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深圳一小学老师在差生脸上盖戳惹非议 学校致歉--亲稳网络舆情监控室

   (新华调查)“蓝印章”再刺教育之痛 (Xinhua survey)"Blue seal"Remise education the pain


深圳一小学给“差生”脸上盖章事件调查 Shenzhen to a primary school"difference"Face seal incident investigations


recently,Shenzhen a public elementary school teacher in"bad"Child's face cover"Blue seal"Punishment to,Cause public attention.Reporter survey found,Be sealed by students so sneer at,Self-esteem hurt.At present,Wade things teachers and school students and parents are to apologize,Teacher has temporarily leave in things.Experts say,"Blue seal"And previous"Green scarf"/"The difference to live not obedient deposit"And act as,Is for students in"labeling",Get rich quick is behind the error education concept.


“差学生”脸上盖了“蓝印章” "Poor students"Face cover the"Blue seal"


Shenzhen longhua new city streets and for the Finn the primary school is grade three class 3 students 25th was the teacher in the face/Hand and other parts covered the blue seal.A seal students 27, told reporters,"Everyone knows that blue represent not obedient,bad,Many students were laughing at me,I'm hurt pride."The student said,He asked the teacher will seal cap in hand,Don't like face so obvious,But was the teacher's refused.The teacher also asked him,Only home to rub off.


According to wade things GuoXing teacher introduction,From the beginning of this year,The implementation of the Finn elementary school"Haiyan for star"Theme education activities,Every child has special book used to cover the specific seal.Listen to the teacher carefully and outstanding cover red seal as reward;Bad behaviour of discipline and cover the blue seal as a punishment.Collected a certain amount of red after seal,Can get the principal in the school of the issue of honor,And can fill in a"Wish card"By the teacher or parents help realize.


Guo said the teacher,Considering the seal cover on the notebook can't elimination,She thought of cover in the student body in rewards and punishments,Especially supervise the poor performance of the students to performance,For less blue chapter,Much red chapter.Afterwards she has recognized the practice thoughtlessness,Has been corrected and apology to students.


"Blue seal"Event trigger public opinion question,Have pointed out that Internet users,Cover in the boy's face seal,Will be in the children heart burning scars,Serious hurt the child's self-esteem.


学校致歉强调“爱的教育” The school emphasizes apologize"Love of education"


Finn on primary school vice President LiYu told reporters,"seal"Used for the schools"Haiyan for star"activities,Purpose is to encourage students to make progress for optimal.In practice,The teacher usually used"Blue seal",Body cover blue chapter is individual case,Blue chapter usually cover on the notebook,Miss guo is"Is paved with good intentions".


"Miss guo young,At that time a student has three consecutive times did not finish the homework,Mood not good control,So cover face,Do not consider the consequences,Students go back didn't wipe clean face blue chapter,Parents are not willing to see."LiYu told reporters,The event occurs,The school has held meetings for all teacher to education,Regulate the teacher behavior.The school has been to several students' parents apology,It won't happen again in the future in the student body of affix one's seal.


The reporter learns,The school decided to let off the parties to teachers,The professor course temporary by other teacher and teach.Reporter 27th afternoon in the school to see,The class 1, grade three students are the normal classes.LiYu said,"Haiyan for star"Activities will continue to carry out,But will be more emphasis on teachers to students"Love of education",Encourage the teacher found that student's flash point,No longer give the poor"labeling".For example,The examination score is not high students if help the parents to do the housework,The weekend in society to do the volunteer,The teacher will also undertake to the student award,Don't will score as the only evaluation standard.


教育需着眼长远摒除功利 Education should focus on the future of utility


Shenzhen longhua new city streets and for propaganda culture department person in charge LiXiaoWen think,for"Don't make progress"Children not label practice,School for optimal the comparison work if cause discrimination,Has deviated from the original intention of education.Rewards and punishment has,But also want to pay attention to methods,"labeling"Absolute not desirable.


Children's psychological experts/The third affiliated hospital of sun yat-sen university, director of the center for children's development ZouXiaoBing said,Some children autorhythmicity difference/inattention,The crux often lies in the family environment or psychological factors,Not fundamentally change the sticking point,But give the child"labeling",Will give a child is difficult to heal the psychological damage.ZouXiaoBing think,Not every child specialty are"Exam high marks",The teacher should be good at discovering the child's other expertise and guide rational,To encourage primarily,Even criticism is not arbitrary and rough.


The reporter understands,Last October,,Xian in shaanxi not ended area a primary school to the so-called"difference"wear"Green scarf",Cause the social from all walks of life strongly questions.February,Jiangxi it a primary school students are required to hand in"Not obedient deposit",And cause public outcry.


Why, in the"discrimination"/Against campus"Soft violence"Call of the rising today,Appear again"Blue seal"events?Many experts,"CiZi type"Education is emerge in endlessly,The education idea is wrong get rich quick result.Only when the school and teacher really down"Only fraction theory",According to the different characteristics of the students"Teach students in accordance with their aptitude",These discriminatory/insulting"Soft violence"Will disappear from campus.(Reporter wu jun/ZhangYuan)
