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广东80名民警搜山10小时 救出14名迷路大学生--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  南方日报讯 (记者/陈捷生 通讯员/蔡思铭 杨敬 陈立雄)14名大学生结伴进入从化石门国家森林公园辖内游玩时迷路,警方经过近10个小时的搜救,于昨日下午将被困大学生全部救出。 Southern daily - (Reporter/ChenJieSheng correspondent/CaiSiMing YangJing ChenLiXiong)14 college students in conghua in shimen national forest park visit jurisdiction.our job lost,The police after nearly 10 hours of search and rescue,In yesterday afternoon will be trapped rescued all college students.


This group of students in the October 5, afternoon into the forest park to play,Due to a long time can't find the way,14 people there have been 1 students sprain foot,1 students for two days without food and faint,Condition is very critical.Government departments at all levels are very concern the progress of things,Province provincial public security,Guangzhou municipal party committee/The municipal government,Guangzhou city public security bureau,Conghua municipal party committee/The municipal government and leaders at all levels made special instructions,Nearly 80 policemen in the hot spring town/Good the mouth,City health bureau/Forestry bureau,Guangzhou forestry bureau, and other units with rescue efforts into.


6 at about 17,In huizhou city longmen county and increase with the cooperation of the police,According to the student in the mountains in the formation of the fire smoke,The police finally found the lost students,Immediately on water and food,And the faint students treatment.The rest of the students' emotional relatively stable,Health is better.Then a line of people along the stream,To the day when 19 xu returned to cross national forest park entrance,See the wait here already a long time of friends and family.21 at about,The students in their friends and family, accompanied by,On the contact the police of the bus back to guangzhou.


After understanding,14 college students the original planning to ascend the top of heaven,Unexpectedly in the mountain because was refers to the wrong and get lost.After a struggle is still not out of the later,Choose a place near the waterfall place waiting for rescue.Police remind the general public mass: go outing especially before mountaineering must be well prepared,Improve safety awareness,Don't blindly mountaineering.In case of lost situation,Can choose the nearest position more obvious and water enough place waiting for rescue.

  作者:陈捷生 蔡思铭 杨敬 陈立雄 (来源:南方日报)

The author:ChenJieSheng CaiSiMing YangJing ChenLiXiong (source:Southern daily)
