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一年级盲童用盲文课本学习 常考年级第一(图)--亲稳网络舆情监控室

一年级盲童用盲文课本学习 常考年级第一(图)陈芊生日时,同学们和她到植物园的盲人植物馆参观。 ChenQian birthday,The classmates and her blind to the botanical garden plant museum visit.一年级盲童用盲文课本学习 常考年级第一(图)为陈芊特制的课桌和书本。 柳扬 摄 For ChenQian special desk and books. LiuYang perturbation一年级盲童用盲文课本学习 常考年级第一(图)


ChenQian singing[You are my eyes].

  10月15日是“国际盲人日”,扬子晚报记者日前来到南京首家接收盲童的普通小学,探访盲童陈芊在这里的学习生活,今年五年级11岁的陈芊考试成绩经常是年级第一名,擅长唱歌和珠心算,已从入学时内向的孩子成长为优秀的学生。“其实对盲人而言,他们最需要的不是同情,而是理解和平等的对待。”陆文杰是南京天河实验寄宿学校的校长,当初正是她的坚持,才成就了南京第一个盲童进普通小学的案例。 通讯员 张爱芬 扬子晚报记者 柳扬

On October 15, is"The international braille day",Yangzi evening news reporter has come to nanjing first receive blind child of ordinary primary school,Visit the blind child ChenQian in here study and life,This year the fifth grade 11 years of age ChenQian exam achievement is often the first grade,Good at singing and pearl mental arithmetic,Already from entrance when introverted child grow up for excellent students."In fact in to the blind,What they need is not sympathy,But understanding and equal treatment."LiuWenJie is nanjing tianhe experimental boarding the headmaster of the school,At the beginning it is her persistence,Just made nanjing first blind child into ordinary primary school case. Reporter ZhangAiFen yangzi evening news reporter LiuYang


视障女孩和普通孩子一起学习 Visually impaired girl and ordinary children study together


桌子比别人大,书本是翻译过的盲文 The table big than others,Books are the braille translation


"The students,Let's read everything?"Yangzi evening news reporter walked into is located in the tianhe shimonoseki experimental boarding school five class the classroom,The teacher is in math class,The door was more calculus relatively quiet course but because of the existence of a classmate and change"sound"up,She is sitting in the first row of the classroom ChenQian.


ChenQian is not high,Body shape is very thin,When a look but overwhelmingly focus,The teacher just asking a question,Is the first hands up,When they are called very confident to give them an answer.Reporter discovery,With ChenQian thin body shape a little not coordinated,Is she is better than the other students are wide desk,The table whether textbooks or exercise books are better than others to and thick."Holiday every year,We will give that to learn textbooks and copyright please people translated into braille,Because the braille textbooks and homework than ordinary textbooks bigger and more thick,So as she made this desk."


A blind man in ordinary school,To attend a lecture can,Homework can be,The meeting exam,The little girl how to respond?The teacher told reporters,Will the special ChenQian call to the office,Read the subject to her hear.


曾被十多所学校拒绝,校长看到新闻找到了她 Has been more than ten schools refused,The headmaster see news found her


This year,Is ChenQian in this school the fifth year,In fact,Had to be here,Also quite took some setbacks.


ChenQian was born,Home has a visually impaired sister.Parents' original is to have a healthy children just gave birth to her,Didn't expect,She faced and sister the same fate.In order to let the daughter can live a life of ordinary people,The mother thought a lot of methods,Hand-on education,Turn all kinds of public welfare institutions,In ChenQian before the age of 6,Have exercise out a lot of her normal children haven't learned the self-care ability.But in school age,Mother took her visited more than ten common primary school,The result is all was refused,Then turn to the media.


The news was nanjing tianhe experimental boarding school principal LiuWenJie see,This beautiful and tall women is a very caring education workers,Before the deaf in related work she has been abroad have implementation inclusive type education to study,She always think disabled children is likely also have the right with the average child study together,And in ChenQian before,The school has received a deaf students.


Cling to the idea,She active contact on the ChenQian parents,Enthusiasm invited them to send their child to school to study,And decided to exempt from her every year fifteen thousand tuition,And accommodation/Meals and uniforms, etc all incidental expenses.so,Lucky ChenQian finally became a common primary school students.


班主任为了她专门学习盲文 The teacher in charge to her special learn braille


From the beginning left or relatives can apply for mother will cry alone,To can now generous on the stage singing and performing erhu;From introverted don't want to speak with people of the little girl,To will now urge the whole class endorsement of the commissary in charge of studies...Few years,Blind child ChenQian growth is like a spirit movie.


