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女大学生夜翻铁栅栏下巴被刺穿 钢筋留口中(图)--亲稳网络舆情监控室

女大学生夜翻铁栅栏下巴被刺穿 钢筋留口中(图)消防人员正在切割护栏。 Firefighters are cutting guardrail.女大学生夜翻铁栅栏下巴被刺穿 钢筋留口中(图)事发现场已经换上了临时栅栏 The field has changed into the temporary fences.女大学生夜翻铁栅栏下巴被刺穿 钢筋留口中(图)  1 三个同伴已经翻出栅栏 2 翻栅栏女生踩同学膝盖,脚下一滑 3 翻栅栏女生下巴被刺穿  1 three companions have turn inside out fence 2 turn fence girl students on his knee,Foot slipped 3 turn fence girl chin puncture 张叶 制图 Piece of leaf drawing

  前天深夜12点左右,在南京工业大学浦口校区,一名18岁的大一女生小王翻越铁栅栏准备出宿舍楼时,不想脚一滑,身体从栅栏上摔了下来,下巴被铁栅栏顶部尖头贯穿。经过消防紧急切割救援,小王辗转多家医院,最终在昨天凌晨3点多被送至南京军区总医院。随后,逸仙桥消防中队用切割机将金属护栏整体从小王身上切割下来,只有一段20厘米长的钢筋留在女生口中。昨天上午11点多,钢筋终于被取出,目前小王还在治疗中。 扬子晚报记者 季宇轩 文/摄 (报料人:袁先生)

The day before yesterday night 12 o 'clock,In nanjing university of technology campus pu mouth,An 18-year-old freshman girls wang over the iron railings prepared to the dormitory building,Don't want foot slipped,The body fell off from the fence,Chin is the iron railings top pointed through.After cutting the fire emergency rescue,After wang hospitals,Finally, in yesterday morning 3 point was sent to the general hospital of nanjing military region.then,Escape fairy bridge fire squadron with cutting machine will metal guardrails whole from wang, who cut down,Only a 20 centimeters long bar at girls mouth.More than 11 o 'clock yesterday morning,Reinforcement finally is removed,Now wang still under treatment. Yangzi evening news reporter JiYuXuan text/taken (Writer who:Mr Yuan)


 我们不忍登现场照片 We cannot bear to climb photos


After the occurrence of the incident,Our newspaper reporter to school/Hospital interview,The first time back the scene photos.Pictures horror let us shocked and heartache,Let us to see.Our editorial office colleagues unanimously decided to,Don't send photos!This is the respect party girl,Also in order not to give the girl family cause secondary damage.


We hope,Such a tragedy would never happen,We wish,All the students health peace!


 事件还原 Event reduction

  伤者是大一女生,翻栅栏出去上自习不慎受伤 The wounded is a freshman girls,Turn the fence out top self-study being injured


Yesterday afternoon,Yangzi evening news reporter arrived at the nanjing pukou nanjing university of technology.The propaganda department of the school a wang staff told yangzi evening news reporter,This name wang female students from the school of international education college pharmaceutical professional,This year just a freshman,Live in the school sandalwood garden.


 第二天要测试,4女生想翻栅栏去通宵自习教室 The next day to test,Four girls want to turn the fence to all night self-study the classroom


An international education college the teacher told reporters,Wang in the class is actually 3 + 1 pattern,That is one year to go abroad to study.So the students of this class of foreign language more important,And of the freshmen,Learn to compare hard.Unluckily the next day is a foreign teacher English lesson,Class to have in-class test,This several classmates think review is not in place,So think of dormitory to all night self-study the classroom to see book for a while."The dormitory is late half past ten turn out the lights."A teacher said,The sandalwood garden door is closed late half past eleven.A few students in order to not affect lodge tube aunt,Decided to climb over the fence out.


