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学校坦言宿舍不够很无奈:每年要为租村屋补贴千万 The school said dormitory is not very helpless:A year for rent village house allowance of ten million

  文/ 图羊城晚报记者 沈婷婷 实习生 阙小琴

Wen/diagram the yangcheng evening news reporter ShenTingTing interns JueXiaoQin

  深圳大学2012级新生为期十天的军训25 日结束,不少新生却高兴不起来。原来,部分新生被安排到了校外由城中村改建的宿舍居住。

Shenzhen university 2012 freshmen for ten days of military training 25 end,Many new but not happy.The original,Part of the freshman was arranged in the village inside city reconstruction by outside the dormitory to live.

  深圳大学后勤处相关负责人告诉记者,目前深大共有约4 千名学生住在校外。

Shenzhen university logistics department related person in charge told reporters,At present deep big has about 4000 students live off campus.

  大学生寄宿城中村这一现象,引起了社会的关注。学校安排学生住在校外,究竟是为什么? 现状如何? 羊城晚报记者近日走访发现,学生为此很痛苦,学校则显得很无奈。

College students' boarding villages this phenomenon,Caused the attention of the society.School for students live off campus,why? Situation how to? The yangcheng evening news reporter recently found to visit,Students for this very pain,The school is appears very helpless.

  密密麻麻的楼宇, 各式各样的店铺,构成了最普通的深圳城中村景象。游走在紧靠深圳大学的桂庙新村, 如果你是路痴,那么恭喜你,由于楼宇辨识度不高,很快你就会找不着北了。

Bunches of building, A wide variety of shops,The most common shenzhen constitute the village inside city scene.Wander in close to the shenzhen university guangxi temple of saemaul undong, If you are only way,So congratulations you,Because building recognition degree is not high,Soon you will find the north.

  就在这样的环境里,深圳大学的校外宿舍杂乱无章地分布桂庙新村的各个角落,从“华城一、二、三”,到“桂庙1 到栋”、“桂庙C、D 栋”等,共32 栋宿舍楼坐落于此“新村”。

In such environment,Shenzhen university school dormitory desultorily distribution guangxi temple every corner of the saemaul undong,from"Huacheng a/two/three",to"Guangxi temple 1 to building"/"Guangxi temple C/D building", etc,A total of 32 house residence halls located here"xincun".

四千“深大”学生无奈寄宿城中村[图] 深大的校外学生宿舍 Deep big school dormitory


不安全:怕对面跳个人过来 unsafe:Be afraid to jump over the individual

  记者走进“桂庙12 栋”,这座女生宿舍都是两人一间,宿舍门左边放了一个架子床,分上下铺,右边是两张小桌和书架,有单独的卫生间,此外还有两个电扇和衣柜,阳台上有一个洗漱池。

The reporter walks into"Guangxi temple 12 building",The girls' dorms are two people a,The dormitory door on the left put a frame,Points the upper and lower,On the right is the two teapoy and bookshelf,A separate toilet,In addition there are two fan and chest,The balcony has a XiShuChi.

  住在该楼的京京(化名)透露,每学期每个人交450 元住宿费, 包水费不包电费。她说:“楼距太窄了,对面住的是社会上的人, 感觉他们可以直接从对面跳过来,很不安全。”

Live in the house jingjing(alias)revealed,Each semester each person pay 450 yuan accommodation, Bag bag water not electricity.She said:"Floor distance is too narrow,Opposite live is social people, Feel they can directly from the opposite to jump,It was not safe."

  记者走到阳台,发现阳台和对面楼之间的距离不超过1.5 米,4 楼和对面楼顶基本等高。由于桂庙新村是城中村,大部分楼房的间距都很窄,楼与楼之间基本只隔着一条小巷子。

Reporter went to the balcony,Find the balcony and the distance between the opposite building not more than 1.5 meters,The 4th floor and roof basic contour.Due to the guangxi temple of saemaul undong is villages,Most of the buildings of the spacing is very narrow,Between building and building basic only separated by a small lanes.


不方便:上课要走半个小时 It is not convenient to:Class to go half an hour

  记者在桂庙12 栋楼层的尽头看到那里安放了两个烧开水的热水器。这个热水器,既为学生提供喝的热水,学生洗澡也要从这里打热水。

Reporter in the guangxi temple 12 building at the end of the floor see there was two to boil the water heater.This water heater,Not only provide students with drink hot water,The students take a shower but also from here to draw water.


"Bath not convenient",More than is jingjing,The reporter interviewed more than a dozen girls,All say they are very not willing to live in one of the reasons outside.


Jingjing told reporters this is the arrangement of our school,She had no way."in‘Grinds the’The next semester can apply for change to campus,But I've heard that this year application in bedroom appeared overnight queue situation."This year become deep big graduate jingjing said in frustration.


Live in"Huacheng three building"Of Chen,To live in another outside a feeling:"Here to go to the class/Go to the library is not convenient."

  记者从最靠近学校南边的“桂庙8栋”徒步走到学校的图书馆(学校4 栋教学楼也在图书馆旁边), 快则15 分钟,慢则20 多分钟。走去学校北面的文科楼教学区,快则要走20 分钟,慢则要花费半小时以上。

Reporters from the most close to the school of the south"Guangxi temple building 8"Walk to the school library(The school also four building next to the library), Fast is 15 minutes,Slow is more than 20 minutes.Walk the school on the northern side of the liberal arts school districts,Fast is to go 20 minutes,Slow should spend more than half an hour.
