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  华声在线-三湘都市报讯(记者 聂诗茼 实习生 李树征 朱亮)7个多月、200多天、四五千个小时,让你呆在一个地方,你受得了吗?

Hua sheng electronic online - sanxiang urban paper dispatch(Reporter nie poetry Tong interns LiShuZheng ZhuLiang)Seven months/More than 200 days/SiWuQianGe hours,Let you stay in one place,Can you handle it??


To average people,May will say that can't stand.But in recent WuLingOu chang DE city in new village in an Internet cafe near there is a"Cattle people",Start from earlier this year,He is in the net cafe started"Humble abode"life,24 hours a day all eat and drink pull scatter in the bar,So far there have been seven months.


Who is he?Why he chose to Internet bar"Humble abode"?What is the story behind him?Reporters on September 25, came to the Internet cafe,Interviewed him.


昔日辉煌的区域经理 Past success area manager


JiangTao(alias)29,Changde AnXiang people.


On September 25th morning,Reporters came to the JiangTao humble abode of the Internet bar.In the most remote Internet the most dark corner,Reporter discovery JiangTao lazily nest in the net cafe sofa chair,Put my feet in the computer table,Head down and watching TV.One side of the table was placed the cigarette/Goods such as mineral water.Comely face,Fair skin,A head of long hair yoke,But limbs but it is become like a stick.


In 2006,,Learn the international economic and trade professional JiangTao from hunan foreign-related economic college after graduation went straight to the zhejiang,We have been engaged in the promotion work."Played a few years later,I job-hopping to a new company.Because I feel with the company at the same time is started,So I poured into to the company all efforts."


After two or three years,JiangTao from a common technician promoted to the company's regional manager,Monthly salary to 67000.As JiangTao days when randy lerner,In 2010,,The company suddenly went out of business.


The company collapsed,JiangTao also collapsed."As I prepare to realize when it into the ambition,God to give me such a blow,I suddenly feel do boring."


In zhejiang JiangTao has many friends in the industry,He was also looking for work."A company,I pay so much,Didn't say they don't have a,I think impassability."JiangTao heart always Wallace but the bar.


如今落魄的网吧“宅男” The Internet bar now come down in the world"igawa"


The humble abode in the net cafe JiangTao is lonely,That a display is he to know more about the outside world only window,On that one of the old sofa chair is his the full range of activities.


And other interest Internet net insect is different,JiangTao although to Internet cafes for home,But not indulge in the network game cannot extricate oneself.He also did not on the house in the home,The cost of the Internet bar is used before savings.


"He came to this half year more,Eat and drink pull scatter in."Often in the surf the Internet in a cyber bar here LiFei said,"Just come or a head of sunshine short hair,Now he's hair has shoulder-length hair the."


"Seven months,He three meals a day are in the net cafe eat lunch box,Night tired,In the Internet cafe by for a while."In the net cafe inside,The boss LeiYong/Network management xiao Yang,All know JiangTao story.Now JiangTao daily expenses in 50 yuan,Every half a month to open a hotel room bath/laundry,At present all of the spending is to rely on previous savings to maintain.


"We advised him,But he is don't understand."In the Internet bar staff are worried that the present situation of the JiangTao,"young,The head is still grow the white hair."


对话 dialogue

  “等那个问题想通了,我就会离开” "The problems such as to think,I'll leave"


JiangTao for him near the seat to have to guard against.When the reporter that purpose,At first, he is very alert,After a communication,He finally broke the silence,Open your heart and reporters chatted up.


reporter:Now you humble abode in the net cafe is mainly to do???????


JiangTao:It was always on the Internet,Play games/See a movie,laze.


reporter:Work after the setback,Did not find other work??


JiangTao:Looked for work,But has been DiBuJiu high inadequate.


reporter:You have a diploma/Have working experience,Why don't you start all over again?


JiangTao:To looking for a job,I don't know if I can do.


reporter:The present situation of the family know you??


