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2012全国成人高考在即 教育部要求确保考试安全--亲稳网络舆情监控室


Beijing on October 11, according to the ministry of education website news,The 2012 national adult the university entrance exam is on October 13 and 14 held,In order to ensure smooth adult the university entrance exam this year smoothly,The ministry of education for the education administrative departments and recruit students institutions attach great importance to the security,Crack down on selling of cheating in the exam equipment/Organized large-scale cheating/A malicious in exam illegal activities such as harmful information.The ministry of education also announced the irregularities report telephone.


The 2012 national adult the university entrance exam is on October 13 and 14 held,The number of students who reach 3.64 million.In order to ensure smooth adult the university entrance exam this year smoothly,The ministry of education called provinces/Autonomous region/Municipalities directly under the education administrative departments and recruit students institutions attach great importance to the security,Working actively with relevant departments to further strengthen exam environment comprehensive treatment,Crack down on selling of cheating in the exam equipment/Organized large-scale cheating/A malicious in exam illegal activities such as harmful information.Strengthen the responsibility and liability ZhuiJiuZhi,Strengthen the management of test affairs,Maintain good exam order.


The ministry of education also requires education administrative departments at all levels and the recruitment of students test institutions actively, jointly with relevant departments to improve management service level,Perfect the test period to natural disasters and other kinds of incident emergency processing plan,Strengthen the focus to the examinee place public security/travel/accommodation/Health and other aspects of the comprehensive service guarantee,Particularly want to strengthen the deformity examinee difficulties such as group examinee's humanistic care and services.


The ministry of education solemnly warn broad the examinee to good faith for the exam,Consciously abide by the examination discipline;For test dishonest/The examinee of cheating discipline,The relevant departments will be in accordance with the newly revised[National education examination illegal treatment method]Serious processing,And will the illegal facts in good faith the electronic archives,Bulletin recruitment of students school and the examinee place unit.For allegedly spread rumours/Organization gang cheating and serious violations,Relevant departments will check exactly,Not thine hands be slack,To run afoul of the law,Will severely punished according to law,And welcome the personages of various circles of society to participate in supervision,Work together to build a good test environment.


accessories:In 2012 adult the university entrance exam irregularities report telephone

  教育部 010-66096242,010-82520029

The ministry of education 010-66096242,010-82520029

  北 京 010-82837420

North Beijing 010-82837420

  天 津 022-23769033,022-23769000

Day 022-23769033 tianjin,022-23769000

  河 北 0311-66007116

River north 0311-66007116

  山 西 0351-4036414

Mountain west 0351-4036414

  内蒙古 0471-3261805

Inner Mongolia 0471-3261805

  辽 宁 024-86981007,024-86981143

Liao ning 024-86981007,024-86981143

  吉 林 0431-84605035

Ji Lin 0431-84605035

  黑龙江 0451-82376048

Heilongjiang 0451-82376048

  上 海 021-64518189

The sea 021-64518189

  江 苏 025-83235910

Jiang su 025-83235910

  浙 江 0571-88906609

Zhejiang 0571-88906609 river

  安 徽 0551-3609561

Ann hui 0551-3609561

  福 建 0591-87811582

Blessed 0591-87811582 built

  江 西 0791-86765582

River west 0791-86765582

  山 东 0531-86162757

Mountain east 0531-86162757

  河 南 0371-68101582

River south 0371-68101582

  湖 北 027-68880290

Lake north 027-68880290

  湖 南 0731-88090301

0731-88090301 south lake

  广 东 020-38627821

Wide east 020-38627821

  广 西 0771-5337974

Wide west 0771-5337974

  海 南 0898-65321686

Sea the south 0898-65321686

  重 庆 023-67869200

Heavy 023-67869200,

  四 川 028-85156581

Four chuan 028-85156581

  贵 州 0851-5952927,0851-5976961

Your state 0851-5952927,0851-5976961

  云 南 0871-5127351,0871-5154141

Cloud south 0871-5127351,0871-5154141

  西 藏 0891-6361823

West hidden 0891-6361823

  陕 西 029-85221762

Shaanxi west 029-85221762

  甘 肃 0931-8440683

Kennedy Su 0931-8440683

  青 海 0971-6303983

Green sea 0971-6303983

  宁 夏 0951-6014366,0951-6041866

Better summer 0951-6014366,0951-6041866

  新 疆 0991-8758128

The new portrait 0991-8758128
