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留守幼童吃面条筷子从嘴插到眼眶 爷奶拾荒营生--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  “哇! ”一根筷子从2岁的肖肖(化名)嘴里插进眼眶下方!奶奶跑进屋内,吓得腿都软了。好心司机免费将她们从高速路口送到医院医院赊着治疗费先为孩子手术,邻床陌生人送来衣服食物……

"wow! "A piece of chopsticks from 2 years old XiaoXiao(alias)His mouth plugged into orbit below!Grandma run house inside,Frighten legs are soft.Good driver will be free from their high speed crossing to the hospital,Hospital credit the first treatment for children surgery,Adjacent bed stranger send clothes, food……


Hold granddaughter,By JianPoLan maintain life exists old man into tears……

  昨日上午9时许,刚刚打完吊瓶的肖肖趴在爷爷怀里哭闹不停,嘴上缠着纱布,小脚丫上还插着置留管,奶奶搓搓手,握住孙女冰凉的脚丫。“孩子还是疼,总是哭不停。”肖大爷心疼地贴贴肖肖的小脸,“不哭了啊,看阿姨给买的牛奶,咱省着喝。 ”

Yesterday morning at about 9,Just after the DiaoPing XiaoXiao on my grandfather on arms crying,The mouth tease gauze,Small feet throat-was withhold tube,Grandma hand rub,Holding the granddaughter cold feet."The child still hurts,Always cry keep."Shaw big ye love dearly to stick XiaoXiao face,"Don't cry ah,See aunt to buy milk,I save with a. "

  10月21日中午,家住盘锦的肖肖捧着奶奶刚煮的面条正吃得香,见奶奶出门晒衣服,肖肖握着筷子跟了出去,脚下一绊,“啪! ”手里的碗摔碎了,筷子从肖肖牙龈插入,直逼眼眶下方,“哇! ”肖肖大哭起来。

At noon on October 21,,Live in the merchant XiaoXiao hold grandma just cooked noodles are eat sweet,See grandma go out drying of clothes,XiaoXiao hold chopsticks to go out,stumbled,"pa! "Hand bowl dashed to pieces,Chopsticks inserted from XiaoXiao gums,Matches the orbit below,"wow! "XiaoXiao burst into tears.


Very not easy to gather together to 2000 dollars hurried to the hospital,Grandpa's grandmother holding cry dumb the granddaughter is anxious is sweating profusely,"The doctor said that the child is quite serious,Best to shenyang big hospital looking!"

  从盘锦到沈阳出了高速口,热心的沈阳的哥免费把孩子送到医院,“钱留着给孩子看病吧,别耽搁了! ”

From the merchant to shenyang out of the high-speed mouth,Enthusiastic shenyang's free to send their child to the hospital,"Money to keep the children's doctor,Don't delay the! "


The old couple carrying the child take a taxi to shenyang China medical university affiliated dental hospital,Is 7 PM,The arms of XiaoXiao already cry no strength.


Came in a hurry,Feet still wearing slippers grandmother holding XiaoXiaoChong into the emergency room,See XiaoXiao trembling,A doctor took off his cotton-padded clothes to cover the XiaoXiao.


Not scrape up hospitalization expenses,The hospital or give first XiaoXiao to do the surgery,"Chopsticks inserted in 2.5 cm,Pissing about!"That night at about 8,XiaoXiao pushed to the oral and maxillofacial surgery.

  肖肖的病床上,一个漂亮的小书包里塞满了玩具,“这是邻床的大姐给的!孩子的棉拖鞋、裤子,都是人家给的,我们啥都没带啊! ”

XiaoXiao bed,A beautiful small bag filled with toys,"This is the big sister of the adjacent bed to!The child's cotton slippers/pants,Are the somebody else give,What we didn't take ah! "


The night before last at about 7 and have good news came,Shenyang love's eye hospital offered to free for XiaoXiao in ophthalmologic examination and treatment.

  昨日下午,肖大爷带着肖肖来到爱尔眼科,幸运的是肖肖的视力并没有因为这次意外受损。“孩子眼眶壁下有淤肿,但是并不会影响到日后的生活。 ”爱尔眼科副院长姜晓燕介绍。

Yesterday afternoon,Shaw big ye with XiaoXiao came to love's eye,Fortunately XiaoXiao eyesight did not because the accident damage."Children under orbital wall with silt swollen,But will not affect the future life. "Love's vice President of the eye JiangXiaoYan is introduced.

  肖大爷老两口原本是四川人,外出打工二十多年。肖肖不满周岁时,儿子儿媳就到广东打工,从那以后肖肖只见过一次妈妈,“今年她妈回来看她,肖肖管叫‘阿姨’。 ”

Shaw big ye the old couple was sichuan,Work out more than 20 years.XiaoXiao dissatisfaction when one full year of life,Son daughter-in-law to work in guangdong,From then on XiaoXiao saw a mother,"This year her mother came back to see her,XiaoXiao tube that‘aunt’. "

  整整两天,肖大爷和老伴仅吃的两根香蕉和几个苹果也都是同病房的好心人送的。从抽屉里摸出四块蛋糕,奶奶一直没舍得吃,“等孩子能吃东西了,给她吃! ” 记者 李晨溪

Two full days,Shaw big ye and his wife only eat two banana and a few apples are also with ward's amazing sent.From the drawer touched out four piece of cake,Grandma has not willing to eat,"Wait for the child to eat,For her to eat! " Reporter LiChenXi
