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研究生回乡种地续:婚姻破裂 种地都不合格?--亲稳舆论引导监测室


Hebei fuping,Taihang mountain a call willow ditch of natural village,More than a dozen homes near the mountain and r.

  “苗卫芳?他家莫有人! ”“他没在家,不知道去哪了! ”“他父母也不在家。 ”

"MiaoWeiFang?His house was not! ""He didn't at home,Don't know where to go for! ""His parents are not at home. "

  几天前,《研究生毕业回家种地 老父气绝服毒》的视频在网络上发布后,41岁的苗卫芳成了闻名全国的“新闻人物”。

A few days ago,[Graduate home father kept ghost poison]The video on the Internet after release,41 years old MiaoWeiFang became famous throughout the country"People in the news".

  “务农也是权宜之计,想着在家写点东西,有机会再出去找工作,但事实证明这个选择是错的。 ”苗卫芳对本报记者说,“在家里,邻居们都瞧不起,来自社会的各方面的压力都很大,父亲服毒一方面因为身体不好,一方面也是因为我。 ”

"Farming is expedient,Thinking about write something at home,Have a chance to go out looking for a job,But the fact that this option is wrong. "MiaoWeiFang to our reporter said,"At home,The neighbors are looked down upon,From the social various aspects of pressure are very big,Father poison on the one hand because of poor health,On the one hand is because of me. "


But reporter field investigation,His folks but think,Couldn't find a job,All because miao his"Is not steadfast".


Along the village road all the way up,Come to an end,A stone and clay billet barrier is two rooms by the tapered end and the door.Front of the stove and pan desolate land,A pair of a few days are not born too far do the appearance of rice.This is MiaoWeiFang and parents' home.

  “这个事发生后,天天有人来找,两位老人一是嫌太吵了,二是觉得压力太大,就都躲出去了。 ”苗卫芳的父亲苗风山哥三个,说话的是苗风山的弟妹,也就是苗卫芳的三婶。“卫芳不知道去哪了,手机关机,谁也找不到他。 ”

"After this happened,Every day someone to find,The two old man is too noisy,The second is feel the pressure is too big,All hide out. "MiaoWeiFang father MiaoFengShan elder brother three,Talking is MiaoFengShan siblings,Is honey MiaoWeiFang three."The WeiFang don't know where to go,Cell phone,Who also can not find him. "


被外扬的家丑 Are was skeleton in the cupboard

  苗卫芳说,“就是想引起关注……我们农村的草根读书人背负的负担和压力更重。 ”

MiaoWeiFang said,"Just want to concern……We rural grassroots scholar burden on the pressure and more heavy. "

  就三婶看来,苗卫芳材料够用(学历高,有学问),但脑子有点问题。“否则,他爸也不至于闹自杀。 ”

Neither seems three,MiaoWeiFang enough materials(Degree high,learned),But the brain's a bit of a problem."otherwise,His father will not make suicide. "


This year 67 - year - old MiaoFengShan,His wife of 63 years old,He and his wife have to read,But no big culture,In the willow ditch village is real farmers.The first son married early,Son is now in Beijing to work one day can earn one hundred and ten dollars,Daughter-in-law pig farm to take care of the kids at home,Home care have on safely.Daughter married to a nearby farmers,Day rash utterances.however,Because the second son MiaoWeiFang,His old age but over the pain.


On May 25, more than 10 at night,MiaoFengShan wife woke up,MiaoFengShan still found in coma,How to push all push don't wake up.


"WeiDong,Your dad take medicine!Call don't wake up!"MiaoFengShan wife immediately to the next that eldest son.

  “那个晚上,我们被吓坏了,雇车把大哥拉到阜平县中医院,医生让往省城送。我们又连夜把他往省城送。 ”苗卫平的三婶说。经过几个小时的抢救,苗风山才脱离生命危险。住了3天院,花了一万多块钱,苗风山回家了。

"That night,We were frightened,The eldest brother pulled to GuChe fuping county hospital of traditional Chinese medicine,The doctor asked to send provincial capital.We are all through the night to send him to go to his provincial capital. "MiaoWeiPing three neither said.After several hours of the rescue,MiaoFengShan just out of danger.Live for three days court,Spent more than ten thousand dollars,MiaoFengShan home.

  “谁能想到,没过两天,他竟然又拿了一根绳子要吊死在家里。 ”三婶说,“我们大家好劝歹劝,才把他劝住。我们说你就算再生二平(苗卫芳的小名)的气,也不能寻死呀……”三婶说,在大家的照顾和劝慰下,苗风山不再寻死了。“谁想到,二平竟然把这事弄到网上去了,搞得全国的人都知道了这件事,我们这些亲戚们一个个压力都特别大。真不知道二平这么做是为了什么!? ”

"Who can think of,Not after two days,He actually took a rope to hang in the home. "Neither said three,"All of us well advised to either good or bad,Just in persuading him to live.We say that you even if regeneration two flat(MiaoWeiFang childhood name)gas,Also can't try to commit suicide ah……"Neither said three,In everybody's care and soothe the next,The MiaoFengShan no longer try to commit suicide."Who thought of,Two flat unexpectedly put it to get to the Internet,To get the national people know about it,We these relatives each pressure are particularly big.Really don't know two flat do is for the sake of what!? "

  据了解,苗风山服药自杀被送到医院抢救后,苗卫芳打电话叫研究生时的师兄宋某带着摄像设备到医院去“拍一拍镜头”。“我到医院后发现苗卫芳的父亲戴着呼吸机,仍处于昏迷状态,而苗卫芳还让不停地拍这样的场景,我都不理解,他父亲在抢救,居然还找人去拍视频!当时我就有点怒了。 ”宋某后来称。

It is understood,MiaoFengShan medication suicide was sent to the hospital after the rescue,MiaoWeiFang call when the graduate student's brother SongMou with camera equipment to the hospital"Pats the lens"."I had to go to the hospital found that MiaoWeiFang father wear breathing machine,Still in a coma,And MiaoWeiFang still let constantly take such a scene,I don't understand,His father in the rescue,Incredibly still for someone to shoot video!At that time I was a bit nu. "SongMou later said.

