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海外求学如何成功闯关 留学“达人”有独家秘笈--亲稳网络舆情监测室

   选课诀窍:选易过的课程 Elective know-how:Easy to of course


As early as two reading time,GuanSi rhyme is done international education exhibition part-time jobs,To study abroad industry have a certain understanding.When the senior year,She learned to use some of the experience for themselves"do"out.The education exhibition part-time and self-help apply for American graduate of after experience,GuanSi rhyme since then the work and study abroad service industry tightly together.


Senior year,Has successfully to the American university offer she has been in a consultative organizations do consultants,Went to the United States after,The school is very valued her this experience,Let her do admissions officials,Responsible for the preliminary examination of the application materials to the international students.In the process of verify the application materials,GuanSi rhyme biggest feeling is,Some Chinese students submit materials is not standard,Such as don't know by foreign used to name on the back,Name in front.For another example,China's score is generally centesimal system,In the United States is generally see GPA(Grade point averages,Full mark is four points),Mark how to conversion to admissions officer very headache?,Familiar with China's actual conditions GuanSi rhyme will explain in detail the them.


They get the school rules GPA of 3.0 to get a master's degree,Can be in when I begin to read the first semester,GuanSi rhyme because of elective error and a low GPA brush to 2.3,It makes her feel mental under a lot of pressure.She was elective is Spanish,Completely zero basis,The test scores after down,School is issued the warning letters,Asked if she need to provide additional guidance,Learning teacher also find her talk,Ask her what's the problem.Fortunately she several other course grades are very high,The teacher is suggested that she next time don't choose this course.She got the picture,This is totally elective faults,His ability is no problem.In the next couple of semesters,GuanSi rhyme really take an examination of a good results,Finally in the fourth term GPA score brush to 3.0 above.This period of adventure experience let her deeply realize the importance of the course.


Give students suggestion:Courses must choose more easily through the course,Consult the opinions of the academic advisor,Understand each course exam form,Some as long as writing graduation thesis,Some should write a paper,And comparative test,Difficulty big some,So make reasonable collocation course.


Study abroad who:GuanSi rhyme


Study abroad experience:Three years to study abroad,The university of California at San Diego(UCSD)International economic and professional master's degree.

  达人事迹:在校期间曾任加州大学圣地亚哥分校(UCSD)招生官员,审阅超过2000份大学入学申请材料。在美工作期间,成功说服美国高考SAT考试机构Collegeboard把韩语列为SAT 2的考试科目。

Da deeds:During the period of school once was appointed the university of California at San Diego(UCSD)Admissions officials,Through more than 2000 copies of college entrance application materials.In the United States during the work,Success in persuading American college entrance examination examination mechanism Collegeboard SAT the Korean SAT 2 as test subjects.


善于利用职业指导中心 Good at using the vocational guidance center


And a lot of read undergraduate course directly go abroad to go to graduate school student is not the same,AnXiaoRui before going abroad have three years work experience,And very strong willingness to go abroad.She read in home is nursing,During the work experience of the nurse work hard,So want to change a life,To go abroad to read a and professional related/But the transition to a management position,Nursing and community health professional is accord with her request.


In order to realize this dream,While she was going to work and the use spare time on English training class,Hard degree cans be imagined,Finally got the ielts 6 points,Well be a British have admitted to the university.She was walking is a quick way,In the domestic take college diploma apply to British read undergraduate course,Just read two years and you can get the British undergraduate course diploma.


Read in foreign nursing specialty,Language requirements high,She often goes to school language center to participate in free English tutoring,In addition to language challenges outside,The difficulty of the professional course is also very deep.AnXiaoRui said,Learn this professional in the UK for a job is easy,And every school will have the vocational guidance center,She himself through the school career guidance center successfully get a hospital's offer.The process works in this way:To search the web for a hospital to the job,Then make an appointment the teacher ask them to help you analyze this position is for yourself,The teacher will make a detailed outline guide her what to do next,Through the simulation for the post after the interview,She took part in applying for and successfully got the offer.Tasted the sweet taste of school of AnXiaoRui provide this service full of praise,Can let her wonder:So good service why few students use?Even the school career guidance center teacher will often complain about:Why no students to come to consult?


