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研究生回乡种地续:婚姻破裂 种地都不合格?--亲稳舆论引导监测室(3)

研究生“农民” Graduate student"farmers"

  “春天种了点花生,结果花生地里的草长到半个多高了,他也不去铲,草长那么高怎么可能结花生? ”

"Spring kind of some peanuts,Results the peanut grass grow to more than half the high,He will not go to shovel,Long grass so high how can "peanuts? "

  几经周折后,苗卫芳宣布回村种地,这让苗卫芳的父母和亲戚甚为恼火。“在柳树沟务农,出钱的就是这几棵枣树和种的花生,就算是收成好,一年下来最多就出个5000块钱,通常情况下,能剩两千就不错了。 ”苗卫芳的三婶对记者说,“我们就劝他,你学了这么多知识,干点啥工作不比回来种地强?可是他不听呀。他爸一说他,他就顶嘴,他爸说一句,他说三句,他爸说他没出息,他就说他爸没能耐,没能给他在县里买房子……”

After several setbacks,MiaoWeiFang announced back to the village sow the land,It makes MiaoWeiFang parents and relatives very angry."In the willow ditch soil,Money is this a few tree jujube and kind of peanuts,It is a good harvest,A year down the most a 5000 dollars,usually,Can remain two thousand good. "MiaoWeiFang three honey told reporters,"We advised him,You learn so much knowledge,What work do not kept back strong?But he didn't listen to ah.His dad said he,He will talk back,His dad said a,He says other,His dad said he good for nothing,He said his father didn't ability,Can't give him in the county to buy a house……"

  三婶说,即使是种地,也没见苗卫芳用心,“春天种了点花生,结果花生地里的草长到半个多高了,他也不去铲,草长那么高怎么可能结花生?不得已我让他嫂子帮他铲了铲,今年秋天,才打了两袋子花生。 ”

Neither said three,Even sow the land,Also didn't see MiaoWeiFang attentively,"Spring kind of some peanuts,Results the peanut grass grow to more than half the high,He will not go to shovel,Long grass so high how can "peanuts?Forced me to let his elder brother's wife to help him shovel the shovel,This autumn,To make the two bag of peanuts. "

  “务农也是权宜之计,想着在家写点东西,有机会再出去找工作,但事实证明这个选择是错的。 ”苗卫芳对本报记者说,“在家里,邻居们都瞧不起,来自社会的各方面的压力都很大,父亲服毒一方面因为身体不好,一方面也是因为我。 ”

"Farming is expedient,Thinking about write something at home,Have a chance to go out looking for a job,But the fact that this option is wrong. "MiaoWeiFang to our reporter said,"At home,The neighbors are looked down upon,From the social various aspects of pressure are very big,Father poison on the one hand because of poor health,On the one hand is because of me. "

  在村民们的眼里,苗卫芳则是一个有很多怪癖的人,“很多事情做得不合常理。 ”

In the eyes of the villagers,MiaoWeiFang is a have a lot of codger,"A lot of things to make sense. "

  三婶说,“十六七岁的时候,他就变了,变得沉闷了,哪怕我们走路面对面碰上了,作为当侄儿的,他都不会说"婶你干啥去呀? "而是像没看见一样,连个招呼都不打。 ”

Neither said three,"16 time,He changed,Become depressing,Even if we walk met face to face,As when the nephew,He can't speak"What are you going to do ah honey you? "But as I had not seen,Say hello to all don't play. "

  不知道是在背英语背诗词,还是在自言自语,苗卫芳的嘴里总是嘟嘟囔囔,“每天低着头,嘴里嘟嘟囔囔的人,在我们农村人眼里,就觉得他有点不正常。 ”一位村民说,“有的时候他睡睡觉,就出去往山上走,转一圈后回来继续睡,我们也不知道他是醒着,还是在梦游。 ”

Did not know that it was in English poetry back back,Or talking to himself,MiaoWeiFang mouth always repayment,"Every low head,The mouth of repayment,In our rural people's eyes,Would think that he is not quite normal. "A villager said,"Sometimes he sleep sleep,Go out to the mountain walk,Take a turn back and go back to sleep,We also don't know he is awake,Or in sleepwalking. "


MiaoWeiFang is different from ordinary these strange behavior,Perhaps is a stranger's misunderstanding or prejudice,But the world is strange behavior,Often make people feel less than the mind.

