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For a wet behind the ears student designers,What must be the most inspiring sex?The answer is necessarily can obtain the global top fashion authority the most sharp/The most critical review's full approval!

  2012年9月14日,东华大学-莱佛士国际设计专修学院收到全球最顶尖时尚权威杂志VOGUE意大利版的喜讯,时装设计专业的莱佛士学子赵敏(Zoe)凭借其《都市阴影》系列,成为中国唯一一个入选《VOGUE》意大利版“全球最具潜力设计师”的学生设计师,并与全球范围内的其他189名顶尖设计师一齐登上《VOGUE》意大利版的“时尚世界的190名新兴设计师”(“190 EMERGING TALENTS FROM THE FASHION WORLD”)专题特刊。

On September 14, 2012,Donghua university - raffles design institute of international course received one of the world's most authoritative magazines top fashion Vogue Italian version of the good news,Fashion design professional raffles students zhao(Zoe)With its[Urban shadow]series,Become China the only one selected[Vogue]Italian version"The world's most potential designer"Student designers,And with the global scope of the other 189 top designer on together[Vogue]Italian version of the"The fashion world 190 emerging designer"("190 EMERGING TALENTS FROM THE FASHION WORLD")Special features.

中国学子入选VOGUE“全球最具潜力设计师” 《VOGUE》意大利版9月刊及其“时尚世界的190名新兴设计师”专题特刊 [Vogue]Italian version and the September issue"The fashion world 190 emerging designer"Special features 中国学子入选VOGUE“全球最具潜力设计师” 东华莱佛士时装设计专业学生赵敏(Zoe)凭借出众原创设计登上《VOGUE》意大利版 Donghua raffles fashion design majors zhao(Zoe)With the outstanding original design[Vogue]Italian version 中国学子入选VOGUE“全球最具潜力设计师” “时尚世界的190名新兴设计师”专题特刊专门介绍了赵敏(Zoe)及其东华莱佛士 "The fashion world 190 emerging designer"Project features special introduces zhao(Zoe)And donghua raffles 中国学子入选VOGUE“全球最具潜力设计师” 赵敏(Zoe)作为RafflesPrivato首批入驻设计师频频亮相上海国际时装周等舞台 zhao(Zoe)As the first RafflesPrivato in designer has appeared, such as Shanghai international fashion week stage

  “VOGUE TALENTS”,所要寻找的正是最原创、最新颖、最独特、最能将全球时尚联系在一起的新兴设计师。“VOGUE TALENTS”在全球范围内的比拼,更像是全世界时装设计学生设计师的竞技场。成立于1892年的《VOGUE》杂志,作为世界上历史悠久备受推崇的时尚类杂志,并被全球时尚界公认为是最顶级的时尚权威杂志之一。而《VOGUE》意大利版,因米兰时尚界及各大时尚企业与《VOGUE》的合作关系,被认为是康泰纳什集团(Condé Nast International)旗下的《VOGUE》杂志的最佳版本,也成为全球时尚界最新潮流与趋势的权威风向标。

"Vogue TALENTS",Of what to look for it is the most original/The most novel/The most unique/The global fashion will be associated with emerging designer."Vogue TALENTS"In the context of the global competition,More like the world fashion design student designers arena.Founded in 1892[Vogue]magazine,As the world has a long history in favour of the fashion magazine,And be recognized as the global fashion industry is the most top fashion magazines of authority.and[Vogue]Italian version,For milan fashion and each big fashion enterprise and[Vogue]Relations of cooperation,Considered peace Nash group(Conde Nast International)its[Vogue]The best version of the magazine,Also become the latest fashion trend and the trend of the authority wind vane.


Raffles students zhao(Zoe),A girl from guangxi,Personality is dressed up with a head of long wavy hair,Words between behavior shows a bright and clear/independent/Good at communication character.Zhao keen to accept all the new things/New ideas and any innovation and challenges,And can often find life for ordinary people concern little detail,These characteristics make her in the raffles college group learning and practicing of the process,Slowly settling for a original designers should have the best capital and talent.


zhao[Urban shadow]Series of inspiration,From the city of the shadow.And the inspiration of outburst,It is her daily good at using keen observation,Find life/Found that details the essence of accumulated.In the shadow of,People can see different things,And the shadow and can follow imagine changing.In her eyes,Shadow have their own world,But they don't belong to anyone,Just as people life.Zhao just through this theme to assert their imaginary world,Restore the details of the forgotten/The real expression and inner deep analysis,It is touched many fashion review"flash"place.

  赵敏的成功,离不开在学校的教导与启发,更离不开她平日里的实践积累。赵敏曾作为今年第61届环球小姐中国区总决赛莱佛士造型团队的一员,在为期1个月的时间内,与西方时尚圈名声显赫的Lizzette de Possi女士以及其他4名莱佛士学子为佳丽们打造完美造型,助力环球小姐中国区总决赛华丽上演;作为莱佛士独创的中国首个原创大学生设计品牌RafflesPrivato上海新天地时尚店的首批入驻设计师之一,赵敏风格独具的原创设计,也一度受到中国时尚圈与演艺圈明星的高度关注,频频出现在上海国际时装周等高端舞台上;赵敏也在学校组织的一系列国内外设计大赛中屡获佳绩,如2010年的DSM服装设计比赛优秀设计奖等等。

Zhao success,Cannot leave in the school teach and inspire,More from her daily practice accumulation.Zhao had this year as the 61th miss universe the national finals raffles modelling part of a team,During the one month of time,And the western fashion circle of mark Lizzette DE Possi lady and other four raffles students for the beauty makes the perfect modelling,Booster miss universe the national finals luxuriant stage;As the original China's first original the university students to design the brand RafflesPrivato Shanghai xintiandi fashion shop in the first batch of one of the designer,Zhao unique style of the original design,Also once from Chinese fashionable circle and show biz star's high attention,Frequently appear in the Shanghai international fashion week and other high-end stage;Zhao also in the school organizes a series of design competition at home and abroad repeatedly obtains the success,Such as the 2010 DSM clothing design competition excellent design and so on.


"Can be[Vogue]selected,Let me be very accidental,Also very excited.Such a chance is the school gave me,Is Liz and college teacher teaching us so well.School education mode of the internationalization of a great help to me,Let me can deeper contact fashion/Enter the market more quickly/More quickly adapt to the design demand,"Zhao learn good news not forget to appreciate the school.

  其实继今年5月中旬,东华莱佛士学子就陆续获得2012 Star Creation亚洲青年设计师大赛等一系列国际性大奖,此次赵敏荣登《VOGUE》意大利版专题特刊,再次以莱佛士学子独一无二的原创性、中西结合的独特性、富有生命力的表现力,成功站在国际舞台的聚光灯下,征服国际时尚界的权威评审,成为全球瞩目的时尚新星。

In fact the middle in May this year,Donghua raffles students will have received 2012 Star Creation Asian youth designers contest and a series of international awards,Zhao on the[Vogue]Italian version of the special features,Once again in raffles students unique originality/The uniqueness of Chinese and western combined/Rich vitality expressive force,Successful station in the international arena under the spotlight,Conquer the international fashion authority review,Become a global outstanding fashionable star.


Focus on the international first-class design and commercial education of donghua raffles,To help more and more carries design and commercial dream of young people,Mining talent potential,To encourage the innovation/venture/Incentive independent,In the mature international education environment,Step by step toward their career peak forward,Finally, in the real international stage,With their light up the whole world shining strength.
