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In 2013, the central organs and their directly under the body employ civil service examination announcement in the examinee's -- -nikita Khrushchev officially announced in the,Countries examination announcement release adumbrative 2013 state organs and institutions directly under the employment comprehensive civil service examination the curtain.The test registration time for October 15, 2012 to 24,Public course written examination in 2012 will be held on November 25,.


From the announcement can be seen in,The kingdom of this year examination in the inheritance and continuation of the usual countries take an examination of some main characteristics at the same time and have some new adjustment,In order to help the examinee friends an accurate grasp of the 2013 national civil servants employed the characteristics of the exam,Correct analysis the current exam form,In order to realize accurate ego orientation,The national civil servant exam net(www.gjgwy.org)The first time for everyone reading 2013 state organs and institutions directly under the employ civil service examination announcement,Help you enter oneself for an examination.


The kingdom of this year examination announcement compared with 2012 has the following several important new characteristics:


一、招考人数或创新高 a/Admit by examination number or a new high

  此次国家公务员考试招录人数或将超过2万人,比2012年的1.8万人增长约12%,是历年来招考人数最多的一次。这也意味着给了有志于成为公务员的考生们更多的机会,望考生好好把握。从2003年仅招录5475人至今,影响巨大的国家公务员考试已经成为当之无愧的“国考”。由于今年国家公务员考试的招录人数的大幅度增加,势必意味着有更多人投身到国考大军中,《2013国家公务员考试通用教 材》编写组的专家提醒考生,把握机会,认真挑选适合自己的职位,在报名环节选择正确会提高成功的可能性。具体职位及招考人数,预计将在13号公布,请广大考生密切关注国家公务员考试网。

The national civil service examination ZhaoLu number or will be more than 20000 people,More than 2012 in 18000 about 12% growth,Over the years is one of the largest groups of admit by examination.This also means that gave has aspirations to become civil servants candidates more opportunities,Hope the examinee to grasp.From 2003 ZhaoLu only 5475 people today,A great influence the national civil servant exam has become a deserved"Countries take an examination of".This year the national civil servant exam because of the increase in the number of ZhaoLu,Certainly will mean more people join in the countries take an examination of force,[2013 the national civil servant exam general teaching material]The editorial experts remind candidates,opportunities,Carefully choose suitable for his position,In the link to choose the correct will improve the possibility to succeed.The specific position and the number of recruitment,Is expected to be published in 13,Please the examinee pay close attention to the national civil servant exam net.


二、招考要求更加细化 two/Admit by examination requirements more refining


In 2013 in admit by examination announcement,The most obvious one is to change some required to do the further refinement:


(1)This year for the first time to define the relevant grassroots work experience personnel recruitment scale.the,Around 12% of the position of service dedicated to recruit/Examination qualified college students village official/"Three helped up"plan/"Rural compulsory education stage school teacher AD hoc positions plan"/"College students volunteer service western plan"Basic services such as project personnel;Directly under the central government agencies city(to)Level position/county(area)Level and the following positions(With reference to the management of civil servant law institutions),10% of position specially for the ZhaoLu service expires/Examination qualified college students village official services base project personnel.The relevant data is usual has greatly increased.


At the same time,The announcement made clear,In addition to the special position,All admit by examination more than 2 years working experience in personnel at the grass-roots level.therefore,This year ZhaoLu graduates position may be greatly reduced,competition,But it also does not mean that there is no fresh graduates to participate in the examination may be,The corresponding position may be more deflection on the ground,This is also the state encourages the students into the embodiment of the grass-roots work related policy,Take an examination of abroad more show more scientific.Relevant personnel should pay close attention to position table release,Rational choice position at the grass-roots level,Completes the exam preparation.


(2)Civil servants to must not enter oneself for an examination personnel condition by original"Probation of civil servants",To further expand and clear for"Length of service with 2 years(Contain the probation period)Civil servants".This change may influence the original part enter oneself for an examination the examinee qualifications,Also the opportunities for more candidates.


(3)In the last exam,The examinee to whether they conform to the requirements of the professional has a variety of doubt,Sometimes can only passive waiting for the audit results,Thus miss change position for the time even lose the qualification to enter oneself for an examination,In the 2013 countries in examination announcement,Explicitly mentioned"to[Recruitment brochure]Of professional/degree/degree/qualifications/Grass-roots work experience and the content of the note information such as the need to consult,Please enter oneself for an examination personnel contact directly with ZhaoLu authority."At the same time,In countries put forward in examination announcement"For in-service enter oneself for an examination personnel,Draw is in an unit to agree to enter oneself for an examination has proved difficult,The ZhaoLu authorities agreed to,Can be in physical examination and investigation provides",For the examinee to save time.It please the examinee to make full use of,The uncertainty of the matters must be through the ZhaoLu organ about the,Not hearsay,Trust others.If the examinee of too much consultation,There may be a long time the phone is busy,Please pay attention to.At the same time,provinces(area/city)The institutions url and consultation telephone will be on after November 1, 2012 through the KaoLu project website.


