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CPI或将触底反弹 高校食堂夹缝中生存--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  近期,交通银行首席经济学家连平接受记者采访时表示,第四季度CPI主要受到中秋与国庆双节叠加产生拉动效应,及美联储推出QE3,全球大宗商品价格将面临上升压力,未来CPI将逐步反弹,而校园学生作为特殊的群体,各级政府采取多种方式稳定高校食堂菜价, 北京市教委在不久前召开的北京高校后勤工作会议上透露,将在高校投入不低于2.36亿元设立价格平抑资金,对学生食堂进行补贴,防止菜价过快上涨,但是直接关系到高校师生的学习生活质量与身心健康的高校食堂却面临生存的挑战。

recent,Bank of communications chief economist even flat when accepting a reporter to interview said,The fourth quarter CPI are mainly affected by the Mid-Autumn festival and National Day double festival stack produce pull effect,And the federal reserve QE3 launch,Global commodity prices will be faced with rising pressure,The future CPI will gradually rebound,But the campus students as a special group,Governments at all levels to take a variety of ways stable college dining room vendors, The Beijing municipal education commission recently held in Beijing university logistics work conference has revealed,In colleges and universities will be in no less than 236 million yuan prices stabilize funds set up,To the student canteen subsidies,To prevent an increasing too fast,But directly related to the university teachers and students study the quality of life and health of body and mind of university dining room is facing the challenge of survival.


CPI高位盘旋 学生不满食堂高菜价“罢餐” CPI high spiral student canteen with high vendors"Meal""

  2011 年7月国家CPI 达到34个月的最高值6.5%,虽然2012 年CPI回落到 4%以内,但食品价格还在高位盘旋,导致原材料成本不断上涨。近期,记者从商务部发布全国36个大中城市监测数据获悉,8月20日至26日,粮油肉蛋普遍出现上涨。其中,猪肉价格比前一周上涨0.8%,牛肉、羊肉价格比前一周分别上涨0.6%和0.2%;花生油价格比前一周上涨0.5%,菜籽油、豆油价格比前一周分别上涨0.3%和0.2%;18种蔬菜批发价格比前一周上涨1.2%;鸡蛋零售价格更是比前一周大幅上涨了3%。面对原材料的大幅度涨价,很多高校学生食堂都出现了成本倒挂的现象,在巨大的运营成本压力下,一些基本伙的菜品质量也受到影响,学生反映菜少质低、变相提价等情况。

In July 2011 countries CPI reached 34 months of high 6.5%,Although 2012 CPI back to within 4%,But food prices are high in spiral,Lead to rising raw material costs.recent,Reporter from the ministry of commerce issued national monitoring 36 large and medium-sized cities of data,On August 20, - 26,LiangYouRou eggs common rose.the,A week before pork prices rose 0.8%,beef/Mutton a week before prices up 0.6% and 0.2% respectively;Peanut oil price rise of 0.5% on the week before,Rapeseed oil/A week before soybean oil prices up 0.3% and 0.2% respectively;18 kinds of vegetables wholesale prices rose 1.2% a week before,Eggs retail price is more than a week before a substantial increase of 3%.In the face of the raw material of large price increases,Many university students' dining room has cost fuchsia phenomenon,In the huge operation cost pressure,Some basic gang of food quality have also been affected,Students reflect food less mass low/The price in disguised form, etc.


Not long ago,People's university campus BBS and everyone online quite a few students in protest at an expensive and launching a"Meal""activities,And there are student wrote a letter to President Chen rain and dew invited the dinning room.Afterwards the President Chen rain and dew properly solved,Things just to remove.


饭菜设置价格上限 食堂生存艰难 The food price cap setting dining room survival difficult


Every year the autumn,In addition to the need to withdraw funds to support family economic difficulties the students,Also need to establish the student canteen food prices stabilize fund,On the basis of price increases amplitude timely issue family economic difficulties students living subsidies,Take good care of students' life.


For example Beijing,This year,Beijing municipal financial and university will jointly invest to set up a student canteen food prices stabilize capital,According to each born every school year not less than 300 yuan standard university canteen subsidies,Inhibition of food prices rise too fast,Ensure that students have high quality and reasonable price of food.According to the Beijing municipal education commission in 2011 on the introduction of the student canteen cost accounting guidelines,University students' dining room"geo-thermal"The food price caps.the,Cheap food should be accounted for 20%,The unit price does not exceed 1.5 yuan;Intermediate food accounted for 50%,Price do not exceed 4 yuan;30% of the high-grade food price does not exceed 6 yuan.Standard food component must be adequate,Among them no juice without soup dishes for each 5 to 5.5 two;Take juice dish each 5.5 to 6 two;Take soup dish each 6 to 7 two.Municipal education commission request the same school each dining room between food dishes/Food volume/Vendors and dishes unity,Keep a relatively long period of tastes/price/Quantity stability.


One is food raw material prices hover high,One party is the national asked for the dining room prices to keep relatively stable,Set maximum price,The Chinese university dining room facing squeezed survival difficult situation,According to a survey,Nearly five years for a long time at university dining room"The flood inside cannot rise"situation,The dining hall meal price especially comparability variety price fuchsia serious,Resulting in the dining room large area of losses,Some colleges and universities in the dining room"Open a,Collapse a""Students don't want to eat,The dining room is not willing to improve food quality"Among the vicious cycle.


如何拯救大学食堂 成为急需破解的难题 How to save the university dining room has become an urgent need of crack problem


The dining room as the important role of college service,At the same time is also set up the school image of a window,Direct relationship between the college teachers and students to study the quality of life and health of body and mind.In the new situation of reform and development,The dining room in the high prices how are relatively stable college dining room prices,And keep the canteen management does not appear loss,This is our urgent need to study the subject.
