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沪市立幼儿园:11年气质教学 关注儿童个性发展--亲稳网络舆情监测室


市立幼儿园对每个孩子进行气质评估测试 The city kindergarten for each child temperament assessment test


根据“气质身份证”制定个性化培养方案 According to"Temperament id card"Make personalized training program

上海市市立幼儿园“园长妈妈”赖丽芳(中)和幼儿园师生们在一起。 The Shanghai municipal kindergarten"Mother calls"LaiLiFang(in)And the kindergarten teachers and students together.


市立幼儿园 Municipal kindergarten


Formerly known as east China nursery school,1948 by the HuaDongJu in shandong qingzhou city founded,In 1949 after migration to Shanghai,Renamed HuaDongJu authority nursery school.


In 1956, was handed over to the Shanghai municipal people's government,And with the original city government authority nursery and the women's federation nursery school merge,The second kindergarten was renamed Shanghai authorities.In 1980, after the official ownership of the municipal women's association,And was renamed Shanghai municipal kindergarten.


In more and more emphasis on personalized in today's society,How to teach students in accordance with their aptitude,Focus on children's personality development,With 64 years' history of Shanghai municipal kindergarten explore a unique road temperament teaching,The psychology of temperament theory and children's upbringing organic combination,Puts forward the"Accord with nature,Guide the judges"Breeding strategy,The education of exploration has been to the 11 years.

  什么是气质?心理学的解释是, “气质”是与生俱来的个体心理稳定的动力特征,是个体对外界刺激的心理行为反应方式。气质是一个人与生俱来的个性特点,而且在生命早期表现得比较突出,所以很多关于婴幼儿发展与教育的研究,都将幼儿气质作为一个重要的变量予以关注。

What is the temperament?Psychology explanation is, "temperament"Is born with individual psychological stable dynamic characteristics,Is individual foreign stimulates the psychological behavior reaction way.Temperament is a person born with individual character characteristic,And in early life more outstanding performance,So a lot about infant development and education research,Children will be temperament as an important variable attention.


The Shanghai municipal kindergarten LaiLiFang kinzley led to write the name[Accord with nature,Guide the square different temperament infant education strategy practice and research]Report won the Shanghai education scientific research achievements won.


Many considered harder to raise type,Even in other kindergarten is listed as give up education object children,Transfer to city kindergarten,After a semester"Accord with nature"Temperament education,Has become a self-confidence sunshine,By teachers and children love boy.


In fact,The child's"good""bad"Is relative,Every child is an angel,The key is to see adults the day after tomorrow its education and influence.


Temperament teaching have any special secret,Temperament teaching children and traditional teaching children what is the difference?LaiLiFang said:"Teach students in accordance with their aptitude ever to teacher's personal subjective judgment is given priority to,And introducing temperament after teaching,The objective of scientific evaluation index and system,Teachers can be more specific,For each child on the characteristics of individualized care,Let every child can rich individual character development,In the kindergarten through attention and respect happy childhood."


"Why people's children consumedly square square/See people familiar,And in my house, by my kids are timid retreat?"


"Why somebody else's child lively/happy,And my children are crying?"


"Why people's children a very regular life,And I the child food and drink not rule,Temper and great?"


Often have parents have a similar complaining and sigh,Root they didn't understand clearly the child's temperament.


Since 2001,The Shanghai municipal kindergarten decisions and to east China normal university department of psychology,In childhood period,Through the scientific measurement,Comprehensive accurate understanding of children's temperament characteristics,And on this basis to explore the education to adapt to the temperament difference method,This method in education caused a lot of vibration,Many education experts think that this method has important meaning,For infants to"personalized"The development of the education provide the theory foundation and the practical example.


Each into the Shanghai municipal kindergarten children,Will temperament assessment test,Kindergarten again according to the unique"Temperament id card",Make personalized training program.


“气质身份证”捕捉孩子的闪光点 "Temperament id card"Capture the child's flash point


The Shanghai municipal kindergarten the principal LaiLiFang said:"We should clearly realize,The child is not a let us on the white paper,Or a piece of ok and optional carve clay.Every child has his own gezer,Temperament is one part of the very thick,And our upbringing is to conform with the,This can has the actual effect."


