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搜狐教育主持人 Sohu education host:张主任,您好,您今年参加2012年亚洲教育论坛年会有什么样的感受?

:zhang,How do you do,You attended this year 2012 Asian education BBS annual meeting what kind of feeling?


张 力[国家教育发展研究中心主任]: Zhang force [national education development research center director]:应该说亚洲教育论坛的年会是我们长期关注的一个平台,为什么我们的教育发展中心能够作为合作的主办单位之一,也是因为多年来我们对跨地区,跨国家的一些教育政策也是非常关心的。

Should say Asian education BBS's annual meeting is our long-term focus on a platform,Why our education development center can be used as one of the sponsors, cooperation,Also because of the years we cross area,Some of the education policy across the country is also very concerned.


My feeling is,This because in chengdu held,In the west of a very prosperous town,The guests from home and abroad gathered here,Sure there will be a lot of new ideas,Especially now we have entered the new century to the second decade,China, of course, is a very ambitious goal,Hope to be able to realize the basic education modernization in 2020.Including basic to form the study community and into human resource power line,But is not to say that all of our Asian brother countries have such ambition.Of course there are run faster,Like some developed countries have is a leading,We also have a pursued is necessary.For some population more developing countries,In Asia also has a lot of common concern policy point.So if the platform to show everybody the attention of some of the education policy of the hot problem difficulty,For we solve its own education difficult and hot issue will have some reference and help.


搜狐教育主持人 Sohu education host:今年已经过去大半年,对于今年整个中国教育的发展现状,能不能做一个总结。我看到今天下午时候,您是分论坛的主持人,是一个中国西部教育可持续发展的论坛。您对今年中国西部教育的发展情况又有什么样总结?请简单介绍一下。

:This year has been the past few months,This year for the entire Chinese education development present situation,Can you make a summary.When I saw this afternoon,You are points BBS host,Is a western China education sustainable development of BBS.This year you to western China education development situation and what kind summary?Please give us a brief introduction.


张 力[国家教育发展研究中心主任]: Zhang force [national education development research center director]:如果要说总结过去两年的教育发展状况,可以这么说,因为在党中央国务院的发布教育规划纲要指引下,现在各项教育事业都迈开了新的步伐,现在全国可以说所有的省、自治区、直辖市在推动教育改革发展方面,都出台了将近四百个文件,这是历史上很少见的。光中央部委就出台了一百多个文件,现在差不多五百个文件在推动教育的改革和发展,所以我觉得这种形式充分的表明党和政府高度重视教育,社会也是积极关注和参与教育,我们教育系统也是在不断的探索,能不能在原有基础上更新教育观念,能够在推进教育改革,推进教育创新方面有所作为,整个态势是非常好的。

If say sum up the past two years of education development,Can say so,Because of the central committee of the state council issued education plan for guidance,Now the education career are moved at a new step,Now the national can say all of the province/Autonomous region/Municipalities directly under the education reform in promoting development,All issued a nearly four hundred documents,This is very rare in history.Light the central ministries and commissions is issued more than one hundred documents,Now almost five hundred files in promoting the reform and development of education,So I think this kind of form fully shows that the party and government attach great importance to education,Society is also positive attention and participation in education,Our education system is in continuous exploration,Can in the original basis update education concept,To promote education reform,Promote education innovation as a somewhat,The whole situation is very good.


As for us this time why focus in the western education sustainable development,In fact is also in the national further advance the great western development strategy of the whole process,The whole we focus of the adjustment of industrial structure in the west will present with eastern and central completely different situation.Need talent resources,Need knowledge support,It is far from enough,We also hope to be able to through the different provinces,In fact the west can also be divided into the northwest and southwest,They provide education in the whole human resource development in terms of experience is not the same.We also hope to pass such an occasion,Being able to communicate,Can from each other,In the western development of such a big under the background of education development pattern or education development general direction.


搜狐教育主持人 Sohu education host:您对于明年的中国教育有什么预期目标吗?

:Do you have for next year's Chinese education what's expected goal?


张 力[国家教育发展研究中心主任]: Zhang force [national education development research center director]:当然明年也是我们党的十八大召开的政府换届之年,可以说新一届的党中央和国务院的领导会对教育工作有一个新的部署,我们会积极的贯彻落实党的十八大精神,然后把明年的工作在原有基础上,比照着2020年教育规划纲要能够落到实处。

Of course next year is our party's eighteen big government held the year of change,Can say the new leadership of the party central committee and the state council on education work have a new deployment,We will actively implement the party's eighteen big spirits,And then the next year's work in the original basis,In the 2020 years of education planning outline can into effect.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您刚才提到教育的创新,我们搜狐教育频道即将开展一个栏目就是有关于教育创新的,您能不能对于这个栏目的建设,提供一些比较好的建议?

You have just mentioned education innovation,We sohu education channel is going to carry out a column is about education innovation,Can you for this column construction,Provide some good advice?


张 力[国家教育发展研究中心主任]: Zhang force [national education development research center director]:你们要充分的发挥网络媒体的优势,就是能够大家来谈,大家来讨论,而且要理性的声音能够占主流。所以我们在谈教育创新绝对不是说大家仅仅发一些埋怨,或者发一些抱怨,而是扎扎实实的看现在我们能够做什么,我们将来能够做什么,我们一步一步的往什么地方发展。所以我的建议就是我们搜狐的教育创新栏目一定要能够使不同的声音在上面充分的展示,相互的交流,这样才能够使得民意能够充分表达。

You should make full play of the advantages of network media,Is able to everyone to talk about,Everybody to discuss,And the voice of reason to account for the mainstream.So we talking about education innovation absolute not to say that you only send some of the blame,Or send some complain,But solid see now we can do what,We'll be able to do what,We step by step to where.So my advice is what we sohu's education innovation columns must be able to make different voice above full display,Mutual communication,So that it can make public opinion can fully express.


搜狐教育主持人 Sohu education host:谢谢您的建议,最后我们一年一度的教育盛典马上就要开始了,我们的主题叫做"致青年",您能不能跟我们中国广大的青年说几句寄语。

:Thank you for your advice,Finally, we the annual education grand ceremony is about to begin,Our subject is called"To youth",Can you tell us the Chinese youth say a few words message.


张 力[国家教育发展研究中心主任]: Zhang force [national education development research center director]:谈不上广大青年,我非常的高兴能够借这样一个机会,向青年们说三句话。第一句话,我也是青年过来的,每个青年都有自己的理想,没有理想的青年将来成功的可能性也会非常小,但是有了理想的青年不见得一定都能取得预期的成功。第二句话就是想要取得成功,我们的青年需要脚踏实地踏踏实实的从现在做起,从自己做起。第三句话就是祖国的理想跟我们自己个人发展的理想应该能够很好的融合在一起。我衷心的祝愿你们能够不断的进取,不断的成功,谢谢。

Far from the youth,I am very happy to be able to borrow such a chance,To the young three words.The first words,I am also young come over,Each young man has his own ideal,Without ideal youth in the future the possibility to succeed will also is very small,But there are the ideal youth not necessarily can obtain the success of the expected.The second sentence is to be successful,Our youth need down-to-earth dependably start from now,From ourselves.The third sentence is the ideal of the motherland with our own personal development ideal should be able to very good together.I sincerely wish you can continuously enterprising,Continued success,thank you.
