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网曝一小学老师子弟先入少先队 校方称还看表现--亲稳网络舆情监测室

新闻原标题:【老师子弟先入少先队? 网曝三水一小学选拔内幕,网帖点击率近5000次校方否认,称主要根据在校表现评定】 News the original title:[The teacher first children into the young pioneers? Net exposure sanshui a primary school selection inside,Net post click rate nearly 5000 times officials deny,Say according to the school performance evaluation]网曝一小学老师子弟先入少先队 校方称还看表现 绘图:吴文锋 drawing:WuWenFeng 网曝一小学老师子弟先入少先队 校方称还看表现

  南方日报讯 近日,一则“中心小学一年级少先队员选举都会有内幕”的网贴在三水本地论坛上引发了网友的广泛关注。网帖中称,三水西南中心小学一年级选少先队员需要通过靠父母、走后门,第一批入选的少先队员大部分都是老师子女,以致自己的小孩回家问其为什么不当老师。该网帖直指学校教育影响小朋友健康成长。短短数日,这一网帖就达到了近5000次点击率,众多网友纷纷就此展开讨论,称学校此举不利于小朋友健康成长,而事件的真实性也引发了部分网友的质疑。对此。三水西南中心小学相关负责人表示,一年级少先队员分两个批次入选,主要是通过学生的在校表现、学习情况进行评定。而对于大多数是老师子女的说法,该负责人表示,今年新入学的一年级新生确有很多是不同学校老师的子女,但并未对他们有特殊关照。

Southern daily - recently,a"Center primary school grade one young pioneers election will have inside"Web posted on sanshui local BBS triggered a net friend's attention.Net post said in a,Sanshui southwest center primary school grade one choose the young pioneers need through the rely on parents/Through the back door,The first selected young pioneers mostly teacher children,So that their children to go home to ask the teacher why not.The net post directed at school education influence the healthy growth of children.Just a few days,The net post to reach nearly 5000 times click rate,Many users have been discussing this,Says the school to the healthy growth of children,And the authenticity of the event also cause some net friend's question.this.Sanshui southwest center primary school officials say,A grade the young pioneers points in two batches,Mainly through the student in the school performance/The study situation was evaluated.For most children is the teacher said,This person in charge said,This year the new entrance of a freshman is indeed enjoy many different school teacher's children,But not for they have special attention.


网帖:非老师子女入选少先队员屈指可数 Network for:Not the teacher children in the young pioneers are numbered


Last Friday,Sanshui district southwest center primary school grade 200 students officially joined the young pioneers ranks.But in sanshui local on BBS,About the young pioneers in the insider,Need to rely on relation/The news spread quickly also say "hello".


Net friend"yo123"Post said,Sanshui southwest center primary school grade one monitor by teacher designated,Is called the left,And the first choice of the young pioneers most children is the teacher,Not the teacher children be numbered.So that their children to go home to ask yourself why not a teacher,Let he couldn't answer.The netizens question,Such atmosphere will undoubtedly influence the healthy growth of children,Hope the teacher correct ideas and teaching direction,Moral education to.


The net post on triggered a net friend's attention.For first in the young pioneers completely rely on relation this event,Many netizens have expressed his dissatisfaction,The truth this unfavorable to the healthy growth of children.More netizens to their children had also encountered the same situation.But for the authenticity of the event,Part of the net friend also puts forward his own question.


For batch time in the young pioneers,Net friend"so/simple"Don't think to take care of the children's psychological problems,The move will let not into the young pioneers children feel not as good as those of others,With other children playing together will have an inferiority psychological.


校方:未统计老师子女数据,表现好就能入选 school:Not statistical teacher children data,Good performance can be selected


For sanshui local BBS to appear on the net post reflects the situation,Sanshui district southwest center primary school vice President LiuXiuYing told reporters,In order to encourage students' progress,Also consider the field problem,School do to a new grade divide two batch joined the young pioneers.Last Friday in held the first batch of the young pioneers to join ceremony,And the rest of the students will in this year New Year's day or the next semester later joined the young pioneers.


"We have a grade 10 class,Each class 50 people.The first from each class has elected 20 students,A total of 200 students joined the young pioneers."LiuXiuYing said,The 200 students selected major is a teacher to the student through daily performance and learning situation by evaluation,Not say "hello"/Rely on relation situation.But when a reporter asked about whether there is a specific evaluation standard time,LiuXiuYing said did not have specific criteria,Mainly through the teacher's daily observation."We mainly through the school performance was evaluated,If there is no first selected,Parents can encourage children to improve progress."LiuXiuYing said,Hope that parents can correctly education child.

  而对于网帖中反映的大部分是教师子女的问题,刘秀英告诉记者,今年新入学的一年级新生确实相比往年有许多是来自三水区各个学校老师的子女。但对于第一批入选少先队员大部分是老师子女的质疑,刘秀英表示,学校并没有具体的数据进行统计,但绝对不存在专门为其开后门的问题。“教师子女有的表现好就会入选,也有很多教师子女没有在第一批入选。”而对于网帖所称一年级班长由老师点定,刘秀英表示,主要因为新生刚入校还不清楚情况,因而老师会先选定相对活泼的学生担任班长,但定期会进行轮换。魏英 胡文洁

For network for most of the teachers in the report is the problem of children,LiuXiuYing told reporters,This year the new entrance a freshman to do compared to previous years many of sanshui from each school teacher's children.But for the first selected young pioneers most is a teacher of children questioned,LiuXiuYing said,The school and no specific data statistics,But absolute not exist exclusively for its problems by the back door."Teachers children some good performance will be selected,Also have many teachers children not in the first batch of selected."For network for a grade referred to monitor DianDing by the teacher,LiuXiuYing said,Mainly because new just sit situation is not clear,So the teacher will first selected relative lively student as monitor of the class,But will regularly rotation.WeiYing HuWenJie
