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研究生回乡种地:毕业时已经40 找份工作有难度--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  10月11 日,一段只有3 分钟、名为《研究生毕业回家种地,老父气绝服毒》的视频被上传到网上,随即引发热议。

On October 11,,A period of only 3 minutes/called[Graduate home sow the land,Ghost father poison]The video is uploaded to the Internet,Then trigger hot debate.

  视频的主角叫苗卫芳,2011 年7 月从河北大学毕业时已经40 岁。作为一名大龄硕士毕业生,他没能如愿找到一份理想的稳定工作,便回到村里种地。他是村子里有史以来第一位研究生, 曾是村里的骄傲,现在则成了“反面教材”,村民们说他“书都白读了”。

Video is the leading role of MiaoWeiFang,In July 2011 from hebei university graduate already 40 years old.As an older of master degree graduates,He can't fulfill a wish to find an ideal job,Returned to the village sow the land.He is the village for the first graduate students, Was the pride of the village,Now has become"Negative materials",The villagers said he"Books are white read the".


In hebei baoding fuping that less than one hundred people's small mountain village,Could not find work MiaoWeiFang and his family under great pressure,In may this year,Miao father chose to commit suicide by poison...

  羊城晚报记者 陈强 实习生 林晓湄

The yangcheng evening news reporter ChenJiang interns linxiao region

苗卫芳(上)毕业时已经40 岁了,却因找不到工作回乡务农(视频截图) MiaoWeiFang(on)Graduate already 40 years old,But couldn't find a job because home soil(Video screen)


1 1

  四十岁的研究生 小山村的新农民

Forty years old graduate small mountain village of new farmers

  苗卫芳出生的小山村叫柳树沟,位于太行山深处, 需要步行20 公里才能搭上去县城的汽车。2008 年,小山村飞出了一只“金凤凰”37 岁的苗卫芳被河北大学中国近现代史专业录取为全日制研究生。

MiaoWeiFang born small mountain village called willow ditch,Located in the depths of the taihang mountains, Need to walk 20 km to lap up the county car.In 2008,,Small mountain village flew out the a"Golden phoenix"37 years old MiaoWeiFang is hebei university modern history of China professional accepted as a full-time graduate students.

  苗卫芳的父亲苗风山感到非常自豪,在村里甚至有点炫耀。苗风山与老伴均疾病缠身, 家中一贫如洗,他觉得考上“状元”的二儿子能够改变家里的现状。“考了一个好学校,以后就会有一份好工作”。

MiaoWeiFang father MiaoFengShan feel very proud,In the village and even a little show.MiaoFengShan and his wife are saddled with disease, Home as poor as a church,He felt that take an examination of"champions"The second son of can change the present situation of the home."Take an examination of a good school,Later will have a good job".


MiaoFengShan didn't expect,He proud son three years later when they graduate,Not only did not find a good job,But to go back to the village sow the land.MiaoWeiFang said:"My father is the hope of all in,Because I couldn't find work back to the village sow the land,Father have a sense of despair.If he had only didn't hold so big expectations,Strike may be little some."


MiaoWeiFang is the village first graduate student,Back to the origin of he was an example from became"Opposite typical"."Behind and comment in succession,Also have to say,Is ironic/Laugh at."MiaoWeiFang said,"With neighbor borrowed bicycle are not able to borrow,You don't take reason I.I like this kind of circumstance,And feel ridiculous/sad,Is difficult to understand."


MiaoFengShan usually stay in the village,Not go out.The villagers to son's criticism,MiaoFengShan heard/see,MiaoWeiFang more than.MiaoWeiFang said himself and some pursuit,Want to side farming side writing,"There are ideal support,Haven't all to pieces.How much I have some confidence,Father is absolutely no support,Spiritual pillar completely down".

  今年5 月25 日,67 岁的苗风山利用去女儿家走亲戚的机会,在药店买了一瓶安眠药藏在身上,回到家后趁老伴睡熟时服下。幸亏发现及时, 经过抢救才捡回一条命。苗风山事后说: “我想一死百了,烦心事再也看不到了。”苗风山很后悔供儿子念书。

In may this year 25,,The 67 - year - old MiaoFengShan use to daughter home relative's opportunity,In the drug store to buy a bottle of sleeping pills hidden in the body,Back to home while his wife when asleep under clothing.Fortunately, finding and, After the rescue to pick up back to a life.MiaoFengShan said later: "I want to death pays all debts,Troubles never see the."MiaoFengShan regret for son to study.

