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   搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:你说的这种选择我理解是一种对于价值观的选择,目前中国的教育可以说已经是越来越多样化了,越来越多的选择,完全可以说条条大路通罗马,不像以前千军万马挤独木桥,中国确实存在很多家长教育观念没有跟上教育体制的变化,仍然把高考和名校作为学生唯一的出路或者判断学生成绩的唯一标准,您赞同这个看法吗? You said this choice I understand is a kind of for the choice of values,At present China's education can say is already more and more the diversification,More and more choice,It is safe to say that all roads lead to Rome,Wasn't like before, an army crowded wooden bridge,China does exist many parents education concept has not kept up with the change of education system,Still the college entrance examination and school as a student the only way out or judgment of the student's grade only standard,Do you agree with this view?


胡萍老师: Hu ping teacher:我是这样想的,只有妈妈能够对自己的孩子负责任,你要为孩子选择什么样的教育,你是对孩子的成长负责任的一种状态。当然这个过程当中可能有的家长无能为力,比如有好的理念的幼儿园有好的理念的小学也有好的理念的高中,这大多数是民营机制的,这种民营机制存在生源不足的情况下收费比较高,我们为儿子选择了深圳这所高中,但是不是每个父母都能承担的。当家长有了这样的理念之后,你的经济情况能够达到的情况下,最好为孩子能够选择一个保持他精神独立的学校。

I think so,Only mother can be responsible for their children,You have to choose what kind of education for children,You are responsible for the development of children of a state.Of course, this process may be some parents powerless,For instance a good idea kindergarten have a good idea of the elementary school also have a good idea of high school,This is the most private mechanism,This private mechanism exists insufficient students under the condition of high fees,We are sons chose shenzhen this high school,But not every all parents can bear.When parents have such idea later,You can achieve the economic situation of the case,Best for children can choose a keep his spirit independent schools.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:接下来说回您的专长领域性教育,性教育也是现在特别关注的一个领域,包括前一阵出现了儿童被性侵致死,包括儿童被猥亵这样一些案件,说明中国的儿童在性教育性知识上非常缺乏,您对于中国目前家长教育的性教育这一块现状怎么看?

The next said back to your expertise sex education,Sex education and it is also the special attention to a field,Including a appeared before the children were sexual harassment lethal,Including children were obscene such case,Suggests Chinese children in sex educational knowledge very lack of,Your parents for China's current education of sex education this one situation how to see?


胡萍老师: Hu ping teacher:我就谈我自己的感受,我从十年前开始做性教育研究,开始给家长讲课,一直到07年08年全国一个城市一个城市去搜集资料,我感觉现在特别是这一两年家长对性教育越来越重视特别是新生的80后家长,他们对于孩子的成长更关注,他们的理念更新颖一些。现在我们一场讲座可以上百人,十年前就十几个人,我们现在的家长越来越重视。但是重视起来不等于做,他们很困惑,我该怎么做呢?到底做到什么程度讲到什么程度才是最合适的,到底从什么年龄开始给孩子去做这个很合适呢?很多人会问我一个问题,我什么时候开始做?对性教育有一个误区,性教育是对孩子讲知识,其实不是,我经常说还是从零岁一生下来开始对她做性教育,为什么?她一来到你的家庭当中,她就在看家庭里面肯定有爸爸妈妈,爸爸在干吗,爸爸说话的方式是什么样的,跟他玩的方式是什么样的,爸爸的穿着是什么样的,头发是什么样的,人际交往的方式怎么样,这是她在认识一个男的。妈妈是什么样的?妈妈穿裙子,妈妈说话声音要温柔一些,妈妈跟她玩的方式是另外的方式,妈妈思考问题是一种方式,解决问题是一种方式。她从一出生下来就开始观察父母,这是什么?她对男性和女性的认知,这就是性教育。教育不是去说什么,教育是一个整体,你做的你说的你的理念传递出来的东西,身体传递出来的信息这都是教育,对孩子都是一个熏陶的过程。一个儿童对男性跟女性的认知是在两岁半到三岁,这个时候达到一个确认。男人是什么样的,女人是什么样的,我是什么样的,他要认识自己的性别,我是男的还是女的。一个人对自己的性别认知确认并理解我是男的,所以我像爸爸这样的,两岁半到三岁才确认。这两岁半到三岁之前都在观察,两岁半以后比如男孩确认自己是男人把爸爸作为成长的模板去模仿,这是男人成长的一代一代模仿,儿童的成长是从模仿开始,慢慢形成自己。女孩子就像妈妈,这就是性教育。