三、进一步探索分级分类制度,专业加试或成常态 three/To further explore hierarchical classification system,Professional add try or into normal


In 2013, lasted for 2012 year's hierarchical classification test to explore,The central authority admit by examination position is still divided into the central organs and their provincial directly under the body/city(to)Below level directly under the body wait for a category,In the test contents and recruitment policy differ.


(1)The CBRC and CSRC and seven non lingua franca position still included in the special professional sequence,Continue to explore the professional course add try mode,Namely except for public subjects(Administrative aptitude test/Explain theory)Examination outside,Enter oneself for an examination personnel on November 24, 2012 unified to participate in professional course exam or foreign language proficiency test.The kingdom of 2013 examination announcement more explicitly pointed out"7 the lingua franca position according to public course written examination scores and foreign language level exam 1:The proportion of 1 after synthesis sort;The CBRC/The CSRC and its dispatched institutions special professional position according to public course written examination result and professional examination results 1:The proportion of 1 after synthesis sort."This reflects the countries take an examination of the increasing perfection of the policy,Also more reflect the public/justice/Fair principle.


(2)In addition,This year's announcement adds"Part of the ZhaoLu authority according to characteristics of post set up professional examination,Professional subject test set and related matters will be in KaoLu project website and ZhaoLu official website announced unity"This tip,And further define the performance calculation method,The public course written examination grade for clear"The lingua franca position and special professional position written examination synthetic result",Then define the first round screening results.therefore,This year may have more position facing the examinee specialized course designed test situation,Please pay close attention to the examinee position information,Made in advance to.


This information may change previous public subjects after written into the interview to check the situation of course,At the same time to illustrate the future examination mode will become normal,In order to meet the ZhaoLu authority to professional talented person's demand.


四、相关注意事项 four/Related matters needing attention

  (1)报名时间减少六小时 截止时间为24日18时

(1)The registration time reduce six hours cut-off time for 24 when 18


In the examination of the information,There is a small but important change this year registration cut-off time is no longer always the last day 24 points,But on October 24, 18 point.Due to the qualification examination for the longest time can be up to 48 hours,And after the deadline,Has the examinee of registration,Although still can continue through the audit,But not through the candidates will not be changed to other positions,So remind students had better be in 22 18 o 'clock to enter oneself for an examination.

  (2)基层工作经验及农村基层服务项目服务期的截止计算时间由去年的10月15日延长到10月底。7个非通用语职位外语水平测试的时间为2012年11月24日下午14:00-16:00; 银监会及其派出机构、证监会及其派出机构特殊专业职位专业考试的时间同样为2012年11月24日下午14:00-16:00。在行政职业能力测验和申论考试的前一天进行专业测试和外语测试,需要考生自己调整好状态,不能因第一天的考试而影响到第二天的发挥。

(2)Grass-roots work experience and rural grassroots service project service period of the cut-off computing time by last year's October 15, extended to the end of October.7 the lingua franca position foreign language proficiency test for the time on November 24, 2012-16:00 PM this afternoon; The CBRC and its dispatched institutions/The CSRC and its dispatched institutions special professional position professional exam time also for November 24, 2012-16:00 PM this afternoon.In the administrative aptitude test and write an essay on the day before the exam for professional testing and foreign language test,Need him examinee adjust good state,Not for the first day of the examination and affect the second day of play.


(3)Admission to give up after may affect the credit archives


This year admit by examination authority also revealed a very important information,That is"Actively advocating honesty to enter oneself for an examination,On display and record and give up hire qualified personnel to take certain measures to restrain,Constantly perfect civil servants employed discipline illegal personnel information base,Establish and perfect the civil servants employed the candidate credit files",therefore,Students in choosing a post to enter oneself for an examination must be very careful,Otherwise in the future it may be possible to continue to enter oneself for an examination or public service position promotion cause certain influence.


(4)Previous to enter oneself for an examination in the announcement,"Enter oneself for an examination the civil aviation air police position and enter interview personnel,A medical examination before the interview,Medical examination after passing,For an interview/Physical test and professional training.Civil aviation administration according to the interview/Fitness test/Professional training and investigation determined according to qualification quasi personnel employed,And in KaoLu project public web site."This year's notice to enter oneself for an examination did not arise related information,This may remind us,National public servant related position admit by examination way may change,It also want to remind originally to enter oneself for an examination related position examinee immediate attention position information,Advance adjustment related to enter oneself for an examination and review plan.

附:2013年国家公务员录用考度时间安排表: attached:The 2013 national civil servants employed degree of test time schedule:2013年国家公务员考试公告完全解读
