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违规收费已叫停 Illegal tuition has to stop


校方称系承包者所为 University officials said system for the contractor


开水收费?一瓶五毛!》 后续 [Boiled water charge?A bottle of five hair!] follow-up


This newspaper on September 29 in A20 edition[Boiled water charge?A bottle of five hair!]issues,Reports the zhoukou health school students reflect the school the boiled water charges.Published reports after,Cause the school leadership attaches great importance to,At present,The tuition has to stop.The school by the relevant departments of the investigation later told reporters,"Boiled water charge"Behavior system logistics supply for the contractor.


According to the zhoukou health school introduced relevant leaders,The school vocational education after in the park,Logistics supply in accordance with the relevant state policies executes socialization management,The overall contracting foreign bidding to the Shanghai Oriental logistics group co., LTD. Management.See our"Boiled water charge"After reports of,School party committee attaches great importance to,Assign special personnel to water supply situation investigation.The basis of,Boiled water furnace by contractor management,Collect fees circumstance and report the same basic.According to the"Who investment,Who charge"'s agreement,Zhoukou health school not involved in business,Also didn't charge.Students drink boiled water charge of things,Real have been did not inform the school management department.

  针对“开水收费”一事,周口卫生学校迅速召开了校办公会研究处理意见。目前,已责成经营方立即整改,禁止向学生再收取喝开水费用。(大河报 记者 于扬)

According to"Boiled water charge"about,Zhoukou health school quickly convened the school study undertaken for disposal.At present,Already to instruct the real action immediately,It is forbidden to charge students to drink boiled water cost.(The river news reporter in Yang)