I will talk about my own feelings,I'm from ten years ago do sex education research,The parents began to lecture,Until the a city a city to gather material,I feel now especially this year or two parents to sex education pay more and more attention to particularly new parents after 80,They are more focused on the growth of children,Their idea more novel some.Now we a lecture can hundreds of people,More than ten individual ten years ago,We are now parents pay more and more attention to.But seriously rise is not equal to do,They confused,What should I do?What do what extent about what extent is the most appropriate,Exactly from what age began to give the child to do this is appropriate?A lot of people will ask me a question,When I started to do?To sex education have a misunderstanding,Sex education for children speak knowledge,It is not,I often say or from zero years old start life down to her sexual education,why?She came to your family of,She was watching family inside must have father and mother,Dad doing,Dad talk way is what kind of,Play with him way is what kind of,Dad's dress is what kind of,Hair is what kind of,Interpersonal way,This is her in to know a man.Mother is what kind of?Mom wear skirts,Mother voice to gently,Mother play with her way is another way,Mother thinking is a kind of way,To solve the problem is a kind of way.She was born from a down began to observe the parents,What is this?She in men and women cognitive,This is the sexual education.Education is not to say,Education is a whole,You do what you said your idea transfer out of things,The body transfer out the message it is education,For children is a process of edification.A child for men and women's cognitive is in two years and a half to three years old,This time reach a confirmation.Man is what kind of,The woman is what kind of,I am what kind of,He wants to know their gender,I am a man or a woman.A person to their gender cognitive confirmation and understand I am man,So I like dad such,Two years and a half to three years old to confirm.The two years and a half to three years before they are in observation,Two years and a half after such as boy confirmed that he is the father of the man as growth template to imitate,This is a man growth of one generation to imitate,The growth of the children from imitation began,Slowly form their.Girls like my mother,This is the sexual education.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您觉得目前中国家长在性教育中是不是存在一些实际操作上的困难?我们有些同事说不知道该怎么回答孩子的问题关于性教育方面的。

Do you think China's parents in sex education is the existence of some practical difficulties?Some of our colleagues said don't know how to answer your children's questions about sex education.


胡萍老师: Hu ping teacher:家长首先要去学习,我经常说0—6岁之前孩子的性教育不是教育孩子是教育家长的,教育家长什么?你要去了解孩子在0—6岁这个阶段她有哪些性心理的发展,她性心理的发展会呈现哪些行为出来,比如3岁孩子认识自己的身体,他照镜子看鼻子耳朵眼睛手,妈妈是这样,爸爸也是这样,但是有一个地方不同。生殖器这个地方也是孩子需要了解的,他看到自己是这样的,这个时候孩子会出现的行为,他再认识自己的时候要认识别人,这只手妈妈会发现,孩子一旦洗澡孩子去看,一旦爸爸小便孩子要去看,这个时候这个行为你要读懂他在认知自己他在跟你的身体做比较,如果你读懂了他这个心理了解他这个心理在两岁到三岁左右,这个时候洗澡的时候打开门让他看,你就明白了。有家长说她会不会永远看下去?她了解了不会永远看下去。孩子这个阶段有这个规律,像火车了卸下货又往前开。家长你要不知道怎么去说首先去了解首先去学习。

Parents first of all to learn,I often say 0-6 before the age of the child's sex education is not education child is educator long,Education parents what?You want to know the child at 0-6 years old this stage what is her sexual psychological development,Her sexual psychological development can present any act out,Such as 3 years old children know their own body,He look in the mirror to see nose ear eyes hand,Mother is so,Dad is so,But there is a different place.Genital this place is also children need to know,He saw himself as such,This time the child will appear behavior,The understanding of his own time to know others,This hand mother will find,Once the child take a shower children to see,Once dad urinate children going to see,This time the behavior you want to read in his cognitive himself he in with your body to compare,If you read him the psychological know him this psychology in two to three years old,This time the bath when opened the door for him to read,You will understand the.Parents had said she would not look down forever?She know will never look down.Children at this stage have this law,As the train unload cargo and driving ahead.Parents if you don't know how to say first to understand first of all to learn.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:我们最后一个问题不知道问您合不合适,您之前很多次提到了您的儿子,但是您没有提到的是您的儿子现在是英国剑桥的高材生,这个可以说是很多家长非常羡慕的一点。您觉得这种名校的学历您会非常看中它吗,您觉得它是非常重要的东西吗?

We finally a problem don't know ask you it would suit,Many times before you mentioned your son,But you did not mention is your son is now the top student in Cambridge, England,This can be said to be the envy of many parents very little.What you think of the school education you will be very take a fancy to it,Do you think it is a very important thing?