  父亲出事后,苗卫芳在家里也待不下去了。“是被迫出来的,怪不得很多青年学子也是在外面飘着,都不敢回去。自己能承受,但是父母不能。”苗卫芳觉得自己的处境具有普遍性,主动邀请拍客拍摄他的经历, “我不否认我想引起关注”。

After the father,MiaoWeiFang at home also won't stay down."Is forced out,No wonder many young students is also outside waving,All dare not go back to.You can bear,But parents can't."MiaoWeiFang feel situation is universal,Active invite pat guest shooting his experience, "I do not deny that I want to concern".

   2 2读研三年有著述 找份工作有难 To go to graduate school three years there are a writing too find a job degree

  苗卫芳是一个文艺青年,在校读研三年,除了写作一部学术专着, 还用业余时间写出长达30多万字的以代课教师为原型的长篇小说《二月兰》。毕业后,苗卫芳一心想找份稳定的工作, 想一边工作一边搞创作。可一年多过去,还在待业。

MiaoWeiFang is a literary youth,The school to go to graduate school for three years,In addition to writing a academic monograph, Still use spare time to write for more than 30 words to substitute teachers as the prototype of the novel[February blue].After graduation,MiaoWeiFang wanted to find a stable job, Want to work while you make creation.But more than a year in the past,Is still in unemployment.

  “其实,我对工作要求并不高,就想稳定点,政府或者事业单位文员,或者公办老师,或者科研机构的,图书馆也行。”苗卫芳说今年已经41 岁,不可能像二十几岁的年轻人去打拼,或者创业,“我的梦想是文学创作,所以就想有个稳定的环境,业余可以安心创作”。

"In fact,My request is not high to the work,Just want to stable point,The government or business units clerk,Or public teacher,Or research institutions,Library to also go."MiaoWeiFang say this year has 41 years old,May not like twenties of young people to fight,Or venture,"My dream is to literary creation,So I want to have a stable environment,Amateur can ease creation".

  因家庭贫困, 苗卫芳读到高二时曾被迫辍学。他曾在当地槐树中学做过代课教师,那时,每月薪酬只有240 元,除了日常开销已所剩无几。于是,苗卫芳开始四处找工作,结果是要么在公立学校代课, 要么去私立学校打工。

Because of the families are poor, MiaoWeiFang read when high was forced to drop out.He worked in local locust middle school did substitute teachers,then,Monthly salary is only 240 yuan,In addition to daily spending is running out.so,MiaoWeiFang began to go around to find work,The result is either in public school substitute, Either go to a private school work.

  苗卫芳一直希望自己读研后, 可以改变这种状态,谋求一份稳定、体面的工作。可毕业后处处碰壁。“现在招聘一般都需要考试,对年龄也有限制。像公务员考试, 研究生毕业年龄限制为35周岁, 我毕业时已经40岁了,名都报不上”。

MiaoWeiFang have been hoping that his after graduate, Can change this kind of state,Looking for a position as stable/Decent job.But after graduation is up against the wall."Now recruitment generally need to test,There are limits on to age.As the civil service examination, Graduate student age limit for 35 one full year of life, I graduate already 40 years old,Names on the report not".

  苗卫芳的研究生导师河北大学教授刘敬忠也认为, 年岁大了找工作确实存在困难。刘敬忠说,苗卫芳读研期间非常刻苦,可就是有点“迂”,不善交际,书生气太重了。

MiaoWeiFang graduate tutor hebei university professor LiuJingZhong also think, Old job does exist difficulties.LiuJingZhong said,MiaoWeiFang during grinding very hard,But it is a bit"pedantic",Good at communication,Bookish is too heavy.

  苗卫芳的经历被拍成视频上网后, 网友的意见一分为二,有的表示同情,觉得大学扩招后,研究生“也不值钱”了;有的则认为苗卫芳找不到工作,主要是他“眼高手低”。苗卫芳自己觉得, 找不到工作与自己的性格有一定关系, “网友们可能并不知道我在想什么。”苗卫芳说,如果仅仅是为混口饭吃,到城里打工也是未尝不可的。“但读研以后,做不到这一点”。

MiaoWeiFang experience was made into a video after the Internet, Net friend opinion one divides into two,Some sympathy for,Think university enrollment expansion,Graduate student"Also not worth"the;Others believe that MiaoWeiFang couldn't find a job,He is mainly"above".MiaoWeiFang feel, Find a job and his own character have particular concern, "Net friends may not know what I think."MiaoWeiFang said,If it is only for mixed mouth eat for rice,To work in the cities also have not cannot."But to go to graduate school after,Can't do it".