  之后,宋某拍摄的视频被拍客小唐要走,最终被编辑成《研究生毕业回家种地 老父气绝服毒》的视频在网上传播。

after,SongMou video shot by making the small tang to go,Was eventually editor into[Graduate home father kept ghost poison]The video on the Internet communication.

  苗卫芳后来接受记者采访时称,“父亲抢救的时候我非常着急,不可能那个时候去拍……”面对记者的质疑,苗卫芳说,“就是想引起关注……我们农村的草根读书人背负的负担和压力更重,找不到工作的话,生存状态很艰难。我写的小说《二月兰》如果能出书的话,也算是圆了我一个梦。 ”

MiaoWeiFang later said to reporters,"Father of the rescue when I very worried,Can't the time to shoot……"Facing journalists' questions,MiaoWeiFang said,"Just want to concern……We rural grassroots scholar burden on the pressure and more heavy,Words can't find a job,Survival condition is very difficult.I write novels[February blue]If you can book words,Also be round me a dream. "


他向往的“铁饭碗” He want"Iron rice bowl"

  “学校给他的待遇是每个月2500元,可是他非要2800元,否则不来。 ”

"The school to his treatment is 2500 yuan per month,But he don't want to 2800 yuan,Otherwise not. "


Born in 1971 MiaoWeiFang read a set,When a month only 240 yuan salary substitute teacher,Also apply to private high school as a monthly salary of 1500 yuan, the teacher.He was very jealous of those who take two thousand multivariate salary,Hugh the summer vacation is business teacher.

  2001年,苗卫芳开始一边教书,一边参加自学考试,他用3年时间拿下自考专科学历,花了5年时间取得了自考本科学历。“对于我们这种没有任何家庭背景的人来说,改变命运,就只有读书这条路。 ”苗卫芳曾说。

In 2001,,MiaoWeiFang began to teach one side,Side attend self-study exam,He had three years from college degree,Spent five years obtained from tests the undergraduate degree."For this we do not have any family background person,Change destiny,Only reading this road. "MiaoWeiFang once said.

  2008年,苗卫芳考上河北大学全日制研究生,攻读中国近现代史专业。读研的三年时间,他除了写作一部学术专著完成毕业论文,还写出了以代课教师为原型的30万字长篇小说《二月兰》。没有钱买书号,苗卫芳自费印刷了1000册作推广。“每个人都有一个人生梦,我的梦就是创作文学。 ”苗卫芳说,因此,研究生毕业后,苗卫芳计划着找一份收入稳定,环境适合写作的工作。他想当公务员,但40岁的年龄已经不允许报考,他想进事业单位,应聘了好几次都没有成功。在应聘保定七中教师时,在试讲阶段被淘汰出局。

In 2008,,MiaoWeiFang take an examination of hebei university full-time graduate students,A modern history of China professional.To go to graduate school three years time,In addition to his writing a complete academic monographs graduation thesis,Also wrote to substitute teachers as the prototype of 300000 words long novel[February blue].Have no money to buy the book number,MiaoWeiFang at one's own expense printed 1000 copies for promotion."Everyone has a dream life,My dream is to create literature. "MiaoWeiFang said,therefore,After graduate school,MiaoWeiFang planning to find a stable income,Environment suitable for the work of writing.He wants to be civil servants,But 40 years old of age has not allowed to enter oneself for an examination,He want to get into business units,Apply for several times without success.In applying for teachers at every baoding,In the teaching demonstration stage were knocked out.


MiaoWeiFang think,The ZhaoLu is very unfair,But every baoding school-run workers recall says,MiaoWeiFang finally didn't pass is the cause of his presence/Poor image,Eloquence bad.

  今年7月份,苗卫芳曾经任过教的灵寿县护驾疃中学想请苗卫芳回校任教,“学校给他的待遇是每个月2500元,可是他非要2800元,否则不来,学校认为他纠结于300元的差价,情商不是很好,就未答应他的薪酬要求。”该校负责人说。也因此,苗卫芳未得到这份工作。“苗卫芳读研期间非常刻苦,就是有点迂,不会社会交际,情商不够,书生气太重了。 ”这是苗卫芳的研究生导师,河北大学刘敬忠教授对苗卫芳的评价。

In July this year,MiaoWeiFang once held teaching LingShouXian guard the emperor Tuan middle school want to please MiaoWeiFang back to school teaching,"The school to his treatment is 2500 yuan per month,But he don't want to 2800 yuan,Otherwise not,School think he entanglements in 300 yuan price difference,Emotional intelligence is not very good,Will not promise to his salary requirements."The school chief says.so,MiaoWeiFang did not get the job."MiaoWeiFang during grinding very hard,Is a bit pedantic,Not social communication,Emotion quotient (eq) is not enough,Bookish is too heavy. "This is MiaoWeiFang graduate tutor,Hebei university professor LiuJingZhong to MiaoWeiFang evaluation.

