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In 2012,,China's higher education clung to the consistent style,In dispute forward or reverse,Different college entrance examination/employment/University spirit the focus is still dystocia or difficult solution.And the President of the university of/professor,As higher education leaders,Play a sacrifice"alert"Mass spirit,For we contributed a lot of good public topic,Their actions and speech or controversial,Or suffer criticism.In a word,In the teaching of it over the lecture,They also give everybody has another lesson in.


   1、北大教授钱理群:北大等大学正培养利己主义者 1/Peking University professor QianLiQun:The university of Peking University is training egoist

  "我们的一些大学,包括北京大学,正在培养一些‘精致的利己主义者’,他们高智商,世俗,老到,善于表演,懂得配合,更善于利用体制达到自己的目的。这种人一旦掌握权力,比一般的贪官污吏危害更大。"  北京大学钱理群教授在武汉大学老校长刘道玉召集的"《理想大学》专题研讨会"上语惊四座。这段话被参会嘉宾上了微博后,迅速被转发3.5万次。[详细]

"Some of our university,Including Beijing university,Are developing some‘Exquisite egoist’,They high intelligence quotient (IQ),secular,old,Good performance,Know how to cooperate with,The more good at using system reach own purpose.This kind of person once power,Than the average malfeasant more harmful."Beijing university professor QianLiQun in wuhan university LiuDaoYu called old headmaster"[Ideal university]seminars"On language jing 4.This passage is the forum guests after micro bo,Fast forward by 35000 times.[detailed]


2、哈工大教授称文史哲类将贻害社会 痛批文科被拍砖 2/Harbin institute professor says WenShiZhe class will jeopardize social pain group of liberal arts be clap brick


@ too straw cocooning frame:A friend's daughter learn of the liberal arts,High test scores to people's congress can choose a good professional,Quote north can only choose a poor professional.The girl don't know how to wear the magic,Must want to go to the north,In the family friend's persuasion,Finally chose to Peking University history department.A liberal arts silly girl was born.Day iniquity,Of extenuating;Since the iniquity,Do not live.


This article micro bo appear cause net friends criticism/question/Condemned and even abuse,Net friend"Too straw cocooning frame"Had to restrict the review.@ too straw cocooning frame of authentication information rule for Harbin industrial university professor/Science writer.[detailed]


3、浙大教授建议:本科生不必写论文 造假丢导师面子 3/Zhejiang university professor suggested:Undergraduate students don't have to write a paper false teachers face lost


Zhejiang university professor of department of horticulture GaoZhongShan,Every year to bring master/doctoral,"Our professional,copy/Cheating is not very common,Just case-by-case.Case-by-case things,Abroad also have."Tall professor said,He the professional doctoral student,The paper published in international journals,Review is very strict,Basically all is his own research results."Zhejiang university professor,In this vigilance high,Students cheating,When the teacher will lose face."[detailed]


4、华科校长根叔:现在教育家很多,但都不在大学,而在民间 4/Huake principal root tertiary:Now many educators,But not in university,And in the folk


When the root tertiary wave into the nankai middle school when the auditorium,The meeting immediately there was applause.Before take the,The once he first cap in hand to all the audience"After 95"Line a JuGongLi its humble kind style,Once again won the applause.Lecture began,Root tertiary is something outlandish:"Now many educators,But not in university,It is the folk have a lot of insight."He said,This is he willing to to high schools and the reason of the communication between teachers and students.then,He said,Now in the society to education is criticism,There are a lot of criticism profound insights,But it seems that the lack of rational criticism.[detailed]


5、复旦校长杨玉良:为升官发财上大学会受鄙视 5/Fudan principal YangYuLiang:For promoting to a higher position in college will be despised


In fudan university,Solve the"What is university"after,The headmaster YangYuLiang then asked:Why do you want to go on to college?He quoted the fudan old headmaster in the 1920 s, lee said:If you are in order to promoting to a higher position to fudan study of words,Then you in the school will be despised."Of course,We can not deny is,Blundering utilitarian social mentality to today's China university of general erosion,Sometimes it is difficult to stick to that we as a university and as a student's duty.What is the duty of the students?learning."[detailed]


6、清华教授:北大清华本科生比哈佛优秀 6/Tsinghua professor:Peking University and tsinghua university undergraduate than harvard outstanding


 "China has the world first-class undergraduate,tsinghua/Peking University undergraduates than Stamford/Harvard undergraduates to much good."This is the institute, tsinghua university associate professor/Also served as Stanford university professor of physics/Include international three physical awards physicist zhang sheng first in 2012"One thousand meter tai lake(wuxi)Lord BBS summit published point of view.[detailed]


