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在这份评语中,老师说,教格登简直就是浪费时间。 In this comments in,The teacher said,It is a waste of time to teach Gordon.格登在他的办公室。他身旁是六十多年前,他的老师给他的“最差学生”评语。 He is in his office.His side is more than sixty years ago,His teacher to his"Worst students"comments.山中在他的研究室,曾被同事耻笑的他在坚持多年后,终于达到事业顶峰。 The mountains in his laboratory,Has been to sneer at his colleagues in after years of adhere to,Finally reached career peak.
  1999年我进入奈良科学与技术学院做助教授,我的研究课题是IPS细胞。如果没有学生加入课题的话就麻烦了,所以我不得不哄骗大家:如果你有梦想就来参与这个课题。山中伸弥 In 1999 I enter the nara science and technology institute do assistant professor,My research subject is IPS cell.If there is no students join subject word is in trouble,So I had to coax you:If you have a dream is to participate in this subject.The mountains stretch and


When in trouble,Such as experiment is not successful,I'll have a look at the report,Remind yourself may not be good at this job.But I try to,Otherwise really be the teacher said the.John Gordon


One is the worst students,A colleague called"Stumbling block",Seem to have no future.but,After many years of persistence and hard,But they were all won the Nobel Prize.They are Japanese scientists in the mountains stretch "and British scientists John Gordon,Two people won the 2012 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine.


约翰·格登(2012年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖得主) John Gordon(In 2012, the winner of the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine)


老师曾失望:教他浪费时间 The teacher was disappointed:Teach him a waste of time


60 years,British scientists John Gordon have won two of the most important personal evaluation report,But different content.


A recent report is a few days ago,It glowed with a"Sinar mas",Printed above"The Nobel"Several characters,Father Gordon for people"Cloning and stem cell therapy of the godfather".


but,In many years ago,Gordon got another report dim light but this is a poor report.


理科成绩曾垫底 Science achievement had bottom


He was born in 1933,At the age of 15 enrolled in British exclusive school eton.Gordon since childhood to the biology have a special liking.but,His biology results in 250 male students ranking the last one,Other science achievement also bottom.


For Gordon,Male teachers plus DE mu wrote a report said,"I believe that he(Gordon)A scientist's ambition,But he is now to see the performance,This is the very ridiculous".The male teacher also said,Gordon"I couldn't understand the most simple biological reality",Continue to teach him"It is a waste of time to each other".


For the poor evaluation report,Gordon years later still fresh,"The teacher for my comment is probably said,I was he seen the worst students learn biology."In 2006,,Gordon, when being interviewed by the media so self-mockery.


When he graduated from eton,Apply for the university of Oxford,Because of poor grades,He was classical literature research is admitted."Director of recruit students find me,Say with me,Oxford can admit you,But there are two conditions:The first,You must be immediately come to school;The second,You don't study entrance examination subjects."Gordon said.


兴趣成就克隆教父 Interest achievement cloning the godfather


but,Gordon still have a special liking to biology,He later into the department of animal,Formally began research career.Gordon has called,Despite the bad grades,But since the urine was attracted to biology,Even in the school have a thousands of caterpillar,Looking at them into moths,This is in at that time let teachers hate.


interest,Rather than performance guidance,Finally let Gordon in biological field"Change cocoon into adjustment".


In 1958,,Upon completion of the doctor's degree,Gordon extracted from tadpole cells complete nuclei,Successfully cloned a frog,Shot to fame,He was called a"Cloning the godfather".


In Oxford read postdoctoral,Gordon and in the California institute of technology complete postdoctoral research.Begin from 1971,He has been in Cambridge university work.now,The 79 - year - old he is still adhere to a full-time job.


In be notified when the Nobel Prize,Gordon also do research in a laboratory.A British reporter tried to interview Gordon,But his lab staff reply:"Gordon is working,Please don't bother him."


In the Gordon Cambridge university's office,Still hung with more than 60 years ago that a"Difference report"."When in trouble,Such as experiment is not successful,I'll have a look at the report,Remind yourself may not be good at this job.But I try to,Otherwise really be the teacher said the."Gordon said.


山中伸弥(2012年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖得主) The mountains stretch and(In 2012, the winner of the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine)


同事曾耻笑:他就是“绊脚石” Sneer at colleagues have:He is"Stumbling block"


And Gordon as,The mountains stretch "was also a career"Ugly duckling".


“笨拙”的外科医生 "clumsy"surgeon


9,In the mountains after won the Nobel,His Alma mater:Nara city a primary school arranged for a special class let students through the mountains from before the message,Understand the importance of adhere to.


In these in the message,The mountains introduced yourself doing when the surgeon,For surgery is slow and the experience of predecessors laughed at,Students are encouraged"Even if the failure also don't give up".


When young,The mountain is not the first ideal do research.In his high school does not concentrate on learning,Fond of judo and baseball,Even for this fracture 10 times.therefore,He struggled to become a surgeon,Hope to be able to help injured athletes.


but,His clumsy surgical technique,Let him be colleagues sneer at object.


In almost every speech,The mountains will recall yourself from kobe university medical school after graduation,Do the first operation.


It was a benign tumor removed,Skilled doctor 10 minutes can finish,But the mountains of knock for an hour,Also didn't finish.


"I'm sorry."The mountains to lie on the operating table patient flat tian said.


"I'm sorry: what do you mean?"Flat tian said,"Hold on."


The mountains had to father a needle.Mountain said,Father looked very happy at that time,But the actual very ache,"son,You are not good at this,Isn't it?"


Because of the mountains clinical ability clumsy,Some elder people even send his nickname"Stumbling block".


but,The mountains do very failure doctor career,Also became his career peak to the important opportunity.


放弃高薪坚持研究 Give up high salary stick to the study


Due to the total encounter paraplegia/Such as rheumatism cure difficulty high disease,The mountains decided to go to Osaka university to complete a graduate program,Then went to the United States Gladstone institute of embryonic stem cell research.Here, free academic atmosphere,Let the mountains found a new heaven and earth.


"The United States see more a‘Open laboratory’Research way,Whether the high cost of the unit or the researchers wisdom are Shared.In Japan the domestic,There are few this open research."Mountain said.


When the mountains to return to Japan,Ready to continue to study,Find the research conditions than the United States sent a lot of,Cultivate mice time than even the time also long.


"Why do I have to constantly change little white rat cage?"The mountains once some discouraged.


The mountain thousand better wife is a doctor,For her husband's situation is very worry.She advised her husband to give up study,"Why not do a practicing physician?"In Japan,The doctor is a income very rich professional.


But the mountains finally chose to adhere to.In 1999,,He to nara science and technology college application assistant professor position.At that time a professor of memories,In many of the applicant,The mountains is the only one to meet the challenge,Because other candidates are chose to see results in a number of years of research project,And the mountains are chose to stem cell research,This is he in 12 years later won a Nobel Prize laid the foundation.(ChuXin brilliant)
