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Xi 'an jiaotong university school of management was founded in 1928,In December 1984, restoration and reconstruction,China is one of the earliest school of management.The existing management science and engineering/Business management two national level key disciplines,Have management science and engineering/Business management two primary discipline doctoral program and post-doctoral research station,Is the national first batch of master of business administration(MBA)And senior management personnel master of business administration(EMBA)Pilot college of.

  2011年4月,西安交通大学管理学院正式获得AACSB国际认证(AACSB:The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business,国际精英商学院协会),成为大陆地区获得此项认证的5所商学院之一。获得AACSB认证,标志着我校管理学院得到了国际最权威的管理教育认证机构的认可,已跻身国际优秀管理教育院校之列。

In April 2011,Xi 'an jiaotong university school of management been officially AACSB international authentication(AACSB:The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business,The international elite business association),As the continental area won the authentication of the 5 one of the business school.Get AACSB the authentication,Marks our school school of management has been the most authoritative management education certification body recognition,Already among the international excellent management education among the colleges and universities.

  【MBA项目介绍】 西安交通大学是国务院学位办首批认定的MBA学位教育的九所院校之一。1990年开始招收MBA研究生,至今已招收和培养了MBA学员4000余名。

[MBA program is introduced] Xi 'an jiaotong university is the state council XueWeiBan the first recognized MBA degree education is one of the nine schools.In 1990 started to recruit MBA graduate student,Has been recruit and train the MBA students more than 4000.


Project characteristics:Heavy quality/Follow rules/All rivers run into sea.Through the complete curriculum system/Fresh case teaching,Various flexible teaching methods and comprehensive practice introduction,In the system impart subject knowledge system at the same time,Pay attention to the training of students' comprehensive quality and practical skills.In the process of cultivation,We are committed to union of inside and outside/Unifying the,Pay attention to the actual operation ability/Leadership and communication ability training.College actively expand foreign exchange,Strengthen international cooperation,And many foreign famous university signed agreement,Exchanging students,Recognition credit,Greatly expand the students' field of vision.


To recruit quality students,Encourage comprehensive quality and practical experience strong top-notch innovative personnel enter oneself for an examination,Xi 'an jiaotong university MBA out of the enrollment of the interview in advance of the new policy.Participate in advance group interview candidates,Can get A line or B line preliminary admission qualification.Get A line of advance admit beforehand qualified candidates,Entrance exam achievement to xi 'an jiaotong university A line,And through the English listening and political test,In normal group of interview,No longer for an interview.Xi 'an jiaotong university will be in accordance with the principle of A line of admission,According to the written examination and interview performance,Final list;Get B line admit beforehand qualified candidates,Entrance exam achievement to xi 'an jiaotong university B line,And through the English listening and political test,Can obtain quasi admission qualification;All have not obtained the qualification of the batch in advance for the examinee,All can be in accordance with the normal batch to enter oneself for an examination.

  【招生对象】: MBA专业学位主要招收从事工商管理和经济管理工作的企事业单位、政府管理部门及其它部门的在职人员。

[Recruit students object]: MBA degree is mainly for engaged in business management and economic management of the enterprises and institutions/The government management department and other departments of the on-the-job personnel.


[Enter oneself for an examination conditions]

  1. 中华人民共和国公民。

1. Citizens of the People's Republic of China.

  2. 拥护中国共产党的领导,愿为社会主义现代化建设服务,品德良好,遵纪守法。

2. Support the leadership of the communist party of China,Willing to serve the needs of socialist modernization construction service,Good character,Observe law and discipline.

  3. 身体健康状况符合国家和招生单位规定的体检要求。

3. The body health condition is in compliance with the provisions of the state and recruit students unit medical requirements.

  4. 国民教育系列大学本科毕业后有3年或3年以上工作经验的人员;获得国家承认的高职高专毕业学历后,有5年或5年以上工作经验,达到与大学本科毕业生同等学力的人员;已获硕士学位或博士学位并有2年或2年以上工作经验的人员。

4. National education series of university undergraduate course graduate 3 years or above 3 years work experience;Get the country admits record of formal schooling of higher vocational graduation after,5 years or above 5 years working experience,To achieve and university undergraduate course graduate the personnel of coequal educational level;Earned a master's degree or doctorate and 2 years or above 2 years work experience.


[Enrollment quota]


Xi 'an jiaotong university every year is expected to facing the national plan for the degree of master of business administration graduate degree in 310.The management direction 235(College of management),Financial direction 75(Economic and financial institute).


[Registration procedures]


1. Net newspaper


According to regulations of education ministry,2013 years is still take network report and field application way,All candidates on December 10, 2012-31,login"China of graduate student recruit students information network"(Web site http://yz.chsi.cn or http://yz.chsi.com.cn)For network to,Fill in the personal registration information,Net report must choose xi 'an jiaotong university as expected.


Special hints:Please fill the direction(Management direction or financial direction).


2. Field confirm


On November 10, 2012-14,From the examinee I hold id original/Graduate certificate original and online registration Numbers to our school xian catalpa hall(Whoever enters by the jiaotong university,To the west of about 100 meters)Examine the qualifications of the/Pay the entry fee/Camera and check the information,Otherwise enrolment invalid.Please pay attention to the school of graduate student recruit students information network(http://gs.xjtu.edu.cn/zhaos/)Issued notice.(Foreign teaching school field confirm time and place to local teaching school notice shall prevail).

  3. 下载准考证:

3. Download the admission ticket:

  ① 2012年12月25日-2013年1月7日,考生可凭网报“用户名”和“密码”登录研招网下载打印《准考证》。《准考证》正反两面在使用期间不得涂改。

(1) the December 25, 2012 - jan. 7, 2013,The examinee but by network report"User name"and"password"Login research recruit downloaded print[Admission ticket].[Admission ticket]Pros and cons in use period shall not be altered.


(2) the examinee printed by download[Admission ticket]And second generation id card to participate in qualifying examination.


[The test time and location]


Examination time:Jan. 5, 2013


Examination site:Xi 'an jiaotong university(Foreign students to notice shall prevail)

  【 录取类别】

[ Admission category]


self-financing:The examinee and the school self-raised training agreement signed,During her study at school not turn registered permanent residence;


Entrust training:The school/Examinee place unit/The examinee I signed three party entrust training agreement,During her study at school not turn archives;


Above the school admission category are not burden MBA students during the period of school benefits,Learning materials/university/Accommodation self-care, etc.


[System and cultivation mode]

  1. 学制:二至三年;

1. Eductional systme:Two to three years;

  2. 全日制学习方式:全脱产学习,允许两年毕业,其中第一年在校进行课程学习,第二年回原单位撰写学位论文;

2. Full-time study way:All full-time study,Allow the two years of graduation,The first year in school and the course learning,The second years back to former unit degree thesis writing;

  3. 在职学习方式:在职学习,允许两年半毕业,其中一年半利用业余时间进行课程学习,修满学分后撰写学位论文。

3. On-the-job learning ways:On-the-job learning,Allow the two and a half years graduation,One and a half years the use spare time carries on course,Repair after full credit degree thesis writing.


[Degree thesis and degree awarded]


In the provision of learning deadline cultivation plan of each link and the result to be qualified,Through the formal degree thesis answerer,The court/The academic degrees committee after examination and approval,The ministry of education issued uniformly granted the xi 'an jiaotong university graduate student graduation certificate and degree certificate.


Details please visit xi 'an jiaotong university MBA website.
