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不宽敞:两房一厅挤8个人 Don't spacious:Two rooms one hall crowded eight people

  作为深圳大学住宿费最便宜的宿舍楼,“华城一至三栋”的住宿费是每人每学期350 元,但这里也是最拥挤的宿舍楼之一,一般一间宿舍住6 个人或8 个人。

As shenzhen university accommodation the cheapest residence halls,"Huacheng one to three buildings"The room rate is 350 yuan per person per semester,But here is also one of the most crowded apartment building,Generally a dormitory six or eight people live.

  “华城三栋”的宿舍是两房一厅的,小陈告诉记者, 两房中稍大的房间住三个人,小房间住两个人,客厅里也还要住三个人。

"Huacheng three building"Dormitory is two rooms one hall of,Chen told reporters, Two houses larger room for three people,Little room for two people,In the sitting room also will live three people.


Such a eight dormitory,Only a balcony and a bathroom.Chen told reporters,Daily schedules don't like you,Can avoid congestion,But let Chen wring is,Winter is coming,Bedroom only a balcony,"The clothes was more difficult".

四千“深大”学生无奈寄宿城中村[图] 桂庙新村握手楼, 深大不少学生宿舍就坐落于此 Guangxi temple building saemaul undong shake hands, Deep big quite a few students dormitory is located here


不安静:半夜还有人撒酒疯 Do not quiet:There are people in the middle of the SaJiuFeng

  桂庙新村在晚上很热闹,这里“不限电,通宵打游戏,满街喝啤酒。没人管! ”小陈说, 对于自律能力比较差的学生来说“容易堕落”。

Guangxi saemaul undong temple in the evening was very lively,here"No electric,Play games all night,Drink beer lies.Nobody tube! "Chen said, For self-discipline ability more bad of the students"Easy to fall".


In guangxi temple of saemaul undong,As long as it can set up shop places opened shop,Which is the largest open"eat"shop.On the one hand,In guangxi temple of saemaul undong do a"ChiHuo"Very comfortable,On the other hand,Quite a few students it is difficult to bear with the environment.

  “桂庙C 栋”的管理员告诉记者:“凌晨一、两点,还有学生想出去吃夜宵。”

"Guangxi temple C building"Administrator told reporters:"At a/two,Some other students want to go out for food taken late at night."


"To the toilet at night,Can hear all kinds of bats sound."Jingjing said,Many social workers in SaJiuFeng at midnight.


现象背后补贴上千万,学校也叫苦 Behind the phenomenon of millions of subsidies,The school also complain

  23日, 深圳大学已退休的一位学校高层领导在接受羊城晚报记者采访时表示,把学生放在校外住宿,实在是无奈之举。

23, Shenzhen university has retired a school senior leaders in accepting the yangcheng evening news reporter to interview said,The students on off-campus housing,It is with trepidation.

  他说,这一切要追溯到2001、2002 年。当时深圳大学在校生过万,将学校招待所、职工宿舍都利用后,学生住宿仍然存在缺口。学校便与一墙之隔的桂庙新村合作,建楼或将楼改造成学生公寓,桂庙新村将建筑整体出租,学校代收租金,微利运作。

He said,All these dates back to 2001/In 2002,.Shenzhen university students at over yuan,Will school hostel/The worker dormitory after all use,Student accommodation there are still gaps.The school will and the lie between guangxi temple of saemaul undong cooperation,Building floor or floor transformed into students' apartments,Guangxi temple of saemaul undong will building overall rental,School collecting rent,Meager profit operation.

  记者查阅资料发现, 国务院2000 年第一号文件明文规定,政府不再直接投资兴建学生公寓,随后广东省政府也出台相关文件,催促学校后勤服务尽快走社会化的道路。

Reporter found that data access, In 2000 the state council document no. 1 expressly provided,The government no longer directly invest in the construction of the students' apartments,Then the government of guangdong province also issued relevant documents,Urge school logistics service as soon as possible go the way of socialization.

  这 位人士还告诉记者, 除了桂庙新村之外, 深大在学校西门外也有“创华公寓” ,提供给部分研究生居住。他告诉记者,这些校外的学生宿舍都是由学校后勤处负责。

This person also told reporters, In addition to guangxi temple outside the saemaul undong, Deep in the school Simon outside also have"Gen China apartment" ,Provide part of the graduate student to live.He told reporters,These external student dormitory is the school logistics department is responsible for.

  “学校也很痛苦啊。”他说,把学生放置在校外,校方也很伤脑筋,管理不能怠慢, 但是学校招生发展速度太快, 必然会产生宿舍供求的矛盾。他向记者透露,因为学校是向桂庙新村租用物业, 随着物价和房价上涨,租金也年年水涨船高,都是学校贴钱,再低价租给学生。

"The school is also very painful ah."He said,The students placed in school,The school is also very nerve-racking,Management can't neglect, But the school enrollment rate of development too fast, Will produce dormitory supply and demand contradiction.He said to the reporter,Because school is to guangxi temple of saemaul undong leased property, With the prices and house price rising,The rent is rising year by year,Are TieQian school,Again to students at a low price.