Give students suggestion:To go to graduate school must first understand you this project manager who is,Active and he communicate;Learn to the school of international student office for help.


Study abroad who:AnXiaoRui


Study abroad experience:After three years of work in Britain completed undergraduate and post-graduate courses,Major in nursing and community health professional.


Da deeds:Once the fighting in the"SARS"A line,Guangdong province and guangzhou city won the title of advanced individual;Write to British university international department,Complained about the quality of service,Students get excellent JianYiJiang;Used to be a British large social welfare institution only a foreign employees.


多打工 建立社会关系 Much work to establish social relations


Although had to go abroad is parents's decision,But ChenChengZong after reading it found that parents' decision is very correct,Let him from a senior high school students are fond of growth as a independent man.He thinks,In the Canadian study in 13 years of life,His life is the biggest a fortune.Students alone in a foreign country,Of course the most important thing is to put the book read well,But in addition to the good school,Don't forget to contact with the society.


After graduation in ChenChengZong in Canada too much job,After the graduation first job was working in the Canadian telecommunications do information administrator,Because the job is more depressing,He moved to Canada general motors company do used car sales,Do the sales manager.Then he went to a friend introduced immigration company do the immigration consultancy.He thinks,It is not hard to find work in Canada,Every major is the university with some company financial group cooperation,Junior from start next semester,The campus is large and small fair,Students in the most easy to find a job.In addition,Social relationship is very important,A lot of work is introduced through friends.In 2005 he has served in Canada YMCA(Young men's Christian association,Christian youth is a global social service groups),For the new school students to provide all kinds of social services,For students looking for work to provide guidance and arrange interview.This job is his friend's recommendation.


During my study in Canada,There is one thing that left a deep impression on him.There is a shopping,Back to home to find lost my wallet,He was really very nervous,Because my wallet has all his identity,Including bank card/Credit card/Driver's license/Work card, etc,And the day is a festival eve,After a few days will have a holiday,There is no way to fill do,Only to call to report,He thought a good holiday why he is so unlucky.Let him that is,Two days later he received an anonymous package,Open on see,It was his lost wallet,Cash and all the CARDS as many."Did not know that I lost my wallet is true to the thief stole,But even if really is a thief,Is also a cultivated‘thief’,This little one thing,Let me fall in love with Canada."


Give students suggestion:Work more,Much contact with different people,Learning is not all.Don't skip classes,Every student in class send a similar remote machine,Can be key to answer the teacher's questions,If anyone not according to the words,The teacher once see come out.


Study abroad who:ChenChengZong


Study abroad experience:In 1996, he went to the high school in Canada,After graduating from high school, chose two years of college course,Then transfer to york university.


Da deeds:After graduation in Canada is engaged in the excessive job;Once service in Canada YMCA(Young men's Christian association),For the new school students to provide all kinds of social services.


Experts suggest Chinese students study in"Honour bachelor's",Applicants for graduate students and immigration have help


加拿大欢迎留学生申请移民 Welcome students applying for immigration to Canada


Canada is scarcely populated,Vast land,Slightly larger than China(A total area of 997 square kilometers),But the population of more than 3300 only,Only one over forty of China.Canada is very developed industry and commerce,The west is one of the group of seven,People's standard of living is higher,Social welfare is very good.Canada is a accept multi-cultural nation of immigrants,High degree of internationalization,Public security is good,With more than a"The most suitable for living"city.


In 2010, China leave with a total of 17718 people;2011 to 21812 people;2012 expected to rise to 25000,When the Chinese students will account for 25% of the local international students.The students most choose to Ontario/British Columbia and Quebec study abroad,The three provinces of Canada is a big province foreign students,80% of Chinese students choose these areas.


Canada no federal ministry of education or similar education institutions,Education by the provincial government is responsible for,So the national has no unified education system,School is the most ",The provinces the constitution to the province's education organization/Eductional systme/Examination system and so on all has the explicit stipulation,So there is no nationwide"College entrance examination".The provinces are equipped with the ministry of education,Responsible for the education of business management.By 10 provincial education of ministers"The Canadian education the council of ministers",Responsible for promoting the education cooperation between provinces.The federal government to provide part provinces education funds,And to provide students with"Canadian students subsidy scheme",In order to maintain their study.