  苗卫芳强调自己读研并不是想混个文凭,而是用心在学,他觉得自己是钻进学术研究里出不来了,要出来就很痛苦。“我读研期间 是有研究成果的, 我自认为我的这些成果是能够提高就业层次的。我觉得能够匹配一份稳定的工作,这种想法没什么可以非议的,是很正常的”。

MiaoWeiFang emphasizing his graduate school wasn't not to mix a diploma,But with the learning,He thinks he is drilling in the academic research doesn't make it out,To come out is very painful."I during grinding is a research results, I think my these results can improve the level of employment is.I feel able to match a steady job,This kind of idea nothing to reproach,Is very normal".


3 知识能改变命运? 这个问题不好答 3 knowledge can change your fate? This issue is bad and answer


MiaoWeiFang and a brother and sister,All at home soil."My brother and sister didn't pass the college entrance examination,I secretly wanted to be the one breath,For father/For his breath struggle,Also want to test out".

  1999 年大学开始扩招,2001年教育部出台新政策, 允许25周岁以上公民参加高考,彻底放开高校招生年龄限制。这一年,30岁的苗卫芳边教书边开始自学考试,先拿下自考专科学历,后取得自考本科学历。2008年, 他成了全日制研究生。

In 1999 the university enrollment expansion started,In 2001, ministry of education has issued a new policy, Allow 25 or more citizens to participate in college entrance examination,Completely let go of college enrollment age limit.This year,30 years old MiaoWeiFang edge teaching side began to self-study exam,First win from tests the specialized degree,After obtaining the undergraduate course degree.In 2008,, He became a full-time graduate students.


"To go to graduate school study,Let my way of thinking is one of the steps,Let myself to the world/The society have a more profound understanding,But exactly is this,Make yourself more can not accept to the society waving/Work for a living".


MiaoWeiFang said he university undergraduate course learn is Chinese,Will inevitably have some"GengDou complex",Just like tao yuanming as."but,It is a kind of escape,I also know that this is a kind of escape".

  而回乡种地,苗卫芳现在也认为不是个好选择: “想回农村‘耕读’,实际上不可能了。它会把你逼出来, 我就是个例子。农村毕竟是个小社会,是一个熟人社会,而且往往是宗族色彩浓厚,低头不见抬头见, 时刻会受到别人的议论和非议,很难承受。”

And return home sow the land,MiaoWeiFang now also think that is not a good choice: "Want to go back to the rural‘GengDou’,In fact impossible.It will take you forced out, I am a example.Rural after all is a small society,Is a acquaintances society,And is often a clan colour,Lower the head not looked up and saw, Time will be affected by other people's discussion and criticism,Hard to bear."

  “我身边有很多农村来的大学生,又没有稳定的工作,又回不去农村,就打零工飘着。”苗卫芳觉得像他这样从农村里走出去的知识分子, 总有一种尴尬。“自己是城里人吗? 不是;是农村人吗? 也不全是。这是心理和文化上的一种尴尬。”

"My side there are many rural to college students,And there is no stable job,And return not go to the countryside,It's doing odd jobs to turn an waving."MiaoWeiFang feel like him in from the countryside to go out of the intellectuals, There is a kind of embarrassed."He is city? not;? Is that the rural? Also not all.This is the psychology and culture of a kind of embarrassed."


"After the father,Really think they are useless.Just as life,To go to graduate school this experience to that help,But harmful,A little regret the graduate."MiaoWeiFang attention to graduate students in recent years has been in the expansion,They may also benefit from the expansion policy,but"Graduate education is now have a problem,If you don't need so many academic graduate student,Don't recruit so much.This kind of investment,Can not get anything in return".

  记者问苗卫芳:“当初希望通过深造改变命运, 现在觉得知识可以改变命运吗? ”苗卫芳说:“这个问题真难回答。以我的经历来看,就很尴尬……一言难尽。”

The reporter asked MiaoWeiFang:"Had hope that through study change destiny, Now feel knowledge can change your fate? "MiaoWeiFang said:"That's a difficult question to answer.In my experience to see,Very embarrassed...It's a long story."
