriculated,Apply for admission",Cancel enter oneself for an examination of census register restrictions,On the other hand,High level of university autonomy enrollment,Break points province according to plan concentrated admission,Further to solve different problems the college entrance examination.


XiongBingJi further explained,Should promote"Different college entrance examination",And to maintain the current college entrance examination system,Ensure that place the university entrance exam interests,"Different college entrance examination"Will become very complex.And if fundamentally reform plan concentrated enrollment system,Problems will be readily solved.


Introduced in 2010[National education planning outline]Expressly mentioned,propulsion"The school autonomy enrollment,Many students choose"College entrance examination reform,If earnestly implement,Realize local college entrance examination/In situ admission is not difficult.and,It also accord with the direction of the reform of China's college entrance examination,Can break a lifelong pattern discovery,And carry out the school autonomy.secondly,In colleges and universities in the admission,Can combine the examinee unified exam achievement/Middle school academic performance/University interview investigation and regional education factors comprehensive evaluation admission,Especially can through the area education factors,Correction around the education quality difference,To realize regional college entrance examination admission essence fair.


At present,China had 80 high-level university recruitment of students autonomously.XiongBingJi pointed out that,Domestic university autonomous enrollment is grafting in concentrated admission of pseudo reform,Results or government departments to master cast archives right,Score the important role of continue to reflect,Students' option did not increase,More heavy burden.Foreign university autonomy enrollment also see unified test scores,But at the same time establish multivariate evaluation system,And not by government departments to cast archives,Not in a batch,Also does not ask students can only get a letter of admission.


The opinions vary,[People's Daily]The official micro bo also voice - different college entrance examination into the essence of operation,Discussion and concerns as thick as hail.This is the current situation faced to the present reform:Benefit main body each have appeal,Public opinion each sticks to his argument,Perfunctory escape and utopian demanding coexist.As for the reformers,Needs not only the wisdom of exquisite balance,More need to forge ahead of the bear.Transformation China,Problem a conflict is not playing music ball.