"Just began to,I also worry that the,Our teacher would not know how to teach her,His children will not crowding out,Also afraid of parents have opinions.To my amazement,In signing up,I told every one of the class parents illustrates her situation,No a parents have objections,And enthusiastic offered to send clothes for her.I am in the school for the meeting ChenQian in class the teacher's time,Everyone active applied,The final determination of teacher in charge in order to better able to help her,Also specially to learn braille."


"At the beginning of the most,ChenQian mother once or relatives can apply for a period of time,Taught her to remember the classroom to the distance of the dormitory,Help her learn to eat in school,And adapt to the school study and life,But mother doesn't always with her,Mother left,ChenQian often a tear of stream of people.We see well love dearly and worry,Just think of some way to make her happy,Such as the first birthday to her,We contacted the blind library,Let the students to go with her.A blind man reading material is very limited,The first‘see’To so many interesting books,The little girl happy."so,ChenQian more and more adapt to the life of the school.


励志女孩 Inspiring girl


擅长珠算心算,常考年级第一 《你是我的眼》歌声感动全场 Good mental abacus calculation,Often take an examination of the first grade [You are my eyes]Song touched the


"go,Wash their hands to!"The math is lunch time,A female classmate went to ChenQian position,And took her by the hand to wash one's hands basin of pool outside the classroom,Two people come back,A boy has made full of the food bowl in ChenQian desk."We never arrange the children to do so,But whether to eat,Or go to the bathroom,There are students initiative to help."ChenQian teacher told reporters,Once he saw a little boy in the ladies room door turn leisurely,Is he doing strange,Suddenly see ChenQian from inside out,Ask just know,No female students want to go to the toilet,So he offer to bring her over.


With my classmates in class/eat/life,In this ChenQian boarding school with their peers have the same life.She will and friends to competition test scores,Will also and everybody sing the song together exhaust program,In bad mood the,Also with good friends share thoughts.


"Study result is very good,Often take an examination of all the first grade."Land the headmaster told reporters,The little girl is especially good at pearl mental arithmetic,Three digits of add, subtract, multiply and divide by faster than a calculator.Once their to ents middle school students to give lectures,Brought ChenQian with go to,Said to her during the will of pearl mental arithmetic,Good at math classmates offered to PK once,Didn't expect,After several rounds of competition,These big brother big sister had to ChenQian sit up and take notice,After this the classmate of class collective ChenQian clubbed together to buy a gift.


Last month's teacher's day,XiaGuanOu celebration,ChenQian wear landing the principal elaborate clothes,Like the little princess as stood on the stage,For taught her teachers sang a[You are my eyes],Clear voice and loving performing let a lot of the audience moved shed tears.Performance of the video was on the web after,And Beijing television director invited her to perform.


校长心愿 The headmaster wish


希望这个优秀的孩子有机会在普通中学继续学习 Hope that the excellent children have a chance in ordinary middle school continue to learn


In May 2011,Harvard University law school a doctor came to the school to see ChenQian,Think she in ordinary primary school with the success of the class to promote the comprehensive development of the disabled/To help the disabled to integrate,Set up the self-esteem/confidence/self-reliance/Self-renewal spirit,Also improve the quality of life for disabled children.therefore,Tianhe experimental boarding school is also considered"City disabled children and family support network construction"Experimental base.


See ChenQian over a year will be primary school graduation,The land for her future worries,"Hope to have the chance to ChenQian in secondary schools continue to learn,Through their own efforts to realize the dream."


Recently learned from micro bo ChenQian deeds,Some parents of disabled children find land the headmaster,Hope to be able to come here to learn.For such children,LiuWenJie all acceptance.She is concerned,For every child with equal opportunity to read,Is her biggest dream.


小链接: Small link:


Inclusive education is on June 10, 1994 in Spanish salamanca held[The world special needs education conference]On a through put forward in its manifesto of a kind of new education idea and education process.


It contain all the students,Opposed to discriminate against,Promote actively participate in,Pay attention to collective cooperation,Meet different demand,Is a kind of no rejection/No discrimination/No classification of education.


你是我的眼 You are my eyes


歌词节选 Lyrics and screening


If I can see it


Can easily distinguish between day and night


Can accurate in the crowd hold your hand


If I can see it


Can drive take you everywhere roam


Can surprise from behind to give you a hug


If I can see it


Life may be totally different


May I want I like I love


Is different


Eyes black is not black


You say white is what white


They say the sky blue


Is my memory that blue sky white clouds behind


I hope to your face


But can only see a piece of nothing


Whether god is in my eyes covered the curtain


Forget to uncover

  你是我的眼 带我领略四季的变换

You are my eye take me appreciate the four seasons of the transformation

  你是我的眼 带我穿越拥挤的人潮

You are my eye take me through the crowded people

  你是我的眼 带我阅读浩瀚的书海

You are my eye take me reading vast read more


Because you are my eye


Let me see the world in my eyes
