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考研备考进倒计时 去国外读研与国内有啥不同?--亲稳舆论引导监测室


Into October,2013 one's deceased father grind note into the countdown.And one's deceased father grind the of all kinds of information become students the most concerned topics.Some students have been made for one's deceased father grind for one or two years of preparation;But some of the graduates is forced to employment/Practice pressure,Hurry to join army of one's deceased father grind;And part of the students belong to"Follow suit"One's deceased father grind,Although decided early on to one's deceased father grind,But in the revision but not how to concentrate one's efforts.As one's deceased father grind the time is near,Many candidates began to tense and anxious.

  越来越多的国内学子将目光转向海外,并掀起一股海外读研热潮。自己到底适不适合到海外读研?如何选择读研目的国家、院校和专业?在日前本报与启德教育联合举办的“大学生就业指导论坛”上,多位曾在不同国家留学读研的“海归”以及资深教育专家与大家分享了他们的海外读研经历。他们指出,很多本科生都是临近毕业时在就业、考研等多重压力下选择出国,目的仅仅是为了逃避,并没有明确规划,在这种情况下出国,很难达到提升目的。 专题文:记者 李琼

More and more domestic students will look to overseas,And set up a huge overseas to go to graduate school boom.What suits to the overseas to go to graduate school?How to choose to go to graduate school purpose country/Institutions and professional?At present with the kai tak education jointly organized"College students' employment guidance BBS"on,More than once in different countries of the graduate study abroad"returnees"And senior education experts to share their experience of overseas to go to graduate school.They point out that,Many undergraduates are in job upon graduation/One's deceased father grind on the multiple choice under pressure to go abroad,Purpose is just to escape,And do not have specific planning,In this case go abroad,It is difficult to reach the purpose of ascension. Project wen:Reporter with you


In recent years,China has been in a graduate student enrollment situation,This year's dimensions of graduate student recruit students has reached nearly 520000 people,But the flipside is,Enter oneself for an examination the number is rising quickly.In 2012 the nation graduate student enrollment for 1.655 million,Admission scale is about 31.2%.In the BBS on,Have parents said,Is to let the child in the domestic one's deceased father grind or go abroad to go to graduate school?This problem let them very ravel.


Foreign graduate are generally application system,Of course is also fierce competition,In addition to the language ability,The overseas university is more pay attention to the stage of undergraduate applicants average point result,General better foreign universities require China key university students' average point is 3.0,Is also the average each course result is more than 80 points,The key university student's point is above 3.5,Is also the average score was 88 points.


国外研究生教育“小而精” Foreign graduate student education"Small but good"


Graduate student training"A pot stewed"In our country's colleges and universities is tangible,The direct result of expansion led to is lack of teaching facilities,The students,The teacher relatively less,Graduate students have to the lectures,Big classroom deprived of graduate students to speak of time and rights,It is difficult to further questions with hall/Questioned even criticism,The graduate cultivation mechanism has run in the opposite direction.


In the United States after reading business school MBA LiSiMin is introduced,Foreign colleges and universities curriculum is very flexible,They have 11 door general course/3 door elective,You can choose some courses each semester more early graduation,Also can choose a few less slowly read,Course consultant will give you advice.Case teaching in class/Group discussion, as a model,Interaction more."Some classmates is a top company,Age to even can do my father,Have abundant practical experience,I can learn a lot from them."


New Zealand massey university human resources the master graduates HuangJiYun said,In foreign autonomous learning ability is very important,Before the start of the get with a thick course introduces,Students must read carefully make it clear that you want to read what course,At the same time, think about your chosen course in class and the test time is on the conflict.


British university of york a master of pedagogy GuoZiXia is introduced,They will also have a lot of classmates together lectures,In addition,Group discussion is very common,The classroom teacher first pop problem,Let everybody group discussion,After class to write the small paper.Still have a kind of form is and tutor one-on-one communication,About a week can meet a tutor,Private exchanges some subject.The end of the semester has no unified examination,Are all through the usual operation/speech/Group discussion/The paper to score.


打工经历增强职业竞争力 Work experience enhance professional competition


Statistics show,Graduate employment rate began to drop year by year.In order to alleviate the situation,In recent years,Many universities have begun reduced year by year academic type master's enrollment scale,Expand the professional master recruit students to plan.The most obvious difference between the academic type is master's focus on doing research,Professional master's deviation in application.Recently pointed out that the ministry of education,In principle in 2013 to recruit students to plan master the increment is mainly used for professional degree,Will the stock part academic type degree plan according to the proportion of no less than 5% to reduce,Used to increase the professional degree program,By 2013 the number of professional master's admission will reach about 200000.


