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国考报名今日18时截止 报考人数已超百万--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  中新网10月24日电(阚枫)中央机关及其直属机构2013年度考试录用公务员网上报名将于今日18时截止。截至23日16时的统计数据显示,已有超过百万的考生通过报名审核。国家统计局重庆调查总队“南川调查队科员”一职竞争比已达6847比1,或将成为今年国考中竞争最激烈的职位Beijing, oct. 24(KanFeng)The central organs and institutions directly under the 2013 civil service examinations online registration will be held today at 18 deadline.At 23, when 16 of the statistical data shows,More than candidates through the registration audit.The national bureau of statistics NBS survey office in chongqing"The nanchuan clerk team"As a competitive ratio has reached 6847-1,Or will become this year exceeded otherregions countries the most competitive position.


“苦差”也火爆 近七千人角逐统计局一职位 "sticky"Also popular nearly seven thousand people compete for bureau of statistics a position国考报名24日晚截止 报考人数逾百

Countries take an examination of the 24 late cut-off enter oneself for an examination number more than? ?? ?


On October 23, 2013 countries is the ninth day of the examination,According to the China education network graph statistics show,At 23, when 16,There are 1013469 candidates to submit registration information and through the audit,273 no one position to enter oneself for an examination.Some students think"drudgery"Still hot competition.


As the current situation to enter oneself for an examination,Preliminary recruit 3 people's state ethnic affairs commission"National theory research policy research in a section head and below"Enter oneself for an examination as a toll to 9054,Become at present the largest number of position.

  在竞争热度方面,根据统计,国家统计局重庆调查总队“南川调查队科员”一职竞争比已达到6847比1,成为目前报考竞争最激烈的职位,竞争程度也刷新了近年来的国考竞争之最。位列竞争排行榜第二名职位,也出现在国家统计局重庆调查总队 ,其“合川调查队科员”一职的竞争比达6749比1。而就具体的职位来看,这两个职位的职业属性就注明“西部地区和边远艰苦地区职位”。

In the competition in the heat,According to statistics,The national bureau of statistics NBS survey office in chongqing"The nanchuan clerk team"As a competitive ratio has reached 6847-1,Enter oneself for an examination become at present the most competitive position,Competition degree and refresh the kingdom of the recent test of the competition.Competition among the list of the second position,Also appears in the national bureau of statistics NBS survey office in chongqing ,the"Swiss-made bell on clerk"The position of more than 6749 competition than 1.And the concrete position to see,The two position professional attribute is marked"The western regions and remote hard area position".


In addition,The ministry of railways/State ethnic affairs commission related position also top ranking competition degree of the top five,Competition in 3000 than are more than 1 above.


二百余职位无人报考 竞争再现“冰火两重天” More than two hundred job no one to enter oneself for an examination competition reappearance"Ice hot flame"


With numerous"Only one"Compared with popular position,At present there are 273 jobs no one to enter oneself for an examination,Countries take an examination of competition"Ice hot flame"In the situation of appear again this year.


China map education and examination guidance experts YuHongZe think,Competition popular position,Mainly because it enter oneself for an examination condition relatively loose."Usually these position will not set up professional/Work experience as well as limit,Plus unit and position in the social public impression in pretty good also,So attracted a large number of fresh graduates enter oneself for an examination,In addition,Some want to‘Try to do’With the examinee and the examinee of group psychology,Also prompted the hot position more heat".


The present"Zero position to enter oneself for an examination"Many is"Traditional unpopular",Such as meteorological department and remote areas of the postal and supervisory departments.however,Has always been more"hot"Of national tax department,There are many position in this encounter cold,Even some position so far go unattended.


"This is mainly because,The traditional hot position is put forward in this year‘Grass-roots work experience’requirements,This blocking the fresh raw enter oneself for an examination,And these encounter cold department has most in remote areas,It hindered the past life to enter oneself for an examination,These comprehensive factors contributed to a special case."YuHongZe analysis.


According to test this year countries appeared in application"Uneven and",National civil service bureau has respectively in the October 19 and 22 release"Special remind",List the competition larger position and temporarily no man enter oneself for an examination position,Suggested that the examinee don't blindly enter oneself for an examination,Combined with job characteristics and their own conditions,Rational choice to enter oneself for an examination position.


今日18时截止报名 报名总数或与往年持平 Today when the closing date for application and total or flat with the previous years


According to the arrangement,From October 15, 8 at the start of 2013 countries on an application,Will be in today's 18 when cut-off,The last time is shortened 6 hours.Due to the examinee after online fill position,Also need the longest up to 48 hours qualification review process,so,According to admit by examination announcement,Today when 18 to 26, at 18,Enter oneself for an examination application not review or not through the qualification examination,Will not be able to change again.


"23 morning registration is generally true want to participate in this country take an examination of the examinee,Because they will in 24 18 before received audit reply,On the last day of the examinee enter oneself for an examination,For more can enter don't quote,Or hope‘under’candidates."YuHongZe said,Because have speculative mentality examinee existence,Last day of registration will continue to grow.

  从近年的报名情况来看,国考已经开始“降温”。据统计, 2010年度的国考报名资格审查合格人数达到144万人,2011年度的数据则略降至141万人,2012年度的数据已降至133万,而实际参加考试的只有90多万。

From the recent application situation,Countries have begun to take an examination of"cooling".According to the statistics, The kingdom of the 2010 annual examination qualification of the number of students has reached 1.44 million,2011 annual data is slightly down to 1.41 million people,2012 annual data has fallen to 1.33 million,And the actual take an exam is more than 90.


For the kingdom of the 2013 annual examination competition,YuHongZe says,According to the present situation to enter oneself for an examination,In ZhaoLu new policies to promote the next,The examinee enter oneself for an examination has already become more and more rational,Enter oneself for an examination the present"Trend stationary,Still hot"state,This year is expected to total enrolment will be the same with the previous years.(finish)
