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女老板10年助学200万 从踩三轮送货起家--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


5 years or,9 years old school,14 years old start riding a tricycle sell beer business……She suffered injustice/After hard,now,Have five homemade wine enterprises of she never forget the same unfortunate people,In the past few years she donated 2 million yuan RMB for student/Helped the old,This let her become the old people's eye"Good girl"/The children of the mouth"Make mother".


家境贫穷无奈辍学 Family circumstances poverty but to drop out


XuYongLan was born in 1967,Now is the xiamen JinYu xing wine co., LTD., general manager,Simple short give or have a permanent wave,Eyes narrowed/Thick lips,A face of the vicissitudes of the/Plain of dress/Low-key style,These would make it difficult to put her and five homemade wine to the wife of relates in together.


Now the identity of the attractive but hidden behind the childhood misfortune and the undertaking difficulty.XuYongLan was born in the town of statins five mountains village of poor family,5 years old father left the world,Mother had a man with big home seven children.Due to family poverty can't pay my tuition,She had to in 3 grade school.The poor children early alone,At the age of 14 XuYongLan forced to support himself,To start a business of way.


Just began to,XuYongLan riding on a car old tricycle in the streets of deep transport beer.After through hardships,XuYongLan has started five wine trading company.


被孩子称为“许妈妈” Be children called"Make mother"


strong(alias)Flood is catitang town a peasant boy of the village,Father's early death,Mother has the traffic accident died eight years ago.Strong so blue,And because can not afford to pay tuition fees to drop out at home.XuYongLan after that,Comes in many,Chat with your child/eat,Channel to help him,"Liu yi"Children's day also take him to the parks,shopping,To buy him a gift.


"I'm not afraid to observe a festival,I also have a mother!"Strong, proud to shout.Strong gradually open up,In XuYongLan sponsorship,He went back to the school.8 years,XuYongLan no matter how busy all don't forget to visit strong,Solve in his economic and moral problems encountered.Now is the college students' strong thank his make mother,In the first time to get scholarship,He gave XuYongLan bought a handbag.


"Make mother,Thank you,But for your help,I'm afraid I is still a JianPoLan's.You won't buy handbag,This many inconvenient."XuYongLan listen this sentence,Hands tremblingly took the handbag,, tears streaming down her face.


According to incomplete statistics,Ten years,XuYongLan subsidized thousands of poor students,To donate more than 200 yuan,She funding children happen to coincide to call her"Make mother".


财富将捐献给社会 Wealth will be donated to the society


XuYongLan can't forget her mother,In addition to donate outside,AIDS is an elderly person XuYongLan for many years has been done.Every year the Spring Festival/Before it,She would go to see live in yixian home for the old man and close to some lonely/Difficult old man,For they to living and articles of everyday use,This habit,For many years has not changed.

  “感恩心、宽容心、慈善心”是许永兰的座右铭,她也把这几个字悬挂在办公室最显眼的位置。“这辈子所赚的钱到最后都要毫不保留地捐献给社会,不留给子孙后代。”许永兰说。(海西晨报记者 杨洋)

"Thanksgiving heart/Tolerance heart/Charitable heart"Is XuYongLan motto,She also put this a few word suspension in the office the most conspicuous position."In this life the money to the end will not reserve contributions to the society,Don't for future generations."XuYongLan said.(Morning paper reporter hercynian YangYang)