then,Yangzi evening news reporters came to the place,The site is located in the school girl's dormitory sandalwood garden side,Consists of a section of the iron railings segmentation,Peripheral is a mountain road.Reporters on the scene saw,The iron railings obviously have a was cut off,Welding workers have carried to the new fence,And its welding up.Reporter after calculation,From this gap go toward outside walk less than five step is a period of over hill road.Have the same living in sandalwood garden of a girl said,This period of over hill road actually very short,Down from the mountain is teaching building,In the classroom all night self-study,The whole hiking journey in less than five minutes.Reporter visual this period of the iron railings height of about 1.8 meters,Two root between the iron railings only the bottom and the top connected,The top arrow,Is not easy to climb.This need to hand over for the girls,Really is a little bit high.


3名舍友都翻了过去,小王翻越时出了意外 Three roommates are turned over the past,Wang over the accident


The school security department director zhu said,This thing started is the school security patrol LiTaFu found.Master li said,At that time around 11 PM about 45 points,When he patrols to sandalwood garden nearby,Find a few figure squatting on outside guardrail.He approached a look surprised,Several squatted on the ground of girl crying,And a girl chin guardrail pointed piercing,People just refuse to come down.so,The security guards to the school leadership reporting.


Zhu said, director of the,He is 11 PM and 55 minutes or so arrived at the scene,When chien-ming wang first upturned,A piece of black steel bars through her jaw,The amount of bleeding not much.Wang feet stay on the ground,Tiptoe stand up,Hands tightly around the iron fence."I was so concerned."Zhu said, director of the,Then police and fire came in.After security to peer students' inquiry,The three girls is wang roommates,One of the girls memories,Wang figure in a few girls in the highest,The original plan is,Wang bow the leg,Let the other several girls standing on wang's leg over the iron railings,Then out of the girl again from the gap between legs stretched out back let wang on the turn.


But it shall not prosper,Wang bow the leg let the other three roommates have successfully turned over the past,Her own climb but met with difficulties.The original two root between steel bars of the narrow gap,Wang can barely will foot stretch in the past,Outside the students bow legs,The knee into two root between steel bars of the clearance,Want to let wang find a strong point.Xiao wang stood on the students knee a force ready to turn the past,Behold a foot to slip,Originally has climb up body lose support,Instant slide down.Xiao wang didn't grasp good posture,Chin direct pestle to top the iron railings,The unfortunate matter occurs.


 医院探访 Hospital visit

  女生下颚被贯穿 所幸未伤及大血管和神经 The girl jaw was through but was not hurt and large blood vessels and nerves


At around 3:00 am yesterday,A van scream into military region institute of first aid hall,From the van to carry a little girl,Her body"cover"A few sections thumb thicknesses steel bars,In the middle of the iron railings root from the woman pointed chin Pierce.Yangzi evening news reporter then arrived at the academy of military area commands.


 尖头刺穿下颚,从嘴巴中穿出来约20厘米 Sharp piercing jaw,From the mouth of the wear out about 20 centimeters


Yangzi evening news reporter saw,Wang dressed in dark coat, holding up a row of steel bars,One day the iron railings pointed from wang chin Pierce,Sharp piercing wang chin,From her mouth and wear out about 20 centimeters.Wang the throat are plastered with gauze,Chin high upturned.Doctors say,Chin place no bones,But be full of nerve and the tiny blood vessels,Situation is very serious,But the doctor no instrument can cut off the iron railings.Helpless under,The doctor can dial the alarm call for help YuYiXian bridge fire squadron.


At half past six in the morning,Wang on the iron railings be removed,But still have 20 centimeters long iron pointed at her mouth.Academy of military area commands doctors for wang immediately open surgery,By noon more than 11 o 'clock,Surgery for a successful end,Wang mouth the iron railings pointed be removed.Yesterday afternoon,Yangzi evening news reporter once again came to the military area commands institute,In the hospital professional floor 3 floor ward,Reporters saw have already finished the operation of wang.At this time,Wang's family has XingHua overnight from home to the nanjing.Reporters saw,Wang face slightly yellowing,Appear more gaunt,Chin in the wound be thick gauze shade up.