胡萍老师: Hu ping teacher:我一开始讲了对他的培养我们不在乎分数,主要培养他独立的特质,做自我精神独立,认清自己。那时候剑桥大学是可望不可及的,根本没有想到他能够进到剑桥大学。当时我们在确定报学校的时候我就说剑桥可能有点高了,怕他够不着,但是不敢去说怕你够不着这样的话。我们先想好一个底线,他的申请线可以报四所国外大学,当时申请了爱丁堡、莱斯特,保一个底,当时我心里面想剑桥可能太遥远了根本够不着,因为是顶级大学,我们孩子还没有那么优秀。我看了很多上剑桥孩子的资料,人家都特优秀,又是组织活动又是社会活动很能干,他都是在家里面好像一个宅男,他应该是没有这个特色。我后来使劲说,当时我儿子那时候目标很清晰,他不告诉我们他想去剑桥,他说行报了四所,爱丁堡大学的录取通知书,这几所大学的通知书都来了以后,我心里也就落地了,因为他喜欢生物,这几所大学的生物都是强项,我心里就落地了,反正有学上了。剑桥行还是不行,我还安慰他,剑桥不行的话也没关系,研究生还可以去申请,怕他感觉到失落。结果没想到他一口气一直冲进去了,当然冲进去我们很欣慰,被剑桥录取,让我们知道了什么叫名校考试过关斩将,前年的11月份到今年8月份才落地,一次一次的考试,一次一次的笔试去到剑桥面试,面试过程非常艰难,多个人面试非常大的挑战,他都过来了。现在回想起来当初我们不在乎分数,让他有独立的精神,这是剑桥很看中的。名校所看中的东西是你这个人独立的特质是什么,我很清晰当初在这个角度上保护了他的特质。不管他在中国上了大学还是在国外上了大学,独立的特质永远是个人最重要的品质最重要的特质,这个东西不能丢。为了一个分数去丢掉他的特质,这是得不偿失的事情。在这一点上我没有犹豫过,虽然挣扎过,但是选择没有犹豫过。

I started to speak to his training we don't care scores,Main cultivating his independent trait,Do the independence of self,Know yourself.At that time, the university of Cambridge is not and is the,Never thought he could into the university of Cambridge.We were in the school to determine when I said Cambridge might be a little high,Afraid he can't reach,But dare not to say afraid you can't reach such words.We first think good a bottom line,His application line can sign up for four foreign university,When applying for Edinburgh/Lester,Protect a bottom,At that time, I want to Cambridge might be too far away root can't reach,Because it is a top university,Our children are not that good.I see a lot of the Cambridge children's material,The somebody else all special excellent,And organize activities and social activities is very capable,He is at home like a igawa,He should be without this feature.I later tried to say,When my son when the goal is clear,He didn't tell us that he wanted to go to Cambridge,He said it's ok for the four,Edinburgh university admission notice,This a few university advice came later,My heart is also fell,Because he likes biology,This a few university creatures are strengths,My heart will be born the,Anyway, a study on the.Cambridge yes or no,I have to comfort him,Cambridge no word also it doesn't matter,Research can apply for survival,Afraid of him feel lost.Results didn't expect him to breath has been rushed in,Of course impact in we are gratified,Admitted by Cambridge,Let us know what call school exam conquer,The year before last November to August this year to be born,Once exam,Once written examination went to Cambridge interview,The interview process is very difficult,Many personal interview very big challenge,He has come over.In retrospect at the beginning our doesn't care about the score,Let him have the spirit of independence,This is the Cambridge looked very much.Schools to see something of you the way you are independent trait is what,I am very clear at the beginning in this Angle to protect his traits.Whether he went to college in China and abroad in the university,Independent nature is always the most important quality is the most important trait,This thing cannot be lost.In order to a score to lose his traits,This is the loss outweights the gain of things.At this point I didn't hesitate over,Although've struggled,But choose not hesitate over.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:谢谢胡萍老师,真的以您的亲身经验20年的家庭教育的经验为我们上了一堂课,希望搜狐的网友能够从胡萍老师的真知灼见当中得到一些帮助。今天我们的会客听就到此为止,感谢胡萍老师。

Thank hu ping teacher,Really in your personal experience 20 years of family education experience for us in the class,Hope sohu net can from hu ping teacher of insights get some help.Today we listen to receive a visitor to call,Thank hu ping teacher.


Hu ping teacher:Thank you!

《爱的误区》简介: [Love the mistakes of the]introduction:


Over the past few years,Some education LiNianCeng are emerging one after another,if"Eutrophic daughter,Poor keep son"/"Respect children"/"Setback education"/"Accept children", etc,And these ideas if grasp the bad a degree,It's easy to let family education into an error,Parents if not a profound understanding of these ideas,Also it is difficult to in education child,Hold good discretion.Hu ping teacher since 2006,The first movie art and family education combined,Put each film refining a theme,Then around this theme to clear parents in education child existing confusion and misunderstanding.She is using the film's story teach you correctly education child,Also USES the film moving story will teach you how to protect your children's mental health.Art life source,Higher than life,This book collected Mr Hu in the past few years to film in the form of appreciation to talk about education content.Novel form,Angle unique,Content vivid.
