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未走地下通道 常州两女大学生校门口被撞身亡--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

新闻原标题:【常州两女大学生校门口被撞身亡 如果走地下通道,悲剧或可避免】

News the original title:[Changzhou two female students into school killed if go underground passage,Tragedy or can avoid]


Things driver abandoned car escape after Monday yesterday;Reporter visits found no matter in changzhou or nanjing,A lot of people in order to save trouble refused to go underground passage

      15日晚上9点,江苏技术师范学院的两名大四女生在横穿校门口的马路时被撞身亡,肇事司机下车看到现场的惨状后匆忙弃车逃逸。令学校师生和周围居民遗憾和惋惜的是,地下过街通道就在校门口,如果不是为了少走两步路的话,两个年轻的生命不会如此过早地凋零。昨天上午,肇事者已经归案。 扬子晚报记者 张战斗 文/摄

      15 9 p.m.,Jiangsu teachers university of technology of two senior girls in school was across the street crashed died,Get off the driver saw the horror of haste abandon after car escape.Make the school teachers and students and the surrounding residents regret and regretful is,Underground street channel is at the school gate,If not for less walk 2 road words,Two young life would not be so prematurely die.Yesterday morning,Wrecker has bring to justice. Yangzi evening news reporter ZhangZhanDou text/taken

现场还原 Field reduction

目击者称撞人时声音很响,一人当场身亡 Witnesses say bump person voice is ringing,One person died on the spot


       In the early morning yesterday,Reporters came to the door in jiangsu teachers university of technology,The accident site is opposite the school gate in WuDaDao,The road vehicles flow."I had heard a loud bang,As with shooting,Voice very large."Citizens xiao li said,When the,He is eating snack bar nearby,At first,He thought it was the two cars crashed into each other,But then,He ran past the street lamp found a black car parking there,A car's windshield is broken,Hood also dented down,Distance car 60 meters place,The two girl lying on the ground.Car just after traffic light is in a car accident,Driving from west to east,Two girls out of the school gate crossing the road when he was hit.


       it,After the accident,From the car down a person,Frighten incoherent speech,Kept asking"Little sister matter?You hurt",He returned to the wounded on the massage/Massage and rescue measures,But see each other after no response,He called the police.Xiao li said,One of those people died on the spot,Soon afterwards,The ambulance arrived,Another seriously injured a female students was sent to the hospital."useless,The ears are bleeding,Electrocardiogram is flat."Witnesses say,Because it is night,Can't see clearly,Wrecker is a 40 year old man,Open is one GuangBen cars,After the accident about five or six minutes of time,Wrecker put down quietly left the scene.It wasn't long before,The scene of the accident gathered a group of people.Many people doubt the driver is drunk driving.Badly hurt was sent to changzhou twenty rescue,Soon afterwards,The hospital announced another a girl rescue invalid death.


       "Street underground passage distance accident site less than 50 meters,If go underground passage would not had an accident."interview,Quite a few students and teachers to two students at the death of regret.If according to the normal route,They must from underground passage to the street,However, they chose to directly from the road crosses,They thus also missed a life channel.

最新进展 The latest progress

肇事司机已归案,学校对学生展开心理安抚 The driver already bring to justice,School expansion psychological comfort


       "The two sisters are the senior,Really for they feel sad and pity!"Jiangsu teachers university of technology of a big girl said,Cultivate their parents for so many years,The family must be very sad,Heard that their work is already looking for good,As soon as graduation to work.Two senior girl was killed crossing the road into the news has spread over the school,Everyone said from the painful accident to learn from them,No longer will cross the road,Crossed the street channel,After all, cross the road also cannot save much time.It is understood,For school north gate happened near the major traffic accidents,The school has arranged for a counselor thorough student class and dormitory students' psychological comfort to work,Relevant departments will further strengthen the teachers and students in school of traffic safety consciousness education,At the same time remind past driver after school nearby road to pay attention to safety,Slow down.


       yesterday,Changzhou JiaoXunJing department sent a statement,On October 15, 9 in 16 hui,Changzhou 110 confirmed:WuDaDao jiangsu teachers university of technology in the traffic accident happened,The driver abandoned car accident leaving the scene,The left one Sue D1J x 9 black guangzhou Honda brand cars,The accident cause two passers-by.After the accident,Jurisdiction JiaoXunJing brigade police team to the scene rapidly,To organize rescue the wounded,Carefully carry out field exploration work.Through examination,The two LvMou respectively(female,22 years old)/Shen a(female,21,All is jiangsu teachers university of technology students),By the hospital rescue invalid death successively.


       After the,Changzhou city public security bureau leadership attaches great importance to,Requirement organization capable police as soon as possible find out the fact.Changzhou JiaoXunJing faction leader arrived on the scene immediately,Guide case investigation disposal work.The careful work overnight,A breakthrough in the case,At 16, preliminary confirmation hit and suspect,16 9:00 am xu,Hit and suspect has been bring to justice,Is undergoing review.At present the case in processing are further investigation.

记者探访 Reporter visits

如果正常走地下通道,悲剧或许就可避免 If normal go underground passage,Tragedy might be avoid


       Changzhou WuDaDao in the middle of the greening belt will be divided into north and south on both sides of the road,Main road two-way 6 lane,Both sides also have their own three FuDao,The highest speed limit in each hour 60 kilometers,Another lane on both sides of the road were also have green belts,but,Reporter discovery,Green belts have been artificially out of the discipline"path",Continuously someone through the."path"Side of the sign"Do not cross the road"",The accident site is located in the north side of the road.


       The street has a bus platform diagonal to the school gate.The entrance of the school a decade or two meters in the southwest side is the underground street channel.Reporters first experience the time used crossing the road,In the car for a little while,Reporter with vigorous strides to cross the road,40 seconds when,But as the car,Reporter to glance left and right to car to car,This time when crossing the road 1 minute 30 seconds.


       But when the reporter went underground street channel found,Routeway of empty inside,From the school gate side according to the normal speed have a road to across the street from the campus platform also only 1 minute, 20 seconds,And go very smoothly/Calm and at ease,Don't worry about vehicle.In the field,Reporter discovery,Although underground passage is in sight,Although the striking remind mark,But there are still two students choose to cross the road,Let a person see tremble with fear."Because many things on hand,Think go underground passage a little far."A fresh from home to school girl for their own through the street "lumpenproletariat" behavior,But when the reporter told her,The night before,There are two students because cross the road when killed by a car,She staggering reach,And immediately spit it said after the tongue:"Later any further can't take it!"


       "This passage is to our school students made ah,Why don't you go underground passage and should choose to cross the road?!"Jiangsu teachers university of technology leading to the accident site,Two female college students to the death of the flower show very regret.
