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 搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:各位搜狐网友大家好,这里是由搜狐教育主办的"搜狐教育会客厅",今天很高兴来到正保远程教育集团,坐在我对面的是Becker职业教育公司的CEO,先请您跟我们的搜狐网友说一句话。

You sohu net friend everybody is good,Here is the sohu education sponsored by the"Sohu education saloon",Today very happy to is the remote education group,Sitting opposite me professional education is Becker company CEO,First please follow our sohu net friend say a word.



John P. Roselli【Becker Professional Education CEO】: John P. Roselli[Becker professional education CEO]:HELLO。



搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:我们知道Becker公司一直是全球会计还有金融领域行业教育的领导者,请您给我们介绍一下集团的情况。

We know that Becker companies have been global accounting and finance field education industry leader,Please give us a brief introduction to the group's situation.


John P. Roselli【Becker Professional Education CEO】: John P. Roselli[Becker professional education CEO]: Becker专注为学生提供最好的职业教育,来帮助他们在职业生涯取得进步,我们的主要课程是在会计、医学、项目管理方面的考试培训和继续教育课程。我们的母公司是DeVry Inc.(NYSE:DV),是一家美国上市教育公司,同时也是标准普尔500指数的指数成员,每年的销售额大概22亿美金。全球来说Becker每年为超过五万名学生提供考试培训和继续教育课程,包括在会计、医学还有项目管理这些领域。目前我们在55个国家有超过250个学习中心。

 Becker is dedicated to provide the best students of vocational education,To help them make progress in his career,Our main course is in accounting/medical/Project management examination training and continued education course.Our parent company is DeVry Inc.(NYSE:DV),Is an American public education company,At the same time is also the s&p 500 index members,Annual sales of about 2.2 billion dollars.Each year for global Becker for more than fifty thousand students provide examination training and continuing education course,Included in the accounting/Medical and project management of these fields.At present, we in 55 countries have more than 250 centers of learning.


 搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:我们知道Becker作为ACCA黄金教材出版商今年推出的学习系统被很多大型公司所采用,这套教材的特色和优势在哪儿?

We know that Becker ACCA gold as a teaching material publishers rolls out this year is learning system has been adopted by many large companies,This set of textbooks features and advantages of where is it?


John P. Roselli【Becker Professional Education CEO】: John P. Roselli[Becker professional education CEO]:首先,我们的特点是提供适应本土化的优秀ACCA教学内容,这些内容是在Becker全球标准化的教学材料基础上,通过中国优秀的教师进行本土化双语教学。另外,我们在全球也拥有多年ACCA教学经验,从1993年开始就在很多非英语母语的国家提供ACCA教学课程。我想强调很重要的一点是:BeckerACCA的学习不仅仅是一本教材或者一个什么单独的东西,而是一套学习系统,包括课程、教材、练习,以及其它很多教学相关的内容,并且这些内容可以通过一个强大的教学技术平台支撑配合使用。

First of all,Our characteristics is to provide the excellent local adaptation ACCA teaching content,These content is in Becker global standardized teaching material basis,Through the China's outstanding teachers to localization bilingual teaching.In addition,We also have many years in the global ACCA teaching experience,Since 1993 in many non-native English speakers of countries to provide ACCA teaching course.I want to emphasize the important thing is:BeckerACCA learning is not only a teaching material or a what separate things,But a set of learning system,Including course/materials/practice,And many other relevant teaching content,And these content can be a powerful teaching technology support platform used together.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:Becker除了提供教材还有很丰厚的师资力量,您觉得除了这些我们还有哪些是其它公司无法超越的?

Becker in addition to provide materials have very rich teachers,You feel in addition to these we still have what other companies unsurpassable?


John P. Roselli【Becker Professional Education CEO】: John P. Roselli[Becker professional education CEO]:你说的很对,教师真的很重要,但是什么使得我们比其他所有人都更好,那就是我们有最好的老师、最好的教材,以及用最好的技术去提供服务。同时,关键是我们非常专注,我们专注的是学生,专注的是学生的学习效果,我们专注的是服务,对学生的教育教学、对学生服务的目的。我们非常清楚我们的目标就是让学生取得成果:考试的成功、学习的成功。还有一点很重要,全世界最大的100家会计师事务所有98家都是我们的企业客户,实际上就因为这样我们得以与全世界最好的学生合作,为最好的学生提供服务,而为他们提供好的服务的同时,这些学生也给了我们非常有价值的反馈,使得我们对学生的理解更深厚,进而使得我们可以为这些学生以及所有的学生提供最好的服务。

What you say is very to,The teacher is really important,But what makes us than all other people are better,That's what we have the best teacher/The best teaching material,And use the best technology to provide services.At the same time,The key is we very focused,We concentrate on the students,Concentrate on student's learning effect,We concentrate on services,To student's education teaching/The purpose of the service to students.We are very clear our goal is to make the students to achieve results:Success in the exam/The success of the learning.Still have a bit very important,The world's largest 100 accounting affairs all 98 home is our enterprise customers,In fact because of this we can and the world's best students' cooperation,For the best students with service,And provide them with good service at the same time,These students also gave us very valuable feedback,Make us understanding more profound,Then we can make for these students and all the students provide the best service.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:我们知道2010年Becker跟中华会计网校形成了战略合作关系,合作以来取得很多成绩,为什么如此看中中国市场?