 7、北航教授搧老人耳光 令人错愕令爱国蒙羞 7/Professor buaa fanned the old man a slap in the face is overwhelming to patriotic to shame


 a,Have net friend kept,Beijing"9.18"Parade is an old man against"Chairman MAO we miss you"Slogan and was beaten,Then someone identify DaRenZhe for HanDeJiang beihang university professor.19,HanDeJiang have confirmed the hit,Also said he had two fan this old man a slap in the face.HanDeJiang said,In his view,Scold MAO zedong's people are traitors,Is the Japanese shall be.[detailed]


8、北大校长探亲逢母90大寿 长跪贺寿相拥洒泪 8/Pku President to visit every mother's 90th birthday long knelt HeShou hugs shed tears


On July 15, 2012,A group of pku President ZhouJiFeng return to hunan liuyang their hometown to mother birthday pictures on the Internet communication.In the figure,ZhouJiFeng kneeling in the 90 - year - old old knees,Mother and child hug to each other and wept bitterly.It is understood,13 is weeks mother's 90th birthday,ZhouJiFeng back to hometown,For mother's birthday.ZhouJiFeng is 13 home quietly.The villagers also afterwards just know.His 90th birthday is life a successful result,13,Many villagers spontaneous came weeks home,For weeks mother birthday."When the birthday,ZhouJiFeng emotively kneeling in front of his mother,Tight embrace mother,Mother and son two people go tears."[detailed]


9、浙大校长开会玩牌被偷拍 网友:教育不行玩牌行 9/Zhejiang university President meeting play CARDS candid net friend:Education do not play CARDS


July 22, 2012,The eighth"And Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao university President BBS"on,From Taiwan/Hong Kong/Macao and mainland more than 40 of famous university President and guests were present.As a cultural heritage important source of innovation,University is shouldering the important historical mission,The four principals to university in BBS published their own insights.however,In BBS progressive,A net friend DaiJun brother:[Education not,Play CARDS in!Zhejiang university President meeting play CARDS]Micro bo be circulated quickly,A few hours is forward more than 13000 times.[detailed]


10、前北大教授邹恒甫:炮轰北大院长奸淫女服务员 10/Peking University professor ZouHengFu before:Cannon north dean commit adultery waitress


Former Beijing university professor ZouHengFu rule in micro bo authentication account(Plus V the authentication:Peking University economics professor level/5 years in the first set of the Yangtze river in the first professor 09 one thousand plan)kept:"Peking University dean in the dream taoyuan north treatment room when having a meal as long as see beautiful waiter will inevitably be laid hands on him the they commit adultery.Peking University professor dean is no exception.so,Dream taoyuan business is hot.In addition to ZouHengFu,North immoral man too much."News after the release,Cause net friend onlookers forwarding panic.Peking University was founded group into the matter,ZouHengFu subsequently admitted that blog is exaggerated and false.[detailed]

  相关评论: Relevant comments:


中国大学需要什么样的校长? The Chinese university need what kind of the headmaster?


Our university President should be what kind of the headmaster?According to the observation of Chinese universities nowadays,They can be summarized as five desires.[detailed]


一愿大学校长们有独立的教育思想。 A child to university President have independent education thought.


The so-called independent education thought,Just want to put their university be what kind of university?


二愿大学校长们不要媚权媚官。 Two wish university presidents don't mei right mei officer.


CAI yuanpei age,The President of the university is not the corporate ladder level,so,The principals and relatively not to mei officer mei right.Now our headmaster is administrative level,General component is deputy ministry class/Is TingJuJi/Vice TingJuJi third,As a result of grade,Some of the principal and not"volatile",In order to make himself from vice TingJu rise is TingJu,And thinking of expanding enrolment,The college upgraded to university,In the university built in two levels of college,Application dr built/Master base and so on,And the academic standards/Professor level is not obvious to grow perceptibly.


三愿大学校长们多建"知识大厦"。 The President of the university to three building"Knowledge building".


Now many people questioned in the academic level of the university,I see,Mainly is the headmaster are keen to build tall buildings and not pay attention to build"Knowledge building"The consequences of.What is university"Knowledge building"?The professor is the academic magnum opus,Of course here"Magnum opus",Not quantity but in the academic level of high-end,In the same industry in/In China or in the world are in a leading position,Or have originality, etc.


 四愿大学校长们不要追星。 Four wish university presidents don't make track for a star.


The President of the university in the entertainment/Sports stars to a little before"shelf",The world champion of course something,Singer of course someone gas,But they want to go to college,Should be equally to exam admission criteria,why?


五愿大学校长对学术不端要绝对地零容忍。 Five wish to the President of the university of academic misconduct should absolutely zero tolerance.


Why want to zero tolerance truth who all understand,But now some universities but every now and then to expose misconduct storm,Some famous university professor was revealed out/Students have academic misconduct also don't find no place,Blindly feignedly mask ugly,The principal and the indulgence of the relevant,How can this university become famous?
