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  中新网9月25日电据美国侨报网编译报道,沿着美国I-85州际公路一直向北,进入亚特兰大昆内特郡(Gwinnett County)后,你会发现一些新竖起的广告牌标志,这些广告牌布满孩子的笑脸,上面还有些不太容易识别的字。如果你从这里经过,不要奇怪,因为这些广告牌是面向特殊观众的,它们在向特定的人群“传达”信息。

Beijing on September 25, according to the United States' net compile reports,Along the United States I - 85 interstate straight to the north,Enter the Atlanta Queensland nate county(Gwinnett County)after,You will find some new prick billboard signs,The billboard is full of children's smiling face,It also some not too easy identification of the word.If you come by here,Don't strange,Because these billboard is an special audience,They are to specific people"convey"information.


广告,要用移民看得懂的语言 advertising,Want to use immigrants understand language

  据亚特兰大公共广播(Public Broadcasting Atlanta)报道,这些竖立在公路旁边的广告牌由亚裔美国人法律咨询中心(Asian American Legal Advisory Center,AALAC)赞助,分别用7种亚洲语言中文、越南语、韩文、日文以及泰语等标注“投票”两字,旨在增加亚裔移民的投票人数,培养亚洲移民参与大选意识,扩大选民范围。

According to Atlanta public broadcasting(Public Broadcasting Atlanta)reports,These erect in the road next to the billboard by Asian American legal consultation center(Asian American Legal Advisory Center,AALAC)sponsorship,Respectively with seven Asian language Chinese/Vietnamese/Korean/Japanese and Thai label, etc"vote"Two words,Aim to increase the number of Asian immigrants to vote,Cultivate Asian immigrants to participate in the election consciousness,Expand the scope of voters.

  亚裔美国人法律咨询中心的执行董事何海伦(Helen Ho,音译)表示,昆内特郡是该地区移民增长迅速的区域之一,而作为佐治亚州第二人口多的大县,在这里放置“投票”广告牌十分必要。

Asian American legal consultation, executive director of the center HeHaiLun(Helen Ho,transliteration)said,Queensland nate county in the region is the rapid growth of the immigration area,As the second Georgia populous county,In this place"vote"Billboard is very necessary.


投票,因为我们的孩子会领导美国 vote,Because our children will lead the American

  广告牌上除了7种语言的“投票”字样外,还用英文进行了标注:“请为我们的未来投票一切都取决于你”(Vote for Our Future—It’s Up to You)。何海伦说,“大多数第一代移民都会说,‘我来这(参与投票)是因为我的孩子和他们的将来,他们未来会领导美国,他们已经是真正的美国人,他们会投票’。”

On the billboards in addition to seven languages"vote""Outside,Still use English on the label:"Please vote for our future everything depends on you"(Vote for Our Future - It’S Up to You).HeHaiLun said,"Most of the first-generation immigrants will say,‘I came to this(vote)Because of my children and their future,Their future will lead the American,They are real people in the United States,They will vote’."


HeHaiLun added,"We want people to understand is,He and other aspects,The children will imitate the parents' behavior,So parents need to follow the example of civic leaders,Set an example to the children,vote."He said,This is why the billboard will use the children's face as a background reason.

  据悉这些广告牌将在比弗鲁因路(Beaver Ruin Road)和史蒂夫·雷诺兹大道(Steve Reynolds Boulevard)之间向南北双向的过往车辆各展示两周。(庞克)

It is reported the billboard will be in the ephod for road than robustness(Beaver Ruin Road)And Steve Reynolds avenue(Steve Reynolds Boulevard)To the north and south between two-way passing vehicles each show two weeks.(punk)
