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调查:校外培训机构随意包装名师 只为骗生源--亲稳舆论引导监测室


少量退休教师撑门面,讲台上多是在校大学生 A small amount of retired teacher ChengMenMian,The platform is more college students


随意包装“名师”只为骗生源 Random packing"masters"For students cheat


"True masters team,Let the child fast points.""Convergent teacher power,College entrance examination achievement dream."On a giant education"Optimal clustering 1 on 1"The publicity of the plates,"masters""Very significant.


recently,Reporter by the parents' identity learning and thinking education consultation when,Staff said:"Our teacher is strong,There are two hundred full-time teacher."


High thought education official website master plate listed the teacher and introduction,Around 80% of the teachers are called"masters".


Training institutions really have so many masters?Their teachers what's the matter?The teacher how evaluation out?The reporter in Beijing/wuhan/Chengdu city, such as the training institution has carried on the thorough investigation.


高价请来的“名师”,却难得露面 High please of the"masters",But rare appearance


"The teachers level super strong,Expert outpatient service school teacher all by a golden key schools college entrance examination the expert of the committee of national famous super teacher composition,Expert outpatient service ChuZhongBu teacher by several all around the teacher training schools and research center of research staff,And a famous school of retired teachers."In Beijing a golden key school propaganda page impressively lists schools and teacher's name.


People's university in Beijing subway station C export,A purported"No two education"The course consultant who stopped reporter,And pass a big red propagating color page,It also printed with Beijing several well-known school name."we‘one-on-one’Coaching the teachers from these schools,You can just pick.Our boss is the education circle,So to find these teachers are very convenient."The advisers said.


For students for parents,These well-known school teacher provides allure extremely.however,Training institutions really have these masters?They do to the children in the class?


"The teacher actually to undergraduates and graduate students is in the majority,Propaganda is said in the teacher,Do have several,But their basic doesn't have a class,Is mainly responsible for us these new teacher to pre-job training,Or check out our lesson plan/Out some questions, etc."A personage inside course of study said.


Mr Zhang of chengdu in sichuan province recently experienced a"Teacher scam".He told reporters,His blunt"masters"For the son of a class,Results with his son on a few sessions found,"Teacher is in when signing up a dew face,Give the child attends class is young teacher."When Mr. Zhang to the training institutions when questioned,But get such explanation:"We use is‘masters’Teaching methods,and‘masters’Coming to class is the same."


无经验、无资质兼职大学生成“名师” No experience/No qualification part-time university generation"masters"


"We here is all full-time teachers,There are three years probation experience,Are very good."Reporters recently on a giant education/Learning without thought education and so many training institutions when consultation,Staff for their respective agencies teachers introduction be exactly the same.


however,A personage inside course of study is revealed to reporters:"Actually all is a college student/Graduate student,There can be no much experience of teaching."Reporter survey found,Training institution teachers do exist a lot of water,Many teachers are college students.


Learn and think education part-time teacher zhang kai(alias),Is Beijing normal university's graduate students,At present already in training institutions do a year part-time.He told reporters:"Large training institutions often recruitment for college students to do a part-time teachers,Many of my classmates after school are in training institutions substitute."


"Training institutions of course want to find a college student now,Because can save a lot of cost."Beijing normal university student wang(alias)said.Wang is Beijing ABC English school substitute teachers,He introduces to the reporter the mechanism of full-time and part-time teachers' salary differential:"Full-time class quantity and we are about the same,But KeShiFei but differ a lot.Our KeShiFei general is 40 dollars to 70 dollars,And formal teacher is 150 yuan to 200 yuan."


Wuhan one engineering junior small leap(alias),Recently through a training institutions to interview,Become the agency's English teacher.a,He sent the journalist detailed tells the story of himself as the experience of part-time teachers,"By accident in the Internet to see a training institutions are urgent for English teachers,So he threw a resume.The next day,After 15 minutes speak and interview,I will be the formal English teacher."


however,After all, college students lack of experience in teaching,Sacrifice is a student interests.Wang has yet to himself in the ABC of English school of the first English class fresh:"My foreign teacher and as a partner as above a lesson,We both have no experience,The first one was terrible.and,At that time my English spoken language is not good,His Chinese is bad also,Ac up also with difficulty.I finally had to take their children to do the game,Pronouncing the text again,Time is about,He foolishly station in that,At a loss."


"And I together class teacher partner is Beijing foreign studies university students,And I am,Don't have any experience in teaching,More no teacher certificate."Wang told reporters,"Street, many students also in training institutions part-time."


培训机构的“名师”是这样炼成的 Training institutions"masters"It is produced


"Beijing university of technology, college of life science bachelor,Was awarded the second prize of the elementary school mathematics Olympics;English two of the second prize/A first prize;The high school biology Olympic competition second prize.Elementary school mathematics teaching experience is very rich,Guidance of student's grades are get improve..."This is high thought education web site a mathematics teacher introduction.


A surprising is,Photos shown on the face of the young young man,Why has such a"rich"Of teaching experience?Could become the"masters"?"Training institutions evaluation system is unique."Learn and think education part-time teachers think think(alias)Told reporters,A year later his part-time job is upgraded to here"masters",Then the pictures and introduce after packing in learning and thinking's official website.


so,Training institutions so-called"masters"Exactly is how to"evaluation"Out??According to the giant school a part-time teachers revealed,Training institution teachers' wages will generally and student's renewal rate hook,That is a term after the end,If part of students loss,So the teacher's salary will be at a discount,If students continue to sign up for a class,And can maintain two or three years not turn class/Don't transfer,So the teacher not only increased wages,And it will be upgraded to"masters".


"The teacher rating not only see you the stand or fall of the class,Also see your teaching feedback,The so-called feedback is you teach students to stay with the number of the students in the class ABC.So you even teach very well,If your feedback couldn't get on,You may just avoid relegation or degradation.Level of teacher and is directly contacted with the salary."Wang told reporters,This training institutions also have a similar teacher rating system.


"If you have a good class,The future of your pictures can put up,Introduced are the same."Zhang kai have been at the candidates were told,If class speak well,Students like,Renewal class rate is high,So will be"packaging"into"Have many years of teaching experience and the teacher",Salaries can also be tied to improve.


"How to let the student to stay,Is the main task of the teachers.They are really way,Each shows special prowess."Think think revealed,To curry favor with the students,Some teachers in the classroom to tell jokes,Students will send small gifts,Some teachers is please students eat frozen sucker.


"In class the teacher special active,Can entertain the children."With a daughter learning and thinking of the wear woman says,"The children are very like the teacher,But feel general teaching effect."


记者 钟剑都 Reporter ZhongJian are


(Source: China education report)
