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富家子故意犯罪当街抢劫被判刑 称想让父母伤心--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  “为什么父母眼中就只有钱?为什么他们不回家?为什么他们眼中钱比我还重要?” "Why in his parents' eyes only money?Why don't they go home?Why their eyes money than I have important?"


"At that time is a simple idea,Want to go to that crime,In prison,Escape them,Let them sad."


"I'm sorry,Let you down.After I came out hope and parents together Anne be safe and steady of life,Whether money less money,As long as the family together."


In others' eyes,Li gang(alias)Is your well-heeled"Rich kids";But in li gang seem,He is lack of parents care for children.


In order to escape from their parents,Let parents sad,Li gang have choice facing the street robbery,For plunder sin chung was around the court sentenced him to 9 months,Shall also be fined 7000 yuan.


June 20,,By YuMin lane chung together robbery happened,Song lady's bag is a riding a motorcycle man robbed,But he soon got far is on the spot the block,Package has cash 500 YuYuanHe a value of more than 2500 yuan necklace.Can the judicial organ in the case when it found,The man is a local builders chung state the son of li gang,The family is very rich,It makes the investigators very surprised.


"It is a very simple case well,The results have a good lawyer,At that time to get case are surprised."Undertake the judge told reporters,At that time just got a case,He felt is together very simple cases,Li gang robbed after the bag was caught on the spot,A number of the witnesses,And caught together with the loot,Add li gang his plea,Case no shinning place.Plus theft/Robbery in,Many didn't ask a lawyer.And the case but please the small local famous lawyer to deal with,Let him eat a surprised.


In the court trial,The judge asked li gang,"You home so rich,You don't need the money,Why rob other property?"Li gang said,Even though he does not lack of money,But never parents' love,He did,Is to flee from them,Let them sad.


After hearing,Advocates state court has verdict li gang committed robbery crime,Sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment nine months,Shall also be fined 7000 yuan.The day before yesterday,Chengdu commercial daily reporter in the detention house to see li gang,For his actions,He hid his face from him and wept bitterly,Feel sorry family,Now very regret.


家里那么富有,你为什么要去抢? Home so rich,Why do you want to go to rob?


“我想有个完整的家,不是钱” "I want to have a complete family,Money is not"


In li gang a few years old,His parents in order to earn money is far go to provincial jobs,From the ordinary workers finally to run his own company for construction site,Business bigger and bigger,The money earn more,But for his love but has always been a blank.


父母为了挣钱 过年才回家 Parents in order to earn money not to go home until New Year's day


Chengdu commercial daily reporter saw in jail was there are serving li gang(alias).LiGangChang a kingdom word face,handsome,Dressed in a blue coat,From his face can read some life experience.


"My childhood life is the JiRenLiXia."Li gang said,Parents in order to earn money,Has been in the field construction site,A year is New Year's day to go home for a month,Only two months.He grew up by parents foster in various relatives,Grandpa's grandmother/aunt/aunt/Uncle, etc,He is a party to eat of Eva.Because parents long absence,Every time the meeting is grandparents or other relatives go to,this,Even the school teacher have the opinion,And he also more so than low level by the students call to make"No dad? S Eva".The contempt of students/JiRenLiXia all sorts of say a feeling,The torture of his little mind,And this is a torture for more than ten years,Until he went to college.


钱越挣越多 关爱却是空白 The more money earn more love is blank


"I think of these will often alone tears,Even in and friends busy party."Li gang said,In order to disperse their attention,Don't think about these things,He often and friends.But no matter how busy scene,As long as the thought of parents,Think of this home,He always had a second in the busy,With a rush into lonely and sad scene,Even in a corner alone tears.He knows his deep subconscious actually always care for their parents,The more he want to pass such a lively scene to avoid,The heart is, the more miss.


With li gang his words,What he wants is"A complete family,Rather than money".In a few years old,His parents in order to earn money is far go to provincial jobs,From the ordinary workers finally to run his own company for construction site,Business bigger and bigger,The money earn more,But for his love but has always been a blank.


不听父母安排 想证明自己 Does not listen to parents' arrangement wants to prove himself


After graduating from high school,,Li gang was admitted to a school,Wang mei puts her soon met his girlfriend.According to the parents to his plan,He should finish college,Come back to my hometown in parents' help,To find a smooth and steady work,And then married.But li gang does not hope that in accordance with the parents' arrangement through his life,He is eager to fight,Want to open up a piece of business to their parents to prove his worth.so,sophomore,Li gang is from parents to chengdu school work,IT engineer working.


Because of his degree is low,Position is bad,Monthly salary is only more than 2000,Remove renting a house and living expenses,Almost no remains how many.And because do not listen to parents' arrangement,Father was sent him a car as a university graduation gift,He seldom give money.In the face of the talk about marriage theory of wang mei puts her married(alias)And reinforce not family and real income,Real life soon let li gang feel the unprecedented reality and cruel.


想让父母伤心 故意犯罪坐牢 Want to let parents sad intentional crime in jail


June 20,,He went home on vacation,Chung was in the state city a lake to fishing,Read a afternoon.But look at the ups and downs he was thinking of his life's ups and downs,Thoughts of ravel in their relationship with their parents on.


"Why in my parents eyes only money,Why won't they go home,Why do I have to follow their design route,Why in their eyes money than I have important?"Li gang said,The more he thought about the brain.Disorderly to he wants to escape,Escape from the family,Escape from his parents,Escape from reality.road,He saw ms song slung over one bag,Homeopathy go to rob,"At that time is a simple idea,Want to go to that crime,In prison,Escape them,Let them sad."

  李刚告诉记者,他在看守所的日子里想了很多,明白了很多事,他理解了父母在外挣钱的艰辛,他在开庭中看到了母亲和女友含泪的眼睛,每看一眼都让自己伤心欲绝。他希望记者帮他向父母和女友捎个口信“对不起你们,让你们失望了,我出来后希望能自己创业搞个小工作室,和父母、女友一起过一个安安稳稳的生活,不论钱多钱少,只要一家人在一起。”(崇法 成都商报记者 李凌鹏)

Li gang told reporters,He in jail was a day a lot of thinking,Understand a lot of things,He understand the parents earn money out of hardships,He in session saw mother and girlfriend tearful eyes,Every look at all let his inconsolable.He hopes to reporter to help him to his parents and his girlfriend a message"I'm sorry you,Let you down,I hope I can come out to start their own businesses have a small studio,And parents/Your girlfriend a Anne be safe and steady of life,Whether money less money,As long as the family together."(Chengdu commercial daily reporter LiLingPeng chung method)