JiangTao:After the Spring Festival this year,I work out with home said,Then stay at the Internet cafe.I every half a month to parents to make a phone call,They asked me how to work,I will play in the past.


In the face of his family,JiangTao always unwilling to talk about too much.He only said he was born in general family,After the graduation work preoccupied with their struggle become home in the minds of pride.But now so come down in the world,He has lost confidence in life.


When it comes to parents,JiangTao lifeless word finally have something different,Canthus also gradually moist.Through the conversation,JiangTao agree that day afternoon hair trimmed goes to a barber's.When asked about ready to leave when Internet cafes,JiangTao hesitated."Wait a month of it,The problem to think,I'll leave."


心理分析 Psychological analysis

  长期逃避,易得抑郁症 Long-term escape,Easily depression


The executive director of the association of psychological counseling/Education psychology experts think HuBo analysis:From JiangTao experience to see,After he came out from the school,Everything is quite smoothly,Have experienced great setback and the attack.When business suddenly be thwarted and find a good psychological adjustment way,His psychology to bear ability will be the collapse,Then the completely closed up.


HuBo said,The psychology bearing capacity is not strong is the common problem of young people,When found the ideal and the reality of the conflict,They often have no way and the courage to face,So the choice of escape,Long-term development on,May lead to depression.


HuBo Suggestions,JiangTao first is to accept the reality,Forget he had experience,Want to know on a job is has failed,But also won the experience.At the same time,The family and friends to pay attention to listen to his talk,Let him have his heart knot spit it out,Understand his feelings.


记者手记 Reporter notes

  蒋涛,相信你能迈过这个坎 JiangTao,Believe you can stridden the bar


Seven months,More than 200 days,A received higher education of college students,Because the work is unpleasant and give up hope,In the net cafe when"NEET family",Really regret.

  工作受挫之后,不敢面对现实,躲在虚拟的网络里逃避现实。 躲在网吧寻求安慰,寻找答案,只会消磨他的生存技能和生存意志。

Work after the setback,Dare not face the reality,Hide in the virtual network escape from reality. Hiding in the net cafe for comfort,Looking for the answer,Will only kill his survival skills and the will to existence.


In this competitive society,Only by constantly to adapt.JiangTao,You have to go out of the camp as soon as possible,To regain the confidence of life!We believe that you,You can make it!


延伸阅读 readings




Global youth unemployment approximation peak


2016 years ago the same will remain high


The international labor organization in May this year 22 warned,Global youth unemployment approximation global economic crisis after the outbreak of the peak,The first 2016 years to may fall.


The international labor organization in a name[Global youth employment trend]Report wrote,Age between 15 to 24 years old of the youth group,Nearly 75 million people this year in unemployment,The unemployment rate is 12.7%,Compared to 12.6% in 2011.The report said:"By 2016,Youth unemployment is expected to remain high constant."Data also shows that,In the world most areas,Difficult employment is the most outstanding young woman.


s据新华社 According to the xinhua news agency

  支招 move

  公司人“失业”自救指南 Company man"unemployment"Self-help guide


If you unfortunately out of work,Don't be too sad unemployment,Don't too much doubt his ability,Let's pack up tears start from scratch:


1/When there is crisis signal appeared,To check,You company for your financial commitment,Such as salary/bonus/Social security/Housing accumulation fund,These should perform to your official leave the company that day,A point can't be little;


2/Beat out if unemployment you should get??????.Enterprises to provide economic compensation is important,The labor contract have a clear digital regulations;


3/After unemployment insurance pay attention to several kinds of continuity,Enterprise whether you pay for,Whether in real wages to set the base of social security,These can be your new employer and weight of negotiations.In addition,leave,Don't forget to let the human resources department for you by unemployed proof,With this prove that you can go to social security have to receive your unemployment insurance;


4/Don't let your unemployment company too much impact on you,There are so many things to do.Digging your own potential,Maybe at ordinary times you hobby,Can become now you work the life buoy.Use at ordinary times you accumulated contacts,First do some part-time work in the short term,The same can support himself.