Let LaiLiFang the principal concern is,In the face of the child's a series of performance,Parents often at a loss what to do,And then according to their own will,Take strong system or extreme self-indulgent raising attitude.On the one hand which is easy to cause the parents raise the difficulties,Produce anxiety/Tired of negative emotions, etc,Even for their ability to raise suspicions and frustration;On the other hand,Can also cause the baby to environment produce distrust,To fosterer produce apathy/opposition/Negative and psychological,And even lead to the formation of some bad behavior.


Different temperament characteristics of the individual and the world around different mode of action,This will affect the babies and infants and the relationship between the people around,And affect its behavior development direction,therefore,Need different breeding methods to foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses.Temperament in childhood, behave is obvious,The older acquired character on the cover effect becomes more obvious.


Since 2001 the city kindergarten began to explore the education to adapt to the temperament difference method.


In the municipal kindergartens have been working for 15 years to China art teacher,Participate in the LaiLiFang led calls the temperament of the breeding strategy research topic.In her class had met a call far children,Grandma and grandpa is far due to take care of,Add dote on,responsive,Caused the child often have destructive action,Such as the kindergarten wall materials stripped down throws anywhere;Hard ye doll water in the kitchen,Repair well continue to make;Also like the small toy and green plants to sink the soil in the next hole in fall.In the face of such children,China to the art teacher did not cast him on the other side,But to take care of,Due to the far is born in August,Months small,For his disruptive behavior,The other kids will be under the guidance of the teacher,Think he's little brother and forgive him,"I will not force children to according to my request to do??????,But with their behavior,Slowly waiting for them to grow up."After a semester's care,Damage such as far wall behavior has corrected slowly,Now is improving every day.


5 years old boy QunQun(alias)In other kindergarten referred to as"Problem children",The teacher saw parents at all,Today and do anything bad thing,QunQun also becomes more and more social withdrawal,Withdrawn character,irritable,Likes to hit.Before the kindergarten has abandoned QunQun,later,Admiring parents the child into the city kindergarten,Teachers began to guide his patience,Never peculiar eye to see him,slowly,QunQun offensive become weak,Also slowly polite,And begin to care about others.


Twins are in ZhouHui teacher's class,Brother "yes, introverted,Or malnourished weak son,Don't let go the balance beam in the game,Later in ZhouHui's encouragement,Let the whole class children together for "yes, come on,Although slow,"Yes, but finally succeeded,Afterwards ZhouHui the teacher praised him,"Yes, show the rare chance of smiling face."As a teacher,We should respect children,Attaches great importance to the difference,Encourage your child,Are not afraid of failure,Will undoubtedly enhance children's self-confidence,Reduce self-abased psychology,To be good at discovery and tried to capture the children of transient flash point,The child's happy,Is our happiness."


“哥哥”老师助孩子培养阳光气质 "brother"The teacher help students cultivate sunshine temperament


The city kindergarten teachers in the 24,There are two is male teacher,The proportion of this relative to other kindergarten has the relatively high,Male teacher extremely popular,Many parents call to let children to enter the male teacher on duty of the director of the class,"Brother teacher"Also popular with children.


Lu LianJie teacher is one of them"Brother teacher",To the city kindergarten work have 3 years,Their job is not like other kindergarten only engaged in sports and other men work,But with female teacher will shift,Be the teacher in charge,"challenges,But witnesses the children every step of growth,I sincerely like this job."


Inscription inscription was land LianJie has brought an aggressive children,Likes to hit,Damage other children build toy,Also will use pencil to make similar stab the other kids eyes this kind of scare people's behavior.In order to improve the inscription inscription situation,Miss lu the big brother moving up the brain,Create try to avoid conflict of space,Remind the queue before and after the kids to keep a certain distance,And trying to create a loose/Democratic psychological environment,Let the children can happy to accept the teacher and peer advice.Miss lu also make use of their own advantages as men,And inscription inscription father communication,Inscription inscription parents at home sometimes also can have some aggressive behavior,Parents' words and deeds to children caused some negative influence,"Male teacher speak simply,And parents communicate directly,Sometimes also can have twice the result with half the effort."For their own"Brother teacher"role,Lu LianJie do it in a good mood.


According to the principal LaiLiFang planning,The next step will be to plan"Traditional culture of modern deductive"This subject research.Innovative teaching let children to virtually first taste"LiYan/Made think/Made line/Aspire to"Education of,In accidentally first accepted teachers"love/selfless/justice/kind"teaching.
