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清华大学外语系大三学生何洁玲。中国新闻网 郭思远摄 Tsinghua university department of foreign languages HeJieLing junior students.China news network GuoSiYuan perturbation
   【编者按】 [Editor's note]  今年正值香港回归15周年,内地香港交流日益频繁。在两地交流中,香港学生也愈来愈把目光投向内地,选择到内地求学。在北京,他们就如同南来的候鸟,往返于北京和香港之间。或许与传统意义上的“北漂”不一样,但他们又分明感觉到一直处于“漂”的状态。 This year at the 15th anniversary of the return of Hong Kong,The mainland and Hong Kong exchanges increasingly frequent.On both sides of communication,Hong Kong students also more and more focused on the mainland,Choose to study the mainland.In Beijing,They are like the south migratory birds,In Beijing and Hong Kong back and forth between.Perhaps and traditional"North drift"different,But they also feel has been in a clear"drift"state.


The second half of 2012 at the beginning of the new term,A Hong Kong and Macao channel launched theme planning[Hong Kong students studying in the mainland:Perspective another"North drift"],Interview in Beijing many well-known universities of Hong Kong students,From the feeling of their own/Difference fusion and is regretless youth three aspects,Perspective they study in the mainland"North drift"life.

  中新网北京9月29日电(郭思远 吉翔) 香港回归15年来,与内地的交流越来越频繁。而香港学生作为两地交流中的新生军,将为未来两地交流增添新的活力。

Beijing Beijing on September 29 (Reuters)(GuoSiYuan JiXiang) The return of Hong Kong for 15 years,And the mainland's communication are more and more frequent.And the two Hong Kong students as the new army exchanges,Will the two for the future communication add new vigor.


At present,A total of 205 inland universities accept Hong Kong students,Hong Kong students inland universities recruit amounted to 62312,The 2011-2012 school year,In the mainland universities and research institutes in Hong Kong students reached 11155,A record.


Hong Kong in September 2009 started high school and university new educational system reform,The mainland in August 2011 for the first time and carried out part of the college students in Hong Kong an exemption recruit students,At present already through the qualification review of Hong Kong students have 4247 people.


Students from Hong Kong to the mainland to attend school,Their life/learning/feelings/Employment status is what kind of?With the reporter's then,Let the reader feel their another"North drift"life,They experience the joys and sorrows of life.

【感悟自身】如同候鸟迁徙般的香港学生 [Feeling of their own]As migratory birds like Hong Kong students


Migratory birds,Each year, experienced difficulty for north and south migration,This is a survival state.Hong Kong students as south of migratory birds,Study and the life in Beijing,No matter how long life here,Hong Kong is always their hearts about the place.As SHE[Migratory birds]Lyrics sung:"You love to fly far away,Like migratory birds seasonal change,I a tearful face north."


现象一、 负笈北上背后感悟 Phenomenon a/ FuJi north thoughts behind


Hong Kong students study to the mainland,Many people are aren't.YanXinTing,Beijing university school of government senior student,Hong Kong culture will chairman,As the first Hong Kong to the mainland attended an exemption was born,She felt came to Beijing to study is a very wonderful thing.


In 2008,,She first came to Beijing with my family,At that time,Beijing Olympic Games is about to do,She felt that the city is good,"Then feel it's quite magical,Beijing is I've been to tourist city only feeling also done city,A year later came to reading,A foolish is three years."


To study the mainland of Hong Kong students,Also based on their own understanding,Experience with the Hong Kong different education mode and way of life,Tsinghua university department of foreign languages junior student HeJieLing is so.


HeJieLing in accepting a reporter to interview said,"I come to the mainland is based on their own understanding,You know the words of university in Hong Kong,Think much of interpersonal relationship and extracurricular development,Also pay attention to the development of the adult is to compare,But this kind of education has both advantages and disadvantages,Because ignore do academic bedrock,And the mainland's academic style exquisite rigorous,I am that do everythiny serious people,So I choose to come over."


"Hong Kong students to think about,Will go to criticism,This is my as a Hong Kong students proud of."HeJieLing said,"Because I have the advantages of Hong Kong students,Now I'm very humble to the mainland to attend school,Really can learn a lot of things."


The students in Hong Kong,Also have in your future career planning and to the mainland.Tsinghua university collegue junior student PangWeiBang said:"Now a lot of Hong Kong entrepreneurs in the mainland, the fight,A lot of things to be able to adapt to the,But is the interpersonal relationship is difficult,Because they come here to bedrock shortage,Years of acquaintance must compare with others decades of feelings,therefore,I just want to come to school early,To adapt to the environment here,The personal career development will be of great help."

  然而,对于中国人民大学政府管理学院大二学生张小慧来说,到内地求学却是因为遇上“三三四”学制改革。据了解,2009年香港特区政府把原来“五二三”学制(五年初中、两年高中、三年大学)改为“三三四”学制 。

however,For the people's university of China government management college sophomore ZhangXiaoHui speaking,To study the mainland is for meeting"The 334"System reform.It is understood,In 2009 the original Hong Kong SAR government"The 523"Eductional systme(At the beginning of five in/Two years of high school/Three years of university)instead"The 334"Eductional systme .