Canada about more than 90 university,Six of the French teaching,6 the method used by bilingual teaching,The rest are in English teaching.Most of the university to adopt credit system(Generally it is 120 credits).Full-time colleges and universities every year two semesters,From September to December for fall semester,January ~ 4 month for spring semester.Some university three semesters,But the third semester class may than normal semester hour less.therefore,Some students to make full use of the third term of time take more credit and the graduation in advance.In the undergraduate stage,General bachelor's degree in 3 years in general,Honours degree in four years commonly.The Canadian education center study in senior experts ChenJianCheng suggests the Chinese students choose honour bachelor,The applicants after graduate and immigration has help.


医博类大学是世界名片 Medical bo type of university is one of the world's business card


The Canadian university is usually divided into three categories:A kind of medicine is dr and class,A medical school and a variety of doctor's degree course,But does not represent only the two professional,They are the Canadian education world"card",Such as the university of Toronto/McGill university/University of Waterloo/Wheat javier characteristic university/Queen's university/The university of western Ontario/University of alberta, etc;One kind is comprehensive university,Offers a variety of undergraduate and graduate courses and professional degrees,To carry out a large number of academic research;One kind is foundation class university,To undergraduate course is given priority to,A graduate course,This type of university are often more local students.

  还有一类“社区学院”(College或Institute),对学生进行职业或技术教育,目的是培养应用型人才。这些学校课程设置侧重工科、商科及其他职业训练,学制一般为1~3年,学业结束时获得毕业证书(Certificate)或文凭(Diploma,相当于大专),同时,这类学校也授予一些4年应用学士学位(Applied Degree)。社区学院还开设一些可以转读大学的转读课程(Transfer Program),修读期为1~2年,程度相当于大学一、二年级。学生修完这些课程后,可以转读大学二、三年级,继续攻读学士课程。

And those"Community college"(College or Institute),For students in vocational or technical education,The purpose was to train applied talents.The school curriculum focuses on engineering/Business and other vocational training,The schooling is usually 1 ~ 3 years,At the end of the school for graduation certificate(CERTIFICATE)Or diploma(Diploma,Equivalent to college),At the same time,This kind of school also awarded some four years application bachelor's degree(Applied Degree).Community colleges offer some can turn college transfer programs(Transfer Program),Study period for 1 ~ 2 years,Degree is equivalent to a university/Second grade.Students after completion of this program,Can turn read university two/Grade three,Continue to study assiduously bachelor course.


热门地区学位尽快申请 Hot region degree application as soon as possible


According to ChenJianCheng introduced,Now apply for a Canadian high school increased a lot,Part of the hot areas of education degree very nervous,Especially popular area,Need to apply as soon as possible,Especially in spring 2013 entrance degree.In the fall of 2013 admission nets "has begun,Students need to take the time to apply for.

  目前,加拿大出台了最新的SDS政策,如果学生在课程开始前24个月内取得总分为6.0分的雅思成绩,或在课程开始前24个月内取得的平均分达到B2/Level 4的法语TEF考试成绩,学生可以参加学习直录计划(SDS),通过此计划申请学习许可,担保资金方面的要求会降低很多。只需在加拿大使馆指定的金融机构存入指定数量(目前为10000加元)的存款,以便证明申请人已存入足以负担本人在加第一年学习期间生活费用,同时提供申请人已支付第一年学费的证明,或显示存款金额足以负担申请人第一年学费的银行证明。此政策对于学习能力强的学生的经济担保放宽到极限,让真正想读书,并且有一定英语水平的学生更容易取得签证。

At present,Canada has issued a new policy of SDS,If students before the start of your classes 24 months made the total score for ielts score of 6.0,Before the start of your classes or 24 months to obtain scored an average of B2 / Level 4 French TEF exam achievement,Students can participate in learning straight record plan(SDS),Through this learning plan to apply for permission,Guarantee capital requirements will reduce a lot.Just in the Canadian embassy designated financial institutions in a specified number(At present for $10000)deposit,In order to prove the applicant has deposit enough to burden I in the first year of studies and during the cost of living,At the same time provide the applicant has paid the first year of tuition proof,Or display the amount of deposit enough to burden the applicant the first year of tuition fee bank proof.This policy for learning ability of the student's economic guarantee relaxing to the limit,Let really want to read,And there's a English level of the students are more likely to get a visa.