We know that in 2010 with the accounting Becker online formed a strategic cooperative relations,Since the cooperation has a lot of achievement,Why so take a fancy to the Chinese market?


John P. Roselli【Becker Professional Education CEO】: John P. Roselli[Becker professional education CEO]:中国市场很大,这是最重要的原因,这里有很多的学生,而且学生有很多的需求,随着中国越来越开放,越来越多的全球性的公司进入中国,而中国公司也有很多需求需要走出去,这样一个大环境会使得越来越多的中国学生有需要取得这种国际化的知识,取得这些认证。

The Chinese market very,This is the most important reason,There are a lot of students,And students have a lot of demand,As China is more and more open,More and more global companies have entered China,While Chinese companies also have a lot of demand need to go out,Such a big environment will make more and more Chinese students have the need to obtain the internationalization knowledge,Obtain these the authentication.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:在进入中国市场以后面临最大的挑战是什么?

In entering the Chinese market after facing the biggest challenge is what?


John P. Roselli【Becker Professional Education CEO】: John P. Roselli[Becker professional education CEO]:理解市场对于我们来说是最大的挑战,我们2008年就已经进入中国,我们用了两年多的时间去了解中国市场,当然在这个过程中认识和了解了正保远程教育。另外一点,我们发现本土化对于中国学生很重要,这是我们安排人员进入中国后,花了很多时间了解到的情况,于是我们逐渐接触更多的合作伙伴。目前,我们才真正可以说是找到了合适的合作伙伴。

Understand the market for us is one of the biggest challenges,Our 2008 years has been in China,We use the more than two years of time to understand the Chinese market,Of course in this process to know and understand the is the remote education.Another point,We found that the localization is very important for Chinese students,This is our arrange personnel to enter China,Spent a lot of time to learn about the case,So we gradually contact more partners.At present,We really can say is to find the right partner.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:我们知道刚才谈到了通过两年的调研我们才选择跟正保合作,跟正保合作以来最大的收获是什么?

We know that just talked about through the two years of research before we choose with is the cooperation,Is the cooperation with the world's largest since the harvest is what?


John P. Roselli【Becker Professional Education CEO】: John P. Roselli[Becker professional education CEO]:他们对于我们更好理解中国市场提供了特别大的帮助,同时因为正保在中国有很多的学生,他们本身做得很好,也有很多的课程,非常理解中国学生,所以他们帮助我们能真正地进入中国市场,真正地接触中国学生。这些让我们的ACCA产品在中国可以很好地进行市场推广。

They for us better understand the Chinese market to provide a special big help,At the same time because is guaranteed in China there are a lot of students,They themselves do very well,There are also many courses,Very understand Chinese students,So they help we can truly to enter the Chinese market,Truly contact Chinese students.These make our ACCA products in China can be very good market promotion.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:作为注会、财会培训这么多年,如何看待我们中国的职业教育未来市场是怎样的?

As a note will/Finance and accounting training for so many years,How to look at our Chinese vocational education future market is what kind of?


John P. Roselli【Becker Professional Education CEO】: John P. Roselli[Becker professional education CEO]:可以简单地说前景一片光明,原因很简单,中国学生很多,中国经济发展非常快,这两点使得越来越多的大公司来中国,而越来越多的中国公司向海外发展。这样的市场是一个良性循环,经济越来越发展,职业教育、职业人群的需求越多,而职业人的需求越多,学生越多发展就会越好。我非常看好中国市场!

Can simply a bright prospect,The reason is very simple,Many Chinese students,China's economy is developing very fast,This two makes more and more big companies to come to China,And more and more Chinese companies to the overseas development.This market is a benign cycle,Economic development is more and more,Vocational education/Professional people the more demand,And the more the demand of professionals,The more students development will be better.I am very bullish on the Chinese market!


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:我们知道职业教育在德国、日本非常受重视,日本其实是终身化的学习,对比这种国内外的情况,我们中国的职业教育发展和国外有哪些不同,个人体验来看。

We know that vocational education in Germany/Japan is very valued,Japan is actually lifelong learning,Contrast this kind of situation both at home and abroad,Our Chinese vocational education development and abroad have what different,Personal experience to see.