ZhangXiaoHui said,"Because the final period examination and after restructuring‘The 334’Eductional systme conflict together,So I take an examination after examination,In thinking I will choose which road,Is choice in Hong Kong to continue exam,Or to the mainland to go to school,But I would prefer to study traditional Chinese medicine,So I chose to take an examination of the mainland university.however,Later because of various factors,Have no choice the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine,But choose management professional."


School of journalism, renmin university of China ChenFeiPeng senior students in Hong Kong after the primary school,Junior in shenzhen is the,And came to Beijing to go to university,It is out of his adventurous personalities.ChenFeiPeng to a reporter said:"If go to Hong Kong on the other side of the study of words,Do not conform to the I the comparative adventurous character,Later, the choice of the Beijing school,After all, here is the capital."


Three years in Beijing in the learning process,ChenFeiPeng maximum feelings is the mainland rigorous teaching style.ChenFeiPeng said:"In Beijing, the largest learning experience,Work is very strict,Whether a scholar,Or person is such.This way I do every thing,There is a system approach,Step by step,Put details well."


TanQianTing,Beijing university of Chinese medicine basic medical college of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) of master degree graduates of 2012,Just attended the exam of the professional qualification of mainland traditional Chinese physician,The reporter asked her to test whether there is confidence,She said no bottom,But she returned to Hong Kong when undergraduate course are eligible for the certificate of Hong Kong traditional Chinese physician,


Why to learn traditional Chinese medicine for the mainland,TanQianTing said:"Middle school decided to study traditional Chinese medicine,So nothing science choose science.Choose to study traditional Chinese medicine,The main is because I like freedom,Western medicine need all kinds of instrument adjuvant therapy,And the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine as long as a needle and a hands can treatment,So I can do not need to stay in the hospital,Can give a person the cure."


现象二、内地求学压力很大 Phenomenon two/The mainland study under a lot of pressure


Hong Kong students studying in the mainland have a common feelings,Is learning pressure is very big.Relative mainland universities provinces in the most excellent student,Hong Kong students feel pressure from all quarters blow,therefore,In this kind of environment,Force them to consciously to study hard,With the mainland students to help close the distance.


Hong Kong and the mainland students in learning gap between,Beijing university institute of international relations YeSiLang senior student have a deep impression.In no to the mainland at school,His classmates in Hong Kong the result is very good,But to come to Beijing after university,To know that the gap is really huge.


YeSiLang to a reporter said:"came,They knew that they study actually is very bad,Pressure is big,Because found himself the students around are the provinces of the top ten,In Hong Kong I all do not know to have rankings."


YeSiLang think,Mainland students have part is very hard,But some feel university life,Then relaxed learning,The boy busy playing games,The girl is busy shopping,"But if the mainland students before the exam week nervous review,Results from the final examinations,We will still be very sad reminders of the."Say that finish,He hey hey to laugh.


YeSiLang also think,"Between us the answer thinking is not the same,In the mainland of the students in the subconscious,There is a kind of established answer ideas,And Hong Kong students answer is a kind of divergent thinking,If let mainland students to Hong Kong high school as we read in English question and answer,The beginning is unlikely to adapt to."


HeJieLing to mainland China and Hong Kong students gap between,There is another kind of feeling.HeJieLing said:"In the mainland have a group of people can learn can play,Know how to get along with people,But there are also a number of people because of the education system,Only know how to play the game with books."


In this,HeJieLing to a reporter for example,In tsinghua university department of foreign languages have a lot of mainland students want to study abroad,Need to take the GRE exam,But they in order to take the GRE exam,Can spend ten months of the time to learn,A bedroom,Don't communicate with.HeJieLing said,"I just think,They passed the university entrance exam to college,In fact can abandon the university entrance exam by university when the devil type test ways,To learn to contact with people,Preparation for grownup work."


As the saying goes:"Farming afraid of weeding,Afraid of reading test."ZhangXiaoHui think their own learning pressure is good,But to the mainland's examination seems to be fear,Think of Hong Kong students difficulty is too big.


ZhangXiaoHui said:"In the National People's Congress learning,Class fall no problem,I feel there exam or has the certain difficulty.National People's Congress in the domestic is higher education,Must be with other universities opened a certain distance,therefore,The teacher set the topic are prefer to have certain difficulty topic,To highlight the students ability and achievements,But for our Hong Kong students,Will still have certain difficulty."


ZhangXiaoHui also said,"This and the exam means to also have a relationship,Between Hong Kong and the mainland test ways,There must be bigger difference,The mainland of the investigation ways more be in the written examination aspects,Hong Kong, more emphasis on the comprehensive quality evaluation."