最新打工和移民政策 The latest jobs and immigration policy


Since 2008 Canada launched loose student immigration policy,Above college students after graduation can apply now 3 years work visa,After working through employers guarantee class and work experience class two kinds of way to apply for immigration.Other provinces also introduced according to the international student's provincial nominee program,To absorb more excellent students after graduation immigration.But to remind is,After the students want to study in the legal immigration have one eye on the future career in all the provinces of demand.


BC provincial(British Columbia):In the local university or college degree or two years professional diploma,Or in a local read more than one year master's doctoral students,Graduates can apply for a work visa,Then through the job applied for immigration.


Manitoba(Manitoba):In the local learning more than eight months above college course,A valid working visa and six months of work experience can apply for the province's nomination immigration.


Alberta(alberta):In the province get 2 associate or 1 year graduation level certificate or diploma,And to obtain permanent full-time related work,There are six months working experience can apply for the province's immigration.


Ontario(Ontario):Masters or higher degree students after graduation can be directly through the provincial nominee immigration application for permanent resident status in Canada,No employer and work experience.

  Saskatchewan(萨斯喀彻温省,简称萨省):只要在过去3年内至少有一年接受全职学习教育,并获得永久全职的相关专业的工作(水电工、厨师), 有3个月工作经验即可申请移民。

Saskatchewan(Saskatchewan,Referred to as alberta):As long as in the past three years have at least one year of full-time study accept education,And to obtain permanent full-time related work(Water electrician/cook), There are three months work experience can apply for immigration.


加拿大热门留学专业推荐 Canadian study in popular professional recommendation


采矿业、环境工程专业 mining/Environment engineering


Canada is the world famous energy power,Its oil and other mineral development and mining a leading position in the world.Mining and environmental engineering is also Canada employment the highest professional,Salary starting point reached 40000 ~ c $50000.


社会工作专业 Professional social work


Canada is very lack of the talents,To have enough professional knowledge background/English level and good sociology experts very little,So this kind of professional compensation is at the top of many lists,But relatively,Threshold is high.


金融专业 Financial professional


According to statistics Canada about industry salary survey,Financial insurance weekly average wage in more than $1000,In all of the industry before four.In the United States after the financial tsunami,Have more American students go to Canada to read finance graduate student,Learn the neighbours why can in the financial tsunami in the world.


管理类专业 Management specialty


Canada management specialty of inside hotel tourism management is the most popular,Because Canada's hotel industry is very developed,Needs more talents,And the local population is little,For international students provides a good opportunity.In Canada also has some school opened hotel management professional,Just three years can complete undergraduate course,Including 1 year paid internship programs,Earning $20000.


会计专业 Accounting professional


Accounting is Canada best looking for a job is one of the professional.In Canada whether company size/No matter the time length was established,As long as there is business,It is necessary to have the position of accounting personnel.


教育专业 Education professional


In Canada,Education professional good schools are not many,But education quality is very good,Such as brock university's education master major,In Canada is recognized as the most mature professional education.ChenJianCheng said,For the domestic undergraduate course for liberal arts,Especially English major students,Study abroad Canada choose professional and not particularly advantageous,And education master major became the students the best choice.but,Choose this kind of professional students must understand the western history and tradition,To understand the local culture can consider to choose.


土木工程专业 Civil engineering professional


Canada in architecture and urban road design/Luqiao planning,Especially in environmental protection idea and concept of harmony living doing a good job,Road and traffic engineering design/Urban planning/Landscape design, and other professional is Canada's characteristic professional.But civil engineering professional entrance requirement is very high,Many schools require ielts 7 points,Part also require students have work experience.