 小王今后吃饭、讲话和容颜不会有太大影响 Wang to eat in the future/Speech and appearance won't have too big effect


According to the department of stomatology doctor introduction,The iron railings from left mandibular lunge,From the mouth to wear out,Due to the severe impact,Wang was breaking two teeth.Doctors say,Fortunately, the iron railings from the mouth to wear out,If the iron railings from the mouth not to wear out,That will surely hurt and palate,Also is the base of the skull,The consequence is unimaginable.


Surgery doctors say,Although there are metal throughout the wang's jaw,But fortunately, no hurt large blood vessels and nerves,Through the operation,Have foreign body take out,And will be good wound closure.The operation of the main difficulty is how to put the wang foreign matter from mouth,But don't cause bleeding.Doctors say,The pointed away from the neck artery and distance,So much blood loss,From the trachea also have distance,Therefore the wounded can also spontaneous breathing.The operation is the main time with forceps slowly pointed clip out,Then the wound inside two layer all need suture.At present,Wang consciousness clear,Dangerous without life,After to her speech and eat such action will not have much impact,For appearance also does not have the too big effect.


救援过程颇费周折 Rescue process is quite ado

  消防切下10根栅栏 和伤者一起送医院 Fire cut off 10 root barrier and the wounded to hospital together


interview,Reporters also learned some rescue process of the details.At that time the school security patrol found after the accident,A few minutes the school leader,The school security and local police have arrived,But do not have method to extricate the wang.Helpless under,Police notice the local fire department.


学校安排8名男子随车扶稳伤者身上的栅栏 School for eight man took on vehicle stability on the fence


Firefighters use cutting machine will wang around 10 root iron fence all cut down,With nearly 40 minutes,To get around the iron fence all cut off,Prepare the wang onto the ambulance.but,This 10 root barrier is too wide for an ambulance can't get in to,If the fire fighters to cut off the fence,Xiao wang is feeling a lot of pain.finally,The school from a property company place to find a van,Wang will carry on the wagon,And arrange eight man accompanying.They are responsible for fixed well wang on the iron fence,Not too pressure wang,Also can't carry too much run into the wound.Midway toss pukou central hospital,9th, such as hospital of traditional Chinese medicine hospital.Because of the special situation of this a few hospitals are said can't treated wang,Wang was sent to the military institute,Now is 3 a.m..


 消防员进病房切割,用面罩遮住伤者防火花 Firefighters in ward cutting,Mask cover the wounded fire flower


Received military region institute of after ask for help a telephone,Escape fairy bridge fire squadron all instructor led 5 firefighters came to military region institute.Firefighters softly,In the four corners clamp the iron railings,Use hydraulic pliers will cut the iron railings around,That covers the wang body weight reduce,In order to reduce wang wound pain.then,Wang, who covered the iron railings of only 3 when the root,Firefighters mask cover for wang's face,To prevent cutting spark burning wang's face,Then use cutting machine gently will wang throat cut off the iron fence.


Yesterday afternoon,Yangzi evening news reporters came to nanjing a few universities to visit the student's dormitory area fence situation.Some colleges and universities in nanjing reporter saw,The school dormitory area also have the iron railings.Reporters from the school a senior boys heard,In the morning,And part of the students can not sleep,Sometimes in knots,Over the fence on the first floor,Go out to eat barbecue,Fill the stomach to climb over the fence back to the dormitory.then,The reporter comes to nanjing a university,The school undergraduate students dormitory building the first floor is a glass door consisting of the hall,No steel bars,Residence halls perennial only one export,Other glass door is locked.Yesterday afternoon,Yangzi evening news reporter was paging through the network message,Found that not a few net friend expressed wang sympathy.Have net friend say,The building many students night 12 o 'clock haven't sleep,Lodge tube aunt though the door locked,But should not asleep,If you want to read out,In fact no over the fence,As long as shout the lodge tube aunt is ok.