现象三、处于漂与不漂之间 Phenomenon three/In drift and not between drift


"North drift"Gens the bitterness of,I'm afraid only floating across the talented person knows.For Hong Kong students,"North drift"Relatively simple life,Also non-traditional sense of"North drift"gens,so,Hong Kong students"North drift"Life is what kind of?


this,YanXinTing said,"Quite a drift of feeling,In fact in the north reading,Every summer vacation will travel,Experience the different parts of the mainland.In Beijing the three years of reading,I might have gone to more than ten local tourism,So not only is this kind of feeling,And is feeling very very erratic."


And this with empathy,And Beijing university institute of international relations YeSiLang senior student,He said:"Although the Beijing is very familiar with,But not the feeling of home,Only back to Hong Kong,Will feel to go home.Summer and winter vacation after the exam last week,Sometimes quietly lying on the bed,You'll feel‘ah,This is not my home’,You won't have that kind of feeling of home,Also won't feel very comfortable/easy.Is to feel the heart a little empty,Although many friends in Beijing,But still do not have a feeling of home,Feel very erratic."


He also said,Hong Kong students study to the mainland,Although people are almost,Are yellow skin,But the environment/System is different,Only one thing is can understand Chinese."The first time I come to Beijing to go to school,With classmates and friends saying good bye,Feels like to study abroad the same feeling.Now three years later,It is not what felling,Are used to."


for"North drift"feeling,Hong Kong students have different feelings.ZhangXiaoHui said:"Because we are very young it,There is a feeling to flight,Don't want to at home in or near the place to stay always,Just think of a new place to see different things.But in this way will not too long for family,Will not say miss to parents have a sense of want to cry,Will make a phone call to say hello each other,Is still more normal of a state."


She also said,"The students in the school,Can say is in the state of drift,So in the same condition under,Will help each other,Mutual comfort,The studying study together,This out go out to play,Will have the feeling of company,There won't be work of that kind of lonely and strong sense of drift."


Chinese people's university philosophy department senior student/Hong Kong students ChenSiHan, director of the institute of the same opinion,He said:"I have not felt the feeling of drift,Although the house is not here,But since the childhood very independent,Has been to a lot of urban tourism,The feeling of home is not too strong.Feel I came to Beijing,Stay in Beijing also pretty good,Is the feeling."


TanQianTing as an after 80 girls,When I was a child is often as parents move,So for the drift has formed a habit.TanQianTing said:"For drift,I feel ok,This is the individual differences.Because I grew up without in a fixed place to live,My family has been in place,Primary school I read between the four primary school,So feel I live in where,Where is my home.Just like in Beijing,I live in Beijing,I think Beijing is my home."


She thinks:"I think drift is a state of mind,Feel no root,In the city has no friends,Feel perplexed,But I think that as long as there is a place to live,Can settle down line."


Students of Hong Kong to the mainland encountered in the process of studying psychological discomfort,China people's university international exchange in Hong Kong, Macao and exchange coco long MaYan accept Beijing reporters said,Hong Kong students come to school just started to feel does not adapt,But this should see students of their own ability to adapt,Some students once entered into,There is a lot of friends,Also have inside collect a little,Need a relatively long process.


MaYan introduced,"Our school has a student affairs with psychological intervention treatment room,It's warm,Special to students chat and do the work,Solve their psychological problems."


Hong Kong student is in a state of drift,MaYan think,"Hong Kong students in this respect is good,Our annual Mid-Autumn festival tea party,School each department of the teachers come over,When they will ask what's the problem.So many years come under,Every year I participate in such activities,Hong Kong students carry the most a problem,The dining room is the food too salty too oil,But the school year by year didn't change,They also only oneself slowly adapted to the environment here."


He said,For Hong Kong students new entrance guidance work,China people's university of Hong Kong, Macao and exchange association do a lot of work,A one-to-one instruction and supporting.and,School activities much more special,Such as new welcome party/Tea party and culture trip, etc,Basic monthly will activities,This can let Hong Kong students know more students,And let them quickly adapted to the new environment.


Hong Kong students"North drift"And the traditional sense of the mainland"North drift"What is the difference?Beijing university school of government senior student/Hong Kong culture will chairman YanXinTing think:And in the traditional sense"North drift"Compared with,"Hong Kong students to Beijing school of drift,I feel like studying abroad of that kind of drift,Do feel culture/A: it's a big difference between the environment."


She also said,"Because Hong Kong was very small,So want to leave home,Feel is out,I feel this‘boundary’Still pretty deep.The people of Hong Kong Hong Kong as a economies,Like a sense of association."


Relevant study pressure,YanXinTing talked about your personal feelings.She said,Since she came to Beijing after university,Never feel better grades,"But there is a phenomenon is the mainland students after college,Feel no longer read,so,We these Hong Kong students and relaxed mainland students than good,If they are nervous,We can't."(This paper also WangYiMing to contribute)[Subsequent chapters to be continued]