Domestic college students employment difficult main reason lies in the lack of practice experience,While studying in foreign countries,Work is almost every students have experienced,Even if the family economic condition is very good,Students in school will also provide work-study program post or in society find suits own job opportunity,Increase their practice experience.University of new south wales, Australia master of accounting,Now the global"four"Certified public accountants work ZhangGuangFeng,In the study period is found and professional related part-time job,Although not much money.He said,Some students will choose Chinese open company,And he will choose a foreign company,In order to improve the level of language.


In the United States LiSiMin was doing during the school teaching assistant,Not only tuition is free,Every month $600 back to her aid.After graduation she had to stay in the United States work after a period of time.HuangJiYun also had at a local McDonald's to do training lecturer experience.


“海归”职业晋升速度更快 "returnees"Professional promotion speed is faster


Study on the problem of input and return,"returnees"Generally think that the,In overseas study in addition to learn the knowledge,The more important thing is to get the copy of experience and confidence and improve their ability.Currency is falling,But ability will not be depreciated,Thinking and ability is bought with money.According to a survey,"returnees"After returning home the first job salary often and domestic graduates almost,but"returnees"The speed of the promotion and salary increase after the job is very fast.


优异的成绩和出色的陈述是硬指标 Excellent performance and excellent statement is hard Numbers

  海外奖学金 如何手到拿来?

Overseas scholarship how to hand to bring?


The American university tuition in higher relative families,If students can apply for a scholarship,Will greatly reduce the burden of the family.IDP guangzhou office beauty and project supervisor li emh remind everybody,Apply for a scholarship needs certain skills and necessary condition,High school excellent results is hard conditions,And the English exam,Such as toefl/Ielts and SAT scores, etc is also important judgment standard.In addition,If students have good individual skill or ability to move,More can apply for scholarship that make the finishing point.


Case a:ChenTongXue

  分数:托福 73分,SAT 1330分

score:Toefl 73 points,SAT 1330 points


Admission colleges:Dayton university


scholarship:42000 dollars


ChenTongXue when submitting this application,Many university has cut-off or close to cut-off accept degree applied for,Combined with the students of various achievements,Was really no advantage.


ChenTongXue application is Business professional,He wants to come back in the future to help mother do dad was founded and hard business hotel.therefore,In writing the personal statement,Especially emphasizes his family,And once in the hotel help do experience,To prove he has enough determination and certain commercial practice experience.In addition,He had been to England travel a month,The overseas experience with his usual result can to a great extent, shows that he is extremely strong learning ability and high English level,To make up for the deficiency of toefl scores.And in the choice of schools aspects,Also choose the levels with his school.so,Suitable school,In addition to its advantage prominent,He is a successful top 100 Dayton university admissions and scholarships two key elements.


Case two:Huo students

  分数:雅思 6分,SAT 1700分

score:Ielts 6 points,SAT 1700 points

  录取院校:纽约大学理工学院 奖学金:40000美元

Admission colleges:New York university institute of technology scholarship:40000 dollars


Huo students is an international school of high school.And other high school students is different,He did not"Read only sage with books",Every day buried in question and books of.He put the part of the time spent on the biggest hobby production model.Influence by dad,Huo students as a boy, he began to make model planes and navigation model,And in different scale game and exhibition.He decided to put this hobby developed into his lifelong career,He decided to go to the United States to study for mechanical engineering and aerospace engineering.

  然而,和许多理工科学生一样,霍同学的英语成绩并不优秀,他的雅思成绩只有6分,而大多数美国学校本科的语言要求是雅思6.5分。因此,在帮霍同学做申请的过程中要更加注重展现他的个人风采。即便他有很多优秀的作品,但是只是用语句来陈述,不免乏味,很容易让人忽略。于是留学顾问提出要为他做一本作品集,筛选出几个有代表性的作品,帮他做成图册,上面还附有文字介绍。这样,一个很单调的陈述便变得更加直观和生动。一个月后,陈同学就收到了多所名牌理工大学的录取通知。(记者 李琼)

however,And many science and engineering students,Huo students English is not good,He ielts score only 6 points,Most American schools of undergraduate course language requirement is ielts 6.5 points.therefore,In the help huo the students do the application process to pay more attention to show his personal style.Even if he has many excellent works,But only language sentence to statements,Unavoidably boring,It's easy to ignore.So study abroad advisers to make him a portfolio,Screen out several representative works,To help him make atlas,On it was a text is introduced.this,A very monotonous statement will become more visual and vivid.After a month,ChenTongXue received many famous university admission notice.(Reporter with you)