  前几年,苗卫芳的奶奶家盖房子,亲戚朋友们都在那帮忙。苗卫芳从村外回来,路过工地时,像怕被尘土弄脏一下往旁边绕了一下,那么多的亲戚在那他一个招呼没打,径直回家睡觉去了。“这是他自己奶奶盖房子,又不是外人,我们不理解他为什么这样。人家他叔家的儿子回家后,脱了衣服就到工地帮忙去了。 ”一位村民说。

Before a few years,MiaoWeiFang of grandma's house,Their relatives and friends are there to help.MiaoWeiFang back from the village,Passed the work site at a,Like the fear of being dust dirty the next to a around,So many relatives in that he didn't play a taxi,Headed home to sleep."This is his own grandmother building a house,And not an outsider,We don't understand why he like this.The somebody else his uncle's son came home,Take off the clothes to the site to help. "A villager said.

  除此之外还有说谎。“有一次有一个当老师的工作,他干了几天不干了,跟记者说校长骂人,但回家跟家里人说那个学校要求老师每天早晨陪学生一起跑步,他嫌累。 ”一个村民告诉记者。

In addition there are lying."Once there is a when the teacher's work,He worked for a few days quit,The principal with reporters call names,But go home and family said that schools require teachers with students together every morning run,He is too tired. "One of the villagers told reporters.


这次能行吗? This can do it?

  “他爸说,他的毛病不改,即使考上了,这个工作也干不长。 ”

"His dad said,His problem do not change,Even if admitted to the,This work also do not long. "

  肩不担担手不提篮,苗卫芳在村里的懒是出了名的,“也许是觉得自己有学问,不屑于做这些活。 ”也是因为懒,使得他的第一段婚姻破裂。

Shoulder not bear bear hand basket,MiaoWeiFang in the village of lazy is a famous,"Maybe think of his knowledge,Do these disdain to live. "Also because of lazy,Makes his first marriage rupture.

  第二段婚姻没有办理正式手续,对方是一位丧偶的老师,“苗卫芳考上了研究生,女方要求苗家给女方下一些聘礼,苗风山把自己多年积攒的4万块钱存折拿给苗卫芳,要他给女方。存折给了女方,苗卫芳却回头就把存折报了挂失,挂失了,这存折当然就取不出来钱了。 ”村民说,“后来,女方家把存折送回了苗家,女方自然也不跟他过了。 ”村民说。

The second marriage did not deal with formalities,The other is a widowed teacher,"MiaoWeiFang admitted to the graduate student,The woman to woman merchant requirements under some dowry,MiaoFengShan their years saved $40000 deposit to MiaoWeiFang,Will he give the woman.Passbook gave the woman,MiaoWeiFang but look back the book called the report the loss of STH,Report the loss of the,This book, of course, he took out the money. "The villagers said,"later,The woman's family put the book back to the merchant,The woman is not naturally to him. "The villagers said.


In MiaoWeiFang novel[February blue]in,He read the book and find an ideal job situation due to reading useless,Due to expansion of national education policy,MiaoWeiFang in life,Also will her story comes down to"Grassroots scholar"helpless.

  但苗卫芳的三叔却认为,之所以找不到工作,每个工作都干不长,苗卫芳需要在自身上找原因,“我们都是农民,农民就应该踏踏实实地。他堂妹护校刚毕业时,每个月收入只有800元,现在干上了护士长,一个月的工资涨到三千多了,他堂弟原来在乡里上班,一个月工资才300元,现在考了公务员,做到副科,一个月工资是两千零七十。他放着2500元的工作不做,不就是自己的原因吗? ”

But MiaoWeiFang three tertiary but think,The reason could not find work,Every job is not long,MiaoWeiFang need in their own to find the reason,"We are farmers,Farmers should be builders.His cousin HuJiao just when they graduate,Each month income is only 800 yuan,Now dry on the head nurse,The salary of a month up to more than three thousand a,His cousin originally in the village to work,A monthly wages only 300 yuan,Now take an examination of the civil servants,Do minor subject,A monthly salary is two thousand and seventy.He put 2500 yuan work not do,Is not his reason? "

  目前,阜平县面向社会公开招录50名在编教师,年龄上没有限制,苗卫芳已顺利通过报名。“现在这个年纪,就想找个稳定工作了。 ”苗卫芳对本报记者说,“目前我正在全力准备考试。 ”“他爸说,他的毛病不改,即使考上了,这个工作也干不长。 ”苗卫芳的三叔叹了一口气,说。

At present,Fuping county faces the society public ZhaoLu 50 enrolled teachers,Age is not limited,MiaoWeiFang already smoothly through registration."Now the age,Just want to find a stable job. "MiaoWeiFang to our reporter said,"At present I are doing their best to prepare for the exam. ""His dad said,His problem do not change,Even if admitted to the,This work also do not long. "MiaoWeiFang three tertiary sigh,said.

  辽沈晚报 特派河北记者 董丽娜

LiaoShen evening accredited hebei reporter DongLiNa