John P. Roselli【Becker Professional Education CEO】: John P. Roselli[Becker professional education CEO]:德国和日本实际上经济已经很发达了,他们已经是发达国家,那么这些国家里面很多人都已经取得了职业资格并且在接受终身教育,虽然他们市场很成熟,但同时其实也就意味着市场不发展了,而美国也是同样的情况。其实在德国来说,总体来说这个国家的英文程度很好,所以应该来说也是比较成熟的,但是中国很有意思,中国人的英语几乎每年都在提高,而且提高很快,这跟日本不一样,日本人英语一直没有变化。

Germany and Japan actually economy is developed,They have is a developed country,So many people in these countries has been made in the professional qualification and receive life-long education,Although they market very mature,But at the same time actually also means that the market is not developed,While the United States is also the same situation.In fact, in Germany,Overall the country level of English is very good,So should is also quite mature,But China is very interesting,Chinese English almost every year is on the rise,And improve soon,This is not the same with Japan,The Japanese English there has been no change.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:我们知道昨天是ACCA新系统的发布会,也取得了圆满成功,您觉得这次新产品的发布最大的创新和特点是什么?

We know that yesterday was the ACCA new system of the conference,Also achieved great success,What do you think of this new product releases the biggest innovation and characteristic is what?


John P. Roselli【Becker Professional Education CEO】: John P. Roselli[Becker professional education CEO]:我们的特点是使用中英文双语授课,提供全英文的配套教材、练习、模考题、考点汇编、备考指导等。通过正保非常完善、先进的网络学习平台,我们得以在正保的平台上提供系统化、完整的、全套学习系统,这个系统把优质网络高清课程、原版教学材料、本土化一站式服务完美的整合在一起。

We are the characteristics of the Chinese and English bilingual teaching,Provide full English supporting materials/practice/Die examination questions/Examination site assembly/Proforma guidance for.Through the is the very perfect/Advanced network learning platform,We can in is the platform to provide systematic/complete/Full set of learning system,This system take high quality network hd course/Original teaching materials/Localization one-stop service perfect together.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:这次新产品的发布,您觉得会给中国会计专业资格考试带来哪些新变革?

This new product release,You think that will give China accounting professional qualification examination of what brings new change?


John P. Roselli【Becker Professional Education CEO】: John P. Roselli[Becker professional education CEO]:非常激动人心的是,我们相信通过新产品发布会正式宣告进入中国,可以进一步扩展中国的职业培训市场,或者说扩展中国会计人群对ACCA的认知和了解程度。目前来说,中国已经有四万多名ACCA学员,我们相信,这些学生会有很大比例成为我们的用户,但是更有意义的或者说更重要的是,我相信"四万"这个数字会变得很大——四十万或者更大的数字。

Very exciting is,We believe that through the new product launch a formal declaration into China,Can a further expansion of China's vocational training market,Or expand to China accounting crowd ACCA's cognition and understanding degree.For now,China has more than forty thousand students ACCA,We believe that,A large proportion of these students become our users,But more meaningful or more important,I believe that"Forty thousand"This number will be very big - four hundred thousand or more digital.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:最后请您对我们即将学习ACCA系统产品的学子送上您的祝福跟期待。

Finally, please you to we will learn ACCA system product students into your wishes to look forward to.


John P. Roselli【Becker Professional Education CEO】: John P. Roselli[Becker professional education CEO]:很高兴能够送给大家祝福。首先,ACCA是一个不太容易的考试,但是我们相信通过Becker ACCA产品,并荣幸与正保这样的公司合作给大家提供非常好的课程、非常好的产品和非常好的服务,我们坚信通过我们与正保合作的ACCA课程产品和服务,面对一个不太容易考的ACCA考试,可以帮助大家取得成功。会计是一个非常不错的、一个非常受人尊重的职业和行业,而考ACCA这样一个考试不太容易,但是也应该会是一个非常有成就、能够为你们带来很好未来的一个尝试和努力。我们坚信随着中国的经济发展,来考ACCA这样一个专业方向能够为大家带来非常良好的前景。祝你们好运,希望你们跟我们联系,我们会非常愿意为您提供帮助。

Very happy to gave everyone wishes.First of all,ACCA is a not too easy to test,But we believe that through the Becker ACCA products,And pleasure and are the such companies to provide you very good course/Very good products and good service,We firmly believe that through our cooperation with is the ACCA courses products and services,Faced with a not too easy to take an examination of ACCA exam,Can help you achieve success.Accounting is a very good/A very respectable career and industry,And take an examination of ACCA such a test not too easy,But should also be a very accomplished/Can bring you good future a try and hard work.We firmly believe that as China's economic development,To take an examination of ACCA such a professional direction to bring very good prospects.I wish you good luck,I hope you to contact us,We will be very willing to help you.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:谢谢。

thank you.
