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      搜狐教育主持人:       Sohu education host:各位搜狐的网友大家好,今天很荣幸的邀请到了拉莫斯先生。拉莫斯先生是博鳌亚洲论坛理事长,亚洲教育论坛发起者,以及菲律宾的前总统,欢迎您作客我们的搜狐会客厅。您是亚洲教育论坛的发起者,当初你为什么要创建这个论坛呢?

You sohu net friend of everybody is good,Today, it is my pleasure to invite to Mr Ramos.Mr Ramos is boao BBS chairman,Asian education BBS initiators,And former President of the Philippines,Welcome you visit our sohu saloon.You are the sponsor of the Asian education BBS,Had you why want to create this BBS?
     拉莫斯[亚洲教育论坛发起者、菲律宾前总统]:      Ramos [Asian education BBS initiators/Former Philippine President]:论坛是2003年9月份在北京创立的,尼泊尔、菲律宾、印度、新西兰等国家都有参与,虽然说这个论坛的国际交流合作非常重要,但是这个论坛主要是致力于亚洲的国际教育合作。因为我们觉得这个是非常有必要的,对周边的国家都非常有益处。

BBS is 2003 years in Beijing September founded,Nepal/The Philippines/India/New Zealand and other countries are involved in,Although this BBS international exchanges and cooperation is very important,But this BBS is mainly devoted to Asia's international education cooperation.Because we think this is very necessary,To surrounding countries are very good.

We created this BBS from the beginning,Always get the support of the ministry of education in China,Whether the minister of education,The minister is now to be able to strong support.

     The future within two or three years,The asia-pacific region's peaceful development,And sustainable development is very important,Because only we keep the peace and stability and sustainable development,Our education quality can be guaranteed.
     搜狐教育主持人:      Sohu education host:你对于目前的亚洲教育的发展情况满意吗?

You for the current Asian education development of satisfaction?
     拉莫斯[亚洲教育论坛发起者、菲律宾前总统]:      Ramos [Asian education BBS initiators/Former Philippine President]:简单的说,我对于近十年论坛的发展还是相当满意的,因为我们在这十年的短期目标已经基本实现。每年我们都会组织这个年会,与不管是来自亚太地区还是西方国家的入会代表都会保持一定的交流,对于我们提高教育质量,国际的交流是非常有好处的。

Simple said,I for nearly 10 years the development of BBS is quite satisfactory,Because we are the ten years of short-term goal has been the basic realization.Each year we will organize the annual meeting,And no matter from the asia-pacific region or the western countries membership representative will maintain a certain amount of communication,To improve our education quality,International exchanges are very good.

In the long run,We may have a very difficult task.Because now a lot of countries,Especially in the asia-pacific region and many students can't afford to go to school because of poverty.Just speak a data,The United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization released a data,Ten students there are seven may be because can't afford to pay tuition and couldn't go to school,This is an average value,So we face help these people to shake off poverty responsibility.This is our future need direction.
     搜狐教育主持人:      Sohu education host:最后能否对于亚洲的所有青年,送出您的几句寄语?

Can last for Asia's all youth,Send out your a few words of message?
     拉莫斯[亚洲教育论坛发起者、菲律宾前总统]:      Ramos [Asian education BBS initiators/Former Philippine President]:年轻人像我们这样,应该接受到更好的教育,当然这个教育不光是局限于在课堂和学校里,还有通过社会实践,通过跟人的交流,通过各种各样的方式去获得。

Young people like us,Should receive better education,Of course, this education is not only confined to the classroom and the school,And through the social practice,Through communication with people,Through a variety of ways to get.

     Because we survive now the environment facing a lot of problems,Such as air pollution/disease,We should live in a better environment,No matter we are young or retired people,Should get better education.