  “学校每年拿出一大笔钱专门用于补贴校外学生的住宿费。每年上千万元呐!”他告诉记者,现在房租涨到每间房每个月2000 多元,但学校向学生收取的每学期住宿费只有300-400 元。

"School every year took out a large sum of money for special subsidies external students' accommodation.Every year millions of yuan shout!"He told reporters,Now the rent up to every room 2000 yuan every month,But the school to student collection of each term accommodation only 300-400 yuan.

  深圳大学后勤处相关负责人告诉记者,该校新建的南校区缓解了部分学生的住宿压力,不少学生从去年开始搬进了南校区,目前深大仍有约4 千多名学生住在校外,其中本科生3 千多名,研究生千多名。

Shenzhen university logistics department related person in charge told reporters,The new south campus alleviate some of students' accommodation pressure,Quite a few students from last year start moving in the south campus,At present deep big still has some more than 4000 students live off campus,The undergraduate students more than 3000,Graduate students more than.


同病相怜深圳职业技术学院:4千学子也住校外上课竟要坐公交车 Misery loves company shenzhen professional technology institute:4000 students also live outside class have to take the bus

  深圳职业技术学院也有一个三栋连在一起的“旺棠公寓”,位于学校东校区之外, 近4000 名学生住在这里, 他们也跟深大的“校外学生”一样苦恼。

Shenzhen vocational and technical college also has a three house together"Prosperous siu-tong apartment",Is located in the east campus school outside, Nearly 4000 students live in here, They also with deep big"Off-campus students"every.

  “旺棠公寓”的环境比桂庙新村稍好,现代化的公寓,有空调也有风扇,还有独立卫生间,虽然紧挨着深职院的东校区, 但由于该校教学区多在西校区,相隔较远,学生只能乘坐学校的班车或坐公交上、下学,极其不便。

"Prosperous siu-tong apartment"Environment than guangxi temple of saemaul undong slightly better,Modern apartment,We have air conditioning also have fan,And the independent toilet,Although next to deep vocational-technical college of east campus, But as a result of the school in west campus school districts,Far apart,Students can only take the school bus or sit on the bus/xia,Extremely inconvenience.

  由于“旺棠公寓”是学校为了满足扩招需求而在校外租用的公寓,所以公寓下面是商铺和饭店, 住在3-5 楼的学生从来不敢开窗户晾衣服,“油烟不断,实在伤不起。”

because"Prosperous siu-tong apartment"Is the school enrollment in order to meet the demand in external rented apartment,So the apartment below are shops and restaurants, Live in 3-5 floor of the students can never be open the window clothes,"Lampblack constantly,Can really hurt."

  从今年6 月1 日起,由于校车逐渐减少, 并且从每半小时开行一趟改为每一小时开行一趟, 引来旺棠公寓学生的集体不满。

From this year June 1,Due to the school bus gradually reduce, And from every half an hour operation a trip to every hour operation a trip, Draw prosperous siu-tong apartment students' collective dissatisfaction.

  该校一位校领导在接受羊城晚报记者采访时表示, 为了适应扩招,“万般无奈, 只能在学校旁边租这栋楼。”对于减少班车,他说每年人大对学校交通费进行审议时,学校的费用都较高,只能进行控制,学校为此多次联系公交集团,希望增加站点。

The school a school leader in accepting the yangcheng evening news reporter to interview said, In order to adapt to the expansion,"Have no alternative, It's next to the school only rent the building."To reduce bus,He said to the school each year's National People's Congress for deliberation in transportation,School fees are high,Can only carry on the control,School therefore many contact bus group,Hope to increase site.


有何办法专家建议:辅导员与学生同住 What can expert advice:Instructors and students live with

  针对目前的状况, 深圳大学城市文化研究所一名不愿具名的资深城市文化研究专家建议: 学校可以经常召开学生座谈会, 通报校园情况, 也了解学生在校外生活的情况,增强沟通。另外,可以让辅导员老师和学生一起住在校外, 帮助学生解决问题,定点值班。他强调,学校一定要及时了解城中村的环境、治安、文化,如有不良影响,及时疏导。

In view of the present situation, Shenzhen university city culture institute an anonymous senior city culture research expert advice: Schools can often holds the student symposium, Bulletin campus situation, Also understand a student in the school of life,Enhance communication.In addition,Can let the counselor teachers and students live together in the school, Help the students to solve the problem,Point on duty.He stressed that,The school must be informed of the village in city environment/security/culture,If you have bad effects,Timely dredge.
