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考研大军或再创新高 不乏部分是“水军”--亲稳舆论引导监测室


As the employment pressure increases,One's deceased father grind became most university graduates through the value added to strengthen the competitiveness of a large selection.Since the national postgraduate online application on October 10, after formally began,Experts forecast this year one's deceased father grind force may break through two million.Although the number of one's deceased father grind is growing every year,But there is no lack of part"navy".Have many years of coaching experience grind across the exam education counseling experts think miss li,Every year to participate in one's deceased father grind of the students in nothing but includes three categories of people:The first kind of,Itself have strength,And to one's deceased father grind type;The second type,Try your luck type;The third kind,Wait-and-see type,That others take an examination of,I also take an examination of.Although has the first kind is in the majority,But after two kinds of"navy"Will no longer a few.


laosanjin:This kind of students self need not say more,Their basic solid,And specific goals,I failed oath not to give up.On the students,Most often the early entered the university has established one's deceased father grind target,They review the early,planned,And usually hard hard,Then through the professional counselling organization system training is to let them so,As cross examination the devil training camp is Beijing university students to master of journalism and communication CuiXin said:"Remedial class focuses on"guidance"Two words,Whether can maximize the function of the class,Lies in their own,Therefore one's deceased father grind process of wind and rain all the way,Sweetness and bitterness only know".


Luck type:Such students determine one's deceased father grind time usually than the previous type to late,They in their first few years at university general did not take an examination of grinding concept,In the prophase also didn't do enough preparation,But seeing the four years of college career is about to end,But heart has unwilling.moreover,In recent years the state because of master graduate student enrollment on a large scale,So that this part of student produced try ideas,Along with the former(The first kind of)Join the army of one's deceased father grind.This kind of examinee is the final grade point average and unsatisfactory,Success will belong to have well prepared.


Wait-and-see type:The latest reports,A university library in posted a alternative by putting up the onlookers,The putting up the content as follows:"To employ people accounted for library study room,400 a month,Half moon",If you are the one!"And attach the contact phone number.It a,Rapid attract large one's deceased father grind students vomit tank.Have such awkward event,In addition to some universities increase one's deceased father grind,Study room besides nervous,The third type of one's deceased father grind force has also contributed"Wait-and-see type".This kind of one's deceased father grind students is not a few,They are the first two class students determine one's deceased father grind time to late,And has the trend.


Xiao li:"frontal,Heard that zhang SAN has a test."


wang:"what?He also take an examination of,If I should also test the try(Heart whisper)?"


Xiao li:"Why don't we also take an examination of?"


Little zhao4 zi3:"You also one's deceased father grind..."




This kind of man is going,Ten preach the potential of the,The study room seat? How can be used.

  其实,对每位考研学子来说,如能考到梦想的大学那是多么的幸福高兴的一件事啊,但考研并非嘴上说说,心里想想而已,必须具备三点:第一心态:良好的心态能树立坚定的信念; 第二要有持之以恒的决心成功贵在坚持;第二实力考研来不得半点虚的。能做到以上三点,“水军”也可成为正规军。

In fact,On each one's deceased father grind for students,If you can take an examination of to dream university that is how happy happy a thing ah,But one's deceased father grind is not paying lip service,My mind just,Must have three:The first mentality:The good point of view to set up the firm belief; The second to have the determination to persevere in the success to;The second strength one's deceased father grind which permits no virtual.Can do above at 3 o 'clock,"navy"Also can become a regular army.


source:Cross examination education
