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公益慈善高职遭遇全国性生源危机 招生困难重重--亲稳舆论引导监测室


In the summer of 2009,with"Education poverty alleviation"ideal,In the HTC group chairman of the board under the support of WangXueGong,Florida state university professor for life/Beijing university of aeronautics and astronautics, dean of the college of software SunWei doctor with his team for the first time on this land of guizhou.They choose HuiShuiXian in guizhou province one was the bird river in the small mountain village to build a public charity university - guizhou shenghua vocational college(note:Hereinafter referred to as shenghua college).They look forward to a picture of the wonderful blueprint:excellent/Poor students in this peaceful land whose concentrated reading,After get professional skill,The school is recommended and placement,To help students to shake off poverty,Then to help students' family out of poverty.


First arrived in guizhou,SunWei, led by dr young team full of lofty sentiments,Think shenghua college get recognition is a matter of course,Also expected in guizhou poor students enrolling in the situation.Thought is,"Ideal plump,Reality bone",Two consecutive years in school admissions process,Shenghua college had previously not material difficulties and resistance:Guizhou's poor students held by it difficult to understand the connotation of the professional,Adhere to the"Reading should go to the big city"Traditional ideas,Make shenghua college encounters a cruel and chaotic"War of higher vocational college students".


初出茅庐便遭遇高职生源危机大战 At the beginning he encounters higher vocational college students crisis war


In guizhou in some county/Villages and towns as the process of recruitment of students propaganda,SunWei often encounter such a problem:"Now that your school is so good,Why not promoted to undergraduate course?"He found,In the Chinese society as a whole"Undergraduate worship syndrome"Phenomenon and the government has made great efforts to encourage vocational education policy form a very sharp contrast,And the contrast was still in the increased.


Students in higher vocational colleges nationwide shortage is beyond dispute.This year, from shandong to guangxi,Appear some vocational college,Originally plan recruit thousands of people,To school only a few hundred people.In guizhou,Higher vocational college students is also so.For the first time this year when back tracking,Higher vocational college students in guizhou balance for 20773 people;The second back tracking,Higher vocational college students balance for 13631 people;The third back tracking,Balance of higher vocational college students 11206 people;The fourth back tracking,The difference in guizhou province higher vocational college students 8466 people are still.


According to shenghua college admissions at the teacher know about,Guizhou a private higher vocational this year first recruit students,The admission office director is high school from another pieces of higher vocational colleges,In order to introduce the have 10 years experience of private higher vocational recruit students"Senior talents",The school gives family allowance of 500000 yuan/The annual salary of 150000 yuan of munificent treatment,And every entrance a new also according to certain amount to the commission.The higher vocational the admission office full-time personnel have nine people,In addition also hired six from sichuan province professional recruitment team perennial scattered in all counties in the province.


In the recruitment process to recommend students of middle school teacher rebate have is not what's new,Fresh is a higher vocational colleges in guizhou originally promised to give the teacher's rebate finally no cash,To make this year high school recruitment of students propaganda rejected,Admissions officers had to pull banners at the gate of the school/Hair handbill.The school chief to enter high school should go over the wall,After being not know his security a beating.


In addition to the outside kickbacks,Hair admission notice in advance/Report in advance have become some of the higher vocational students means.On August 11,,Shenghua college recruit students teacher to a study in higher vocational colleges,Found that haven't to the time of higher vocational cast archives,The school has been to do the admission procedure,The playground dozens of teacher in welcome.A about just know this school from August 1,, began the new.


Shenghua college school year,The school admissions officers to a student playing to telephone,ask:"You are admitted,How is not here to report for duty?"Students answered:"I have been in the military training."Originally he has a business in zunyi higher vocational college military training for several days.The teacher said helplessly:"Some schools take students to the morning post/Early military training way plunder germ,In their view first the tuition money is easy.Was originally a school admission of students,If the school has to the province manages made admission fee,Students to other schools to read that year is can't in the ministry of education of the electronic registration,But they also in violation of regulations,ZhaoShou not by accident,Let the students to go to school,The second year again registered."

  尽管招生困难重重,但孙伟博士坚决要求他的团队:“无论过去还是将来,给推荐学生的老师回扣这件事我们绝对不做。作为一所公益学校,这样做违背了我们做公益的初衷,也鼓励了不正确的方向。这并不意味着我们没有招生的成本,但我希望付出的招生成本是能够给乡村中学带去实实在在的好处。”但他也坦言,可能盛华学院是唯一的一所不支付老师回扣的民办大专, 这样的措施给学校今后的招生带来多大的挑战有待进一步评估。

Although recruit students difficulties,But SunWei doctor insisted that his team:"No matter in the past or the future,To recommend the student's teacher rebate this thing we never do.As a public school,Do we do against the public's original intention,Also encouraged not in the right direction.This does not mean that we have no the cost of recruitment of students,But I hope the enrollment of pay cost is able to give the village middle school to substantial benefit."But he also said,May shenghua institute is the only one not paid for the rebate of private college, Such measures in the future to the school enrollment much challenge remains to be further evaluation.


In the planning shenghua college in 2013 when the enrollment work,Dr. SunWei requires schools"We determined the characteristics of a school road,Next year we do not expand recruitment of students scale,Only recruit 600 high quality students.I think in the future, we students' employment is the most convincing,Like some schools that continuously improve to recommend the teacher's rebate is not long.Our school to now only a year,Haven't students employment,We lack discourse right.Do education takes time,We want to have patience."

  什么才是好专业?学生和学校的认识有分歧 What is a good professional?Students and the school know there are differences


What is"good"Vocational professional?This is SunWei and students on understanding the first differences.SunWei team think:"good"Professional skill is to teach students,After graduation a stable development of the work.SunWei team it according to the ideal design sketch,And the world's largest five-star hotel group, marriott hotel group jointly organized by hotel management professional,This professional student achievement qualification after graduation will enter the marriott group work;With global leading enterprise HTC smartphone held company mobile phone(Tablet PC)Finishing professional,HTC commitment to accept all qualified students into the HTC group work;With domestic search monopolist baidu company culture market need of Internet marketing talent……


but,In the recruitment process is found,A lot of students for professional cognitive still stay in 10 years ago,The students tend to choose a"That sounds easy to find a good job"professional,Like those who often in the ears to hear professional,Such as secretarial/English/accounting/marketing/Business management/law/Environmental science and sounds"white-collar"professional,But one of the many professional would have been proved difficult employment market for the information has not been students accept.


Based on this post,The students naturally think school courses such as the professional too little and too upset - this year in higher vocational recruit students professional,Shenghua college only and baidu company joint marketing(Internet marketing and management)most"Close to"2012 the most popular higher vocational specialty.


Last year the mountains to visit students,SunWei he found his most proud hotel management professional but not impress guizhou mountainous area of the students and parents.Hotel management is set up and the marriott group cooperation,As long as students can graduate can enter the marriott work,Excellent students go directly to work overseas.Cooperation a year later,Marriott very satisfied,Think shenghua college is they found in mainland China with marriott idea most fit school.Other school and they talk about cooperation only to thing:into.And SunWei was the only one not talk about into people.The school just a year,Kempinski and other many five-star hotels also have contact hotel management, dean of the college of ZhuangLei,Hope to be able to recommend to their students.


But guizhou parents and students to the professional doesn't buy it,Have parents worry about girls went to the hotel will be bad reputation,Some asked whether to wash the dishes,MaZhuoZi?There's a heard is quasi English learning environment,frightened:"My English is very poor,I'm afraid I will never learn."Has been SunWei think the most proud of small class teaching English,In some parents and students eyes can become a weakness.


Also it is suggested that SunWei comply with"The trend of The Times",Open some popular major attract students,SunWei but firmly rejected.His reason is simple:Popular major does not lead to good employment.A variety of so-called popular major in big cities have into the bottleneck of employment.It is a pity that,News block makes the guizhou teachers and students by the master of information than the outside behind several years.

  “热门”专业与“好”前途的焦灼曾一度困扰着学校的领导们,学校也曾经讨论“大就业观”的“热门专业”教育和“小就业观”的定制化专业教育。但孙伟坚定地认为:“我们要坚定自己的理想,相信我们的判断是对学生最好的安排。做教育需要的是耐心,这是一项百年树人的长期工作。等第一届学生毕业后,在实实在在的就业效果面前,我相信孩子们和社会会有公正而客观的判断。”本报记者 朱丽亚

"hot"Professional and"good"The future of the deeply worried once bothering school leaders,The school also once discussion"Their big"of"Popular major"Education and"Their small"Customized professional education.But SunWei firmly believe that:"We must enhance our own ideal,Believe that our judgment is the best arrangement for the students.Do education need is patience,This is a one hundred ents long-term work.The order of merit students after graduation,Truly, truly, in front of the employment effect,I believe that the children and the society will be fair and objective judgment."Our reporter Julia
